Characteristics and description of the tomato variety


The work of breeders to create new varieties of fruit and vegetable crops makes it possible to obtain a variety of hybrid varieties for every taste and preference for gardeners and truck farmers. Many of them are a true decoration of the garden plot and the table. One of these hybrids is Tomato Cap of Monomakh. On the description and characteristics of the vegetable we'll talk further.


Table of contents

  • The main characteristics of tomato cap monomacha
    • Bush description
    • Description of the fetus
    • Yield of a tomato
    • Main advantages
  • Agrotechnics of cultivation
    • Planting seeds and caring for seedlings
    • Planting seedlings in the open ground and subsequent care
    • How to get the seeds for the next year?

The main characteristics of tomato cap monomacha

Tomato Monomakh's cap was bred by Russian breeders and officially registered in 2003. Domestic breeders in the process of working on the creation of a new variety pay much attention to adapting it specifically to Russian climatic conditions. The cap of Monomakh is no exception, that's why he immediately won love and great popularity among truck farmers.

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Main factors: large-fruited, high yield, excellent taste, resistance to all typical diseases.

Still green tomato fruit close-up cap

Bush description

A plant of indeterminate type, ideal for growing in greenhouses, but in the open ground, provided that the bush and garter are formed, also gives very good results.In the height reaches, m, to form better in two stems: in addition to the main stem, the second trunk is the stepson, which is located below the first brush, and the remaining stepsons are necessarily removed.

Bushes compact, 1 square. m can be planted up to 6 plants.

The variety is medium-early, the fruit ripening period is 90-110 days since the appearance of the first sprouts.

Description of the fetus

This variety is designed for lovers of very large fruits - their weight reaches 500-800 grams, slightly ribbed, beautiful pink color.Tomato is favorably distinguished by its excellent sweet taste with a slight sourness, strong aroma, sugar content.The main purpose is to eat fresh, to prepare juices, pastas, sauces due to the optimal combination of acids and sugars. The content of solids is quite high - 4-6% per 100 g of product.

To ensure that the brushes do not break under the weight of the fruit and the tomatoes grow large, you should leave no more than 2-3 ovaries on the flower brush. Fruits are stored well, but not very long.

Tomatoes in the greenhouse

Yield of a tomato

For a season with the correct agrotechnics of a tomato from one bush gather up to 8 kg of a tomato, from 1 sq. Km. m - about 18-20 kg.

The variety can be grown practically in all regions of Russia, it is perfectly adapted to the natural and climatic conditions, it easily tolerates even drought.

But nonetheless,tomato is thermophilic enough, therefore in southern regions, where the difference in night / day temperatures is low, gives a better harvest than in the middle band. If the summer is short and the nights are cold, it is better to grow in greenhouses.

Main advantages

Summing up all the above, we can highlight the most important advantages of the variety (and there are many of them):

  • very large and tasty fruit;
  • high productivity;
  • resistance to changeable weather conditions, rain, drought;
  • high immunity to various diseases;
  • amicable maturation of tomatoes.
Growing tomato monomacha cap in industrial conditions

Disadvantages can be considered only damage to branches under the weight of the fruit, cracking them at the stage of maturation. You should tie each brush, if you want a rich harvest. To avoid cracking during the ripening stage, watering is minimized.


Agrotechnics of cultivation

Like any other, this hybrid is also grown in seedlings.

When planting seedlings in the open ground, special attention should be given to the composition of soils: tomato does not tolerate acidified soil, so you need to take care in advance of the introduction of dolomite flour and / or ash during the formation of beds under seedlings.

Planting seeds and caring for seedlings

Planting of seeds should be calculated taking into account the climatic zone so that at least 60 days have elapsed before the proposed planting of seedlings in the open ground. More precisely, the appearance of the first shoots should take 40-45 days.

The process of sowing seeds for seedlings is no different from sowing other tomatoes.Seeds are soaked in a weak solution of manganese for, hours. Prepare packagings and soil in advance. For the soil take 1/2 part of the earth, 1/2 part of the peat or the overgrown manure. Add 1 cup of sand and 1 cup of wood ash to 1 bucket of the mixture, mix well. Fill with tare: wooden boxes 10-12 cm high, plastic cups or containers with drainage holes.

Tomato Fruits monomacha cap close-up

Treated seeds are applied to the soil to a depth of 1 cm, gently moistened, the container is covered with glass or transparent film, put in a warm, well-lit place. When the seeds get through, the film is removed, the room temperature is lowered slightly so that the shoots do not stretch, but the illumination should still be maximum (minimum 12-14 hours).

At the stage of the appearance of 2 real leaflets, the seedlings are dived and pinched. After 10 days, you can make the first combined top dressing.

Planting seedlings in the open ground and subsequent care

In open soil or greenhouses seedlings are planted at the age of 40-45 days, pre-tempering it on the street in the daytime. The landing scheme - 50х60 cm, per 1 sq. Km. m - up to 4 plants.

Further - usual leaving:moderate watering with warm water 3 times a week, timely fertilizing, loosening of the soil and removal of weeds, mandatory pasynkovanie and careful garters of bushes.

To get the fruits of large sizes, you need to remove small flowers on the hands, leaving no more than 3 (on the first brush - 2 flowers), the first terry flowers all delete. In the period of mass flowering it is necessary to shake the plants for additional pollination and then water afterwards.
Tomato seedlings monomach's cap

How to get the seeds for the next year?

To always have good seeds and be sure of the correctness of the variety, you can independently prepare the seeds for planting the next year.It is necessary to choose a large mature specimen, remove seeds from all the chambers, soak in water for the night, rinse well under running water.Place on a napkin or soft cloth to dry in a ventilated area, but not under direct sunlight.

Keep in a dry place until spring.

Not for nothing that tomato is very popular among gardening - excellent taste and unpretentiousness made him a regular guest at the table of lovers of summer salads.

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