Below you will read some tips, recommendations on the topic - the planting of red currants, which will help to get a good harvest. But first I want to say a few words about the beauty of the currant bushes. Brilliant small berries of red currants grow on bushes, hang from branches, like miniature precious stones. White, pink currant varieties are red. The aroma of their berries is almost identical to it. Three to four bushes are enough for an average family. The bushes are very decorative, they fit well into the landscape, emphasize the beauty of any garden. One thing that I noticed. First, white currant berries mature, then pink, then the red ripens.
- Planting of currant
- Useful properties of currants
- Variety of red currant Marmalade
Planting of currant
Bushes of pink, white or red currants prefer moist, well drained soils. Avoid planting them on hot, arid areas or in areas with high groundwater. A good loam is ideal, but the currant of these species can grow on poorer soils, on clay soils too. If the soil is very acidic, it may be necessary to add lime to deoxidize the soil.
Choose a place in your garden where the bushes will be sufficiently illuminated by the sun. They must be protected from strong winds.
When planting seedlings of pink, white or red currant, dig a hole twice as wide, the depth exceeding the size of the root coma. Be sure to loosen the bottom of the landing pit with forks. Add a few handfuls of good compost, mix it with loose soil.
.Straighten the roots so that they feel free in the pit, were not crumpled. Slightly fill the red currant bush when planting, so that the root neck was slightly lower than it was in the nursery.
Fill the pit with a nutrient mixture, tread lightly around the earth around the bush. You can then clog the soil with sawdust, straw. Each spring, replenish the layer of mulch. Mulch will retain moisture, reduce the temperature of the soil in hot weather, restrain the growth of weeds.
Pour the bushes immediately after planting. Keep the soil constantly moist until the currant becomes rooted.
Bushes need regular pruning. If you do not do this, then deprive yourself of a significant part of the crop.
In the beginning of spring, before the beginning of a new growth, starting from the first year after planting, cut, remove everything except 6-8 healthy shoots.
In the second year, you leave 4-5 annual shoots and 3-4 two-year-olds.
Every spring after that, trim the currant bushes so that they contain 3-4 annual shoots, 3-4 - two-year olds, 3-4 - three-year-olds.
Remove all other shoots without regretting. Pruning adult plants consists of removing all old, older than four years, shoots and thinning some new ones.
White, pink or red currant easily propagates cuttings. They do not even need to be cut off from the bush - it's enough to bend the branches in autumn, fill them with earth, and in the spring dig them up with roots. Roots are formed from contact with the ground. Cut the branch from the mother plant, plant it where planned.
.Red, pink or white currant begins vegetation, enters the flowering phase 5-7 days later black, its flowers are resistant to spring recurrent frosts. It first develops buds, brushes, then leaves blossom. Flowering of all varieties of this type of currant occurs almost simultaneously. The greatest difference in terms from the beginning of flowering - 2-3 days. The duration of flowering is 12-15 days.
Varieties of red, pink or white currant, as well as black, are self-fertilized, but when cross-pollination crop increases. For this, it is desirable to have several varieties on the site.
Maturation of currant berries of early varieties in the Kuban occurs in the first decade of June, and ends in late varieties in the first decade of July. Ripe fruit can hang for a long time on the bushes, without showering, without losing taste. Their color is very diverse. Berries come in different shades. The yield of red, pink or white currants is slightly higher than black, more stable by years.
They, as well as black, suffer from heat, drought, although less. For example, the redcurrant varietal Natalie does not tolerate drought, heat, reacting to them by shedding ovaries, melting berries, poor formation of flowering buds. A variety of people well tolerates shading, grows normally, fructifies in the penumbra.
Most varieties of these currant species are all light-loving, do not like shading. When watering, they yield high yields. Three- or four-year-old shrubs can give from 3 to 4 kilograms of berries in the summer season. As soon as they begin to ripen, you will have to protect them from birds. Covering the bushes with a grid can help preserve the harvest.
