Raspberry is a very useful plant that can be seen in almost every garden area. This is one of the most delicious berries of our gardens. But who among us did not notice on the bushes, then the worms, then some clumsy, hardened berries? Gardens always have many questions about how to grow raspberries, how to grow them, so that it is tasty, sweet. We chose the most frequently asked, tried to briefly answer.
- How to choose the best place for raspberries?
- What is the best raspberry soil?
- How to prepare the ground for raspberries?
- Do you need to plant a number of varieties of raspberries for better pollination?
- When to plant raspberries?
- How correctly to plant raspberry seedlings?
- Is it necessary to trim raspberries after planting?
- At what distance should one plant raspberry seedlings?
- How to propagate raspberries?
- How, when and for what care for raspberries?
- How, when to water and how much water does raspberries need when watering?
- How to cut raspberries?
- How to rejuvenate raspberry bushes?
- How and what is raspberry riched?
- How long, how many years can raspberries grow in one place?
- What are fungal diseases of raspberries, how to deal with them?
- What are the viral diseases of raspberries, how to deal with them?
- How to prevent the appearance of raspberry in worms?
- How to deal with the raspberry agrilus?
- How to deal with stem cauliflower?
- How to deal with raspberry buds?
- How to deal with leaf rollers, aphids and mites - pests of raspberries?
How to choose the best place for raspberries?
Correctly come those gardeners who for her take the corner of the garden or plant it along the fence. So it is more convenient to take care of it. But still, the corner of the garden is preferable, since it is there that a large amount of snow accumulates over the winter.
↑ to the contents ↑.What is the best raspberry soil?
Fertile moist soils are most suitable for growing. The best for it are sandy-argillaceous, alluvial-meadow, which are more saturated with nutrients than others. Heavy clay soils and soils oversaturated with limestone are unacceptable for it.
↑ back to content ↑How to prepare the ground for raspberries?
5-8 kg of manure, 70-80 g of superphosphate, 20-25 g of potassium sulphate are applied to the site intended for planting, this is calculated per 1 sq. Km. m. Fertilizer scatter evenly over the entire area of the site, deep dig it.
.Do you need to plant a number of varieties of raspberries for better pollination?
Most varieties of raspberries are self-fertilized, so there is no particular need to plant a variety of pollinators. Of course, you can plant several varieties alongside, but this will not prevent pollination.
↑ back to content ↑When to plant raspberries?
The best time of the year for planting or transplanting saplings is autumn - end of August - September. In spring, you can plant only as an exception.
↑ back to content ↑How correctly to plant raspberry seedlings?
Pits for planting raspberries usually have dimensions of 30 × 30 × 30 cm. The seedlings are placed so that after filling the soil they are below the surface of the earth (6-7 cm). The roots must be carefully spread and covered. The soil around the seedlings is compacted. For better conditions when watering the soil from the trunk rake off - make a small groove so that the water does not spread. After watering, the soil around the seedlings is mulched with peat, hay, straw, fallen leaves, another mulch.
↑ back to content ↑Is it necessary to trim raspberries after planting?
Necessary. If not cut, then, firstly, it will yield a small crop; secondly, new young shoots will not be formed, which will give a new crop; thirdly, cropped plants will better take root. Therefore, immediately after planting, the stems are cut with a pruner, leaving the penechki no more than 20-25 cm tall.
↑ back to content ↑At what distance should one plant raspberry seedlings?
Between the rows should be left a distance - 1 m, and between the seedlings - 50-60 cm.
↑ back to content ↑How to propagate raspberries?
The main methods of reproduction are propagation by seeds, vegetatively. Reproduction by seeds is practically not used by gardeners. Usually grown in this way, plants rarely take valuable qualities from the original parent varieties. The vegetative method involves the use of young shoots from the roots (root siblings) or the division of the bush for reproduction. This is the cheapest, fastest way.
↑ back to content ↑How, when and for what care for raspberries?
If you do not care for the planting of raspberries, then it overgrows with weeds, which greatly deplete bushes. Young shoots are formed little, they are weak. The berries become small, their taste deteriorates, the yield decreases.
Autumn digging between rows is mandatory. First remove the extra young shoots, and then dig through the soil between the rows.
In the spring, until the buds blossom (late March-April), the soil between the bushes must be loosened. Between the rows deeper - 10-15 cm, and next to the plants - shallow - 5-7 cm, so as not to damage the root system.
