Why put the fish under the tomatoes when planting?


Fish in the garden with tomatoes - this is not a fiction or a joke gardener. Among the numerous tricks taken by the owners of household plots to obtain a grand harvest, there is one. Let's try to figure out whether to stock a fish at the moment of planting a seedling tomato on a garden bed, and if it really is worth doing, how to do it with the greatest probability of winning.


Table of contents

  • Why put fish in the hole when planting tomatoes?
  • Top dressing of tomatoes with fish when planting seedlings
  • Fish top dressing tomato for the whole season
  • Other ways of fertilizing vegetable plants with fertilizer based on fish waste

Why put fish in the hole when planting tomatoes?

There is an opinion that even the American Indians planted fish for their plantations. Allegedly it even reflects the rock art. We do not undertake to affirm exactly, but we also allow such an option. At present, when fish products are not cheap, in the territory of our country they do so in places where it is available in sufficient quantities: in Primorye and the Far East fish waste is used even for growing potatoes, in Astrakhan region this method of growing is also common tomatoes. At the same time, the cheapest types are used.

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Adding fish to a tomato when transplanting

Why lay fish when planting a tomato? It is clear that the fish, with its organic composition, will clearly add some useful ingredients to its soil when decomposed into soil. Which ones? Here with this and should be defined in more detail.

Plants for growth and development need to receive a sufficient number of different macro and microelements.

Among the macro (= many) are especially necessary:

  • Nitrogen- necessary for the process of photosynthesis. The main sources are manure, humus, urea, and others. If his plant receives in excess, it "fats i.e. the plant forms a large green mass, and the yield is minimal.
  • Potassium- helps ripening fruits. The main source is potash fertilizers and wood ash.
  • Phosphorus- promotes the flowering and fruit bearing of plants. The main source is superphosphates and bone meal.

It is known that it is tomatoes that are particularly demanding on the content of phosphorus in the soil. At the initial stage, phosphorus stimulates the development of the root system of plants, later accelerates the process of forming flower brushes, and improves the taste of tomatoes during the ripening stage.

Just to provide tomatoes with enough phosphorus in an affordable form and add the roots of the seedlings fish. This result can be achieved with superphosphate. But if there is such a tradition, we will determine how to do it most correctly.

Top dressing of tomatoes with fish when planting seedlings

At the time of planting of tomato seedlings, a small fish is often used as a fish additive: capelin, sprat, Baltic herring. Connoisseurs of organic farming claim that it is best to use pre-prepared for future use and frozen heads as a top dressing for tomatoes.

Arrangement of fish in the holes for top dressing of tomato

At the time of planting the seedlings, prepare wells of sufficient depth (at least 60 cm deep), put in each head, sprinkle it with soil, and then plant the seedlings.If the holes are less deep, there is a danger of an odor that can attract pets.Attracted by a fishy smell, cats and dogs are able to dig in plantations and damage planted plants.


Also, it is recommended to add eggshells as an additional source of calcium in the hole. By the autumn in place of these additives will not show anything - the root system of tomatoes will process everything into useful macronutrients.


Fish top dressing tomato for the whole season

If at the time of the landing the seedlings of the fish were not at hand, then this can be done later, by digging it deep enough near the bush.In addition, this method of fertilizing is recommended to be carried out throughout the growing season. It is especially easy to do this if someone in the family likes to fish. Fish residues can be passed through a meat grinder, diluted with water and such a liquid fertilizer, without waiting until it begins to smell unpleasant, pour the land between the tomato bushes (not under the root!)

There is also an opinion that fish (possibly using even scales) are buried in the soil for scaring off a bear that destroys young plants, feeding on their roots, but does not tolerate a rotten smell fish. The insect bypasses such places by the side, and this helps to preserve the plants.

Other ways of fertilizing vegetable plants with fertilizer based on fish waste

Instead of fish itself, fishmeal and other types of top-dressing based on waste can be used.

Fish flour

In Maxim Zhmakin's book "All About Fertilizer" several options for feeding tomato based on fish waste are given:

  • Bone flour- manufactured in an industrial way. Stimulates the rapid formation of roots during transplantation. It is important to mix it well with the soil in the hole when planting seedlings, tk. phosphorus does not dissolve and does not move in the soil. Application rate - 1-2 tbsp. spoons (or 40 g) / bush.
  • Fish flour- produced in the same way as flour from the bones of fish. In addition, soft waste is used. It contains more nitrogen (up to 10%). Phosphorus is usually 3%. Introduced immediately before planting a bush, in each hole, 1-2 tbsp. spoons (or 40 g) / bush.
  • Fish emulsion- mainly obtained by processing fish of the herring family - menhaden, which was used by American Indians as a fertilizer. This type of fish is not of value for the food industry and is used for animal feed and fertilizer production. It is recommended to apply in small doses once / month during the entire vegetative period. To do this, a small amount of emulsion is dissolved in water and watered the plants directly under the root. The disadvantage is the characteristic fishy smell, which can attract cats.

Here is a study on the usefulness of the use of fish and derivatives in agrotechnics of cultivation of tomatoes.There was almost no scientific justification for its mandatory use.But in practice this method is widely used. Vegetable lovers often write on the forums about the results that have pleased them. Therefore, everyone here decides for himself, many questions can only be answered by experience. At least within the boundaries of its own greenhouse.

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