If you want to eat fresh berries, or use them in jams, syrups, juices, pies, it is better to collect them when they are fully ripe. But if you want to make jelly, it is better to collect them slightly immature, since in immature more pectin - jelly will get stronger. Red currant berries are better than white or pink.
Berries can be frozen, they are well preserved in their frozen appearance, their appearance, taste. In winter, at any time, you can prepare an excellent vitamin currant juice or compote.
.Of pests, aphids can cause serious problems, especially when there are many. Closely inspect the leaves of your currant periodically. If aphids are seen on the bushes, spraying with any insecticide will help to clear them of this pest. Naturally, spraying should be done before berry picking or after harvesting.
↑ back to content ↑Useful properties of currants
The taste of red currant berries is a bit tart. They are more acidic than black. Tiny, sour, tart are delicious in wines, pies, jams or jellies. White or pink currant is also delicious, it is sweeter than red, but does not have such an attractive appearance.
Although blackcurrant is more traditionally associated with its use for health purposes, many herbalists use red berries as a febrifuge, as a soft laxative, astringent, increasing appetite means.
Alternative medicine uses red currant juice for blood purification, as a diuretic, digestive remedy. Some of these effects are associated with high levels of vitamin C, fruit acids, fiber.
Tea made from dried leaves of red currant can alleviate the condition of patients with gout, rheumatism. It can be useful in compresses for poorly healing wounds, in solutions for gargling with various infections.
Each garden should have a red, white, pink currant.
↑ back to content ↑Variety of red currant Marmalade
The variety was bred in the All-Union Research Institute of Selection of Fruit Crops (Moscow). Eagle). The bush is of medium height, semi-spreading, dense. The leaves are medium in size, dark green, shiny, leathery, with lower pubescence. Rapid, high-fruit, winter-hardy variety. Drought resistance and heat resistance in the conditions of the Kuban are average.
Marmalade is a variety of very late maturity (the second-third decade of July). Fruit brushes of medium length (7-8 cm), dense, arcuate. The berries are orange-red, large (up to 1 g), flat-faced, universal use, have a good marketable appearance, transportability. The separation is dry, the taste is sour, refreshing, pleasant. Productivity is high 8-9 kg per bush. The variety is resistant to powdery mildew and anthracnose, it is not affected by the kidney mite and swallowing.
The taste of Marmalade is more sour than sweet. Not all people like it fresh, except that children willingly tweak it from the bush. Its main feature and value is the increased content of vitamin C and pectin substances. From the juice of berries, immediately after wringing, dense jelly is formed without heating, for which this variety was called Marmalade. From the juice of this currant, you can prepare an excellent seasoning for meat. The recipe is very simple: 1 liter of juice + 200-250 g of garlic (via garlic) + salt, sugar to taste. Try it, I'm sure that you do not want any more ketchup with any ketchup.
Her berries, thanks to the high content of vitamins, pectin substances, have an exceptionally beneficial, therapeutic effect on the human body. They remove from the body heavy metals, radioactive substances, cleanse from excess cholesterol, toxic substances, products of incomplete food decay.
Marmalade berries are useful for consumption to people suffering from liver, kidney, diabetes, obesity. They are used for atherosclerosis, rheumatism, gout, dysentery, to strengthen the capillary system. Berries and vysokovitaminny, vysokokpektinovy juice of them for preventive purposes is recommended for all adults and to children in a fresh kind, and also to prepare from them tasty dietary products: jelly, soufflé, creams, fruit drinks, others products.
Marmalade is truly a storehouse of vitamins, pectins, sugars, organic acids, mineral salts. It is a universal natural healer, a "cleaner" of the human body.
The variety is rather unpretentious, growing on different soils. In the conditions of the Kuban it reacts well to fertilization, irrigation. It reproduces well by all known methods.
- Black currant - care, problems of growing seedlings, pests, diseases