.Since the beginning of the appearance of the leaves and before picking the berries, loosen again two times.
After harvesting, loosen again, and then until the autumn row spacing does not touch - the annual shoots should ripen well.
↑ back to content ↑How, when to water and how much water does raspberries need when watering?
Raspberries love watering. Most moisture is required when it blooms, when the berries are fastened, the berries ripen - from May to August. The first time (of course, if there is no rain) is watered before flowering (end of April), the second time - the end of May. Be sure to water 1-2 times, when the berries are poured. The last time watered after harvesting.
Norm of watering - 1-2 buckets of water for one plant. It is most convenient to water through the furrows, which are made from two sides of the row - a distance of 20-25 cm from the bushes.
↑ back to content ↑How to cut raspberries?
Immediately after planting, the stems of raspberry are cut off, leaving hemp 20-25 cm high. In the second year, 2-3 young shoots are left - the others are cut with a secateurs to the ground, leaving no stumps.
Once the entire crop is harvested, all two-year-old shoots are cut out, which have already been harvested.
Spring is also recommended for pruning, since after winter it is usually clear which shoots are weak, which ones were sick. Young shoots are cut out if there are a lot of them or they grow too often. On one bush leave no more than 10-12 young shoots.
.How to rejuvenate raspberry bushes?
In old shrubs, the number of young shoots usually decreases. Sooner or later, the yield of such shrubs is reduced. Experienced gardeners know that you can restore the yield by removing the old rhizome. In this case, the growth of young shoots takes place. In parallel with the removal of the old rhizome, raspberries are given increased doses of organic and mineral fertilizers. This rejuvenation should be done every 5-6 years.
↑ back to content ↑How and what is raspberry riched?
It is best for raspberries to alternate with the application of organic and mineral fertilizers. The dosage is -3 kg of manure + 1 tablespoon (30 g) of superphosphate + 1 st. a spoonful of potassium sulfate (30 g) per 1 sq. m. m. Organic (manure) is brought in the autumn during a deep digging of rows. Superphosphate is applied in the spring before the bud opening during the first loosening. Potassium sulphate - at the end of flowering. Fertilizers are evenly distributed over the soil surface, dig over or loosen it.
.How long, how many years can raspberries grow in one place?
With good care, you can grow it 12-15 years without changing the landing site.
↑ back to content ↑What are fungal diseases of raspberries, how to deal with them?
Blue-violet spotting (didymel)
Symptoms: on the stems at the place of attachment to the cuttings appear blue-violet spots - the leaves fall off, and the cuttings remain and droop. The culprit of the disease - spores of the fungus hibernate on young raspberry shoots.
& g; Fighting measures: remove, burn sick shoots; sprinkle with copper-containing preparations (chorus, Bordeaux liquid, HOM, others).
Desiccation of shoots (koniotium)
This fungal disease manifests itself in the drying of shoots, sometimes with berries.
Control measures: cut, burn the affected shoots; spraying with copper-containing preparations.
Spores of the fungus affect shoots, berries, leaves, spots with a violet border appear on them.
Control measures: removal, burning of affected shoots along with leaves, berries; Spraying in late autumn, in summer (2-3 times in 2 weeks) with copper-containing preparations, which prevent reproduction, development fungus.
Rust of raspberry leaves
With this disease on the top of the leaves there are light yellow spots, a little later in the same places, but from the bottom of the leaf there are orange-yellow pimples, which eventually acquire a dark rusty color - these are spores fungus. The fungus causing the disease hibernates on the fallen leaves.
Control measures: spraying of fallen leaves with copper-containing preparations. In spring, the obligatory first spraying after the leaves blooming, the second one after two weeks.
Raspberry leaf raspberry
Symptoms of the disease: on the leaves appear white-dirty spots. Spores of the fungus hibernate on the fallen leaves.
Control measures: as soon as the first manifestations of the disease were noticed, sprayed with medicated preparations; It is recommended to burn fallen leaves.
↑ back to content ↑What are the viral diseases of raspberries, how to deal with them?
Of the virus diseases, the most known are yellow mosaic, witch broom, yellow venation of leaves, viral (infectious) chlorosis.
The witch's broom (sprouting, bushiness)
When a witch broom is ill with a broomstick, numerous thin, short shoots are formed on the shoots of the raspberry - they become like a broom. Berries tied much less.
