Experienced gardeners claim that tomatoes are a strong and sustainable crop. Care of them is quite simple, and the harvest almost always pleases the owner of the site. However, not every newcomer achieves good yields. That pests spoil the seedlings, then diseases appear, then the leaves of the plants turn white. In order to save vegetables in time, it is necessary to have elementary skills in caring for an annual plant.
Table of Contents
- The main reasons why tomato seedlings are whitening
- For example, for adults, for patients, for blood, for, for, for, for, for, for, for, for, for, for, and for, for, why leaves of saplings can turn white, and then dry. Very often a problem occurs due to sunburn on young plants. The first thing to confirm the reason is to conduct a green inspection. Sunburn affects some or all of the leaves and they can become covered with white spots, begin to thin. White dots can appear not only from exposure to the sun when transplanting into open ground, but also while staying on the windowsill, dwelling in cups, and even in a greenhouse.
What can I do to avoid sunburn? Is it possible to reanimate landing? Observance of simple rules will allow gardeners to prevent this trouble from occurring:
Close-up of tomato seedlings
- In no case should you plant seedlings under the open sun from a shaded place immediately. It is necessary to gradually accustom the green growth to the sun's rays, otherwise the tomatoes will dry even more. To do this, cups of seedlings should be taken out on a daily basis for 20-30 minutes. Gradually, the time spent on the air increases and as soon as the time comes the tomatoes can be transplanted into open ground.
- Chemical burns often cause white spots on the leaves of tomatoes. They appear due to an increase in the recommended dosage of chemical fertilizer during solution preparation. Excessive density of the solution, hitting the plants, provokes the occurrence of white spot on the foliage. Gradually affected greens die.
- There are cases when green leaflets are covered with white spots due to the manifestation of various diseases.
Some chemicals may be used only in cloudy weather, so as not to provoke a decrease in the degree of natural plant protection from sunlight. Very often, ignoring these rules leads to the death of seedlings.Diseases of adult plants in the greenhouse and open ground
Low yields are provided to gardeners, who believe that tomatoes do not require maintenance and fertilization. Only proper care of the vegetable crop will provide an opportunity to form weighty fruits that will delight the owner of tomatoes. When you are on the green shoots of white spots, it is necessary to identify the cause of their appearance. Not only pests can provoke spotting on foliage, but also unpleasant diseases, such as:
- brown spot;
- white rot;
- powdery mildew;
- Septoria;
- late blight.
Brown Spot
When the brown spot appears, the leaves of the tomatoes turn white. In addition, the seedlings are subject to a number of associated diseases. Basically, this disease affects greenhouse annual plants.
In case of brown spots, the spots from white become dark
The main signs of brown spot include:
- the appearance of a white cannon on the inner parts of tomato leaf plates;
- gradual modification of the color scale of the raid, a smooth transition from white to dark brown;
- yellowness on the outer part of the foliage.
It is possible to stop the development of the disease in its initial stages. If you ignore the symptoms, the foliage of the tomatoes will gradually twist and the plant will soon die. For the prevention of brown spot, seedlings should be provided with regular airing and a decrease in the moisture content. Such methods will help prevent the consequences of a destructive scourge.
The appearance of white rot has a negative effect on the leaves and stems of the vegetable crop. The vegetative part of the seedlings is covered with white spots, the stems become soft and they form a plaque that has similarity with the mucous membrane.Desolation of brown spot
Urgent therapy is needed to prevent the destruction of the hives. This requires strict adherence to expert advice:
- First of all, eliminate the infected part of the seedlings.
- Cut the cut points with a solution of copper sulphate.
As a preventive measure against white rot, you can use a universal remedy called Bordeaux fluid. Spraying seedlings will save tomatoes from an unpleasant disease.
Tomato Powder Dew
The bright foliage of tomatoes can signal powdery mildew. The main signs of adversity are:
- a patina of gray-white shade on the lower part of foliage;
- yellowness on the upper side of the foliage.
The disease develops quite rapidly. The foliage dries quickly and the annual plant dies. It is very important to pay attention to the affected tomatoes in a timely manner and conduct proper treatment. Defeating powdery mildew is incredibly difficult.
It is best to take care of preventive measures in advance. The high level of air humidity and frequent drops in the degree of moisture are ideal conditions for the appearance of an unpleasant disease.
Tomato leaves affected by powdery mildew
During periods of high humidity, experts recommend treating the bushes with special products, namely:
- Fundazol;
- Topaz;
- Previcure;
- Vitaros.
Septoria is destroying tomato seedlings at least other diseases. The fungal infection spreads quite quickly over the greenery of tomatoes and forms a lot of yellow-brown spots.The elimination of manifestations of this fungus is possible in two stages:
- by cutting off the affected vegetation of the bush;
- treatment of plantations fungicidal means Bordeaux-type liquid, Baktofit.
Appearance of late blight
Practically every experienced gardener has been faced with late blight, which destroys not only tomatoes, but also potatoes. The primary signs of phytophthora are considered to be:
- the appearance of spots of brown-brown shades with a white edging along the outer parts of the sheet plate;
- rapid increase in spots;
- the occurrence of light bloom, resembling a web on the lower part of the foliage;
- yellowing of leaves, their further folding and drying.
The stems of the plant gradually turn into dust, they break down and the seedlings die. Only timely processing will prevent the destruction of the bushes.Launched late blight on tomatoes
How to deal with white spots on the leaves of tomatoes
Treatment of white leaves is not always effective. That is why it is better to take care of preventive measures in advance, which will save the bushes from pests and various infections. Experienced gardeners believe that it is important to plant seedlings correctly, which also affects the resistance of vegetables.
To prevent the appearance of white spots on the foliage, it is necessary to reasonably choose a site for planting seedlings. Plants should receive a sufficient amount of sunlight, which will not give the opportunity to provoke excessive effeminate growth.
In the case when the seedlings were in the shade for a long time, and then were planted in open ground on the sunny side, most of the bushes soon became covered with white spots from sunburn and died. Even when the seedlings are barely visible from the ground in the cup, it must be systematically brought to the sunlight to get used to such an environment.
Do not abruptly transfer tomatoes from the shade to the sun. The transition should be a gradual
It is equally important to take care in advance about protecting the bushes from the occurrence of various diseases. To do this, you must:
- pre-pick and prepare the ground for planting tomatoes;
- apply fertilizers recommended by specialists to the soil, which will increase the ability of plants to counter diseases of various types.
When spraying seedlings using chemicals, follow the instructions exactly. This will avoid chemical burns and further death of plants.Proper care of tomato seedlings will help to avoid problems in the future.
In cases where there are white sunburn spots on the foliage of tomatoes, it is no longer possible to return the green color. However, using special tools you can help the bushes to recover, and acquire a new green mass.
After sunset, tomatoes can be processed using Espin. Such procedures should be carried out every 6-7 days for 3 weeks. These activities will allow plants to make a sufficient amount of nutrients.
If the seedlings still got sunburns, then its fruiting will be delayed for 7-14 days, unlike healthy bushes.