Yellow Mosaic
When yellow mosaic disease occurs on the leaves of raspberry, pale green spots appear first, which then turn yellow.
Yellow venation of leaves
When the yellow venation of the leaves along the veins appear yellow bands.
Infectious (viral chlorosis)
With infectious (viral) chlorosis, by the middle of summer the leaves turn yellow, first along the veins, and then the entire leaf turns yellow like in autumn.
All these diseases are viral.
Control measures: removal from the root of sick bushes; treatment with preparations that destroy pests - aphids, lepidoptera, others that are carriers of pathogenic viruses, for example, Aktellik, Iskra, Karbofos, Kemiphos, others.
↑ back to content ↑How to prevent the appearance of raspberry in worms?
The culprit of the appearance of worminess of berries is a raspberry beetle. It hibernates in the adult state in the earth, appears in the spring, eats kidneys, flowers. Female raspberry beetle lay eggs inside the buds, flowers buds, green raspberry berries. Larvae of the beetle (worms) live in berries, feed on them, and pupate leave in the soil. This cycle is repeated once a year.
Measures of struggle: in the autumn to dig out the soil, i.e. to disturb the place of wintering of the raspberry beetle. In the spring, sprinkle the bushes before the appearance of leaves with one of the following preparations: Fufanon, Kemifos, Carbophos.
↑ back to content ↑How to deal with the raspberry agrilus?
Raspberry agrilus - beetle of light gray-greenish color. Female beetles lay eggs under the skin of raspberry stalks. Appearing larvae make spiral sticks inside the stems - shoots die off.
Control measures - excision, destruction (burning) of affected shoots - this is the only way.
↑ back to content ↑How to deal with stem cauliflower?
Raspberry caulis is a small mosquito, which usually appears in May-June. Female mosquito lay eggs under the skin of raspberry stalks. Larvae (worms) live inside the stem, feed on its flesh. On the site of the introduction of larvae on the stem appear cones, outgrowths, inside which there is usually one larva, rarely 2-3. The stem at the place of appearance of the built-up edge is easily broken. Sooner or later the food in the top of the stem stops coming, the leaves fade, the shoots die before the time, the crop dies.
Control measures: circumcision of affected branches, their burning; treatment of raspberries by mosquito repellent means - infusions of tobacco, mullein, leaves of walnut, bird cherry, nettle, wormwood, etc. Spray in the evening, as the mosquitoes begin their actions with the onset of darkness, all night.
↑ back to content ↑How to deal with raspberry buds?
Butterfly raspberry bud moth begins its active activity during flowering raspberries - laying eggs inside the flower. The caterpillar feeds on the juice of the flower, and then takes refuge under the bark of the stem. In spring, the caterpillars penetrate into the kidneys, eat everything inside, and pupate in the same place.
Control measures: Spray during the swelling of the kidneys with a 30% solution of carbophos.
↑ back to content ↑How to deal with leaf rollers, aphids and mites - pests of raspberries?
Leaf rollers
Leaflet There are so many varieties. Common to the behavior for them is greater mobility, when they are discovered, they begin to strongly wriggle and try to "run away descending on cobwebs. Caterpillars of leaf rollers feed on leaves with kidneys. The leaves are wrapped along the length or width of the leaf, so they are called leaf rollers.
Control measures: effective late-autumn and summer spraying with an actinic. Early in the spring, before blooming buds or late autumn, spraying effectively with No. 30.
Aphids suck out juices from raspberry leaves, from shoots, berries. In this case, the affected leaves are twisted, shoots stop growing. Aphids are dangerous because they are carriers of viral diseases.
Control measures. The drug Bi-58 is effective against aphids.
Various mites cause great damage to raspberries - the leaves turn pale, fall off, the berries remain small, tasteless. Later in the autumn, early in the spring before the leaf opening, I advise you to process the bushes with the drug №30, before the appearance of fruits - Bi-58.
How to deal with bacterial raspberry cancer?
It should be noted that virtually all types of raspberries are unstable to bacterial cancer. To save diseased plants is impossible, they should be destroyed. Relatively effective measures prevent the seedlings before planting. Carefully select seedlings before purchase, examining the roots - no growths, no thickening should be. There are no drugs against bacterial raspberry cancer yet. Do not plant it in the place removed for 2-3 years because of plant diseases. Soil can be improved by planting legumes on this place for several years.
- Planting raspberries, nursing, transplanting seedlings