Onion is such an agricultural crop, the demand for which is difficult to underestimate.In none of the kitchens is any hostess without this culture. It is widely popular in hot dishes, and in salads, and in different sauces and seasonings, and in conservation. And the richness of the vegetable with vitamins contributed to the fact that now many gardeners and summer residents prefer to grow it in the winter way. After all, after a long winter and spring avitaminosis, green feathers of this vegetable culture are needed on the table as early as possible.
Table of contents
- Characteristics of winter onions
- Popular varieties
- Winter onion planting and care
- The advantages and disadvantages of the method
Characteristics of winter onions
We all know the word "winter wheat" very well, but here "winter onion" has not yet become widely used by our truck farmers. Although at the present stage this method of cultivation is gaining momentum and is becoming more popular.
After all, this method of cultivation does not require any effort and cost and without much trouble it is possible to obtain an extra early harvest of such a turnip. And the technique of growing on the shoulder even for beginners and gardeners.
Popular varieties
The most popular winter varieties of vegetables are:
- Shakespeare.Such a variety can withstand frost to minus 18 degrees. He is completely unpretentious and does not require almost any care. Harvest begins to be harvested 70-80 days after planting. Bulb of regular round shape with white flesh.
- Ellan.This variety has a high germination of excellent taste of bulbs and early maturation. Harvest is already in early June. Turned with white pulp of medium size: 100-150 grams.
- Radar. Has the same properties and characteristics as Ellen, only his larger bulbs under favorable conditions reach 300grams.
- Sturonalso has excellent germination and excellent taste qualities. In addition, it has long shelf life (up to 8 months).
- Centurion.Also has early maturity, good germination. Such a variety is distinguished by a sharper taste of bulbs and an increased content of vitamin C.
Winter onion, regardless of its variety, is characterized by larger fetal sizes.
.Winter onion planting and care
Harvest onion crops are usually harvested at the end of the summer season.After harvesting, the bulbs are picked and stored. Landing for the winter has also its economic advantages. For spring planting, bulbs are usually chosen not less than a centimeter, since smaller ones until spring can just dry out. These small bulbs are perfect for planting in autumn. Thus, turnips, which could just spoil yet and please with their harvest. Germination of winter onions is somewhat less than spring, but in fact, given the fact that only discarded fruits are planted for the winter, the risk of loss in this case is not present at all.
Before landing the winter onion, no special soil preparation is required.It's enough just to remove the weeds, and to dig a site. To the composition of the soil such a culture is also very undemanding.
.Good predecessors of the plant are cauliflower, legumes, cucumbers or tomatoes.
There is also an urgent need to fertilize the site before planting the plant. It will be enough and those fertilizers that were received onion predecessors. You can only add a little ash to the soil.
The site should be in a well-lit place, it is better to choose a hill.
Bulbs are planted at a distance of 8-10 cm. from each other, into previously excavated furrows. The distance between the striae should be 15-20 cm. Turnip deepen no more than 3 cm, otherwise spring bulbs will be hard to break from under the ground and slightly rammed. This is the difference between spring planting from autumn and spring heads deep into the earth.Specially to water a site after landing onions heads is not necessary.
The bulbs are planted in the second half of August - the first half of September.The landing time depends on the region. In any case, it is necessary that the onion was planted no later than 4 weeks before persistent frosts. The plant needs to take root well and grow stronger before the onset of cold weather.
Before frosts, it is necessary to warm the site with onions. For this, it is covered with dry leaves, botanical beans, agropowl.
As soon as the snow melts and the earth begins to warm up, it is necessary to provide the culture with full access to sunlight. For this, the shelter is removed. Seeds with the onset of spring and heat must be mulched. TThis procedure not only retains sufficient moisture and heat, but also protects against overheating.
In spring, shoots can be fed with a weak solution of mullein or chicken manure. Nitrogen fertilizers can also be used.
Water the patch with the onion in the spring, after the appearance of the first shoots. Submerged irrigation is carried out with a break in two weeks.
The harvest of winter onions is beginning to be harvested already in early June. To harvest the harvest, you must carefully dig out the matured turnips.
.The advantages and disadvantages of the method
There are many advantages to this method:
- Economical. Planted under the winter bulbs that until spring could not live.
- Excellent taste qualities.
- Uncomplicated and undemanding care.
- Large sizes of turnip.
Adhering to all the above recommendations, you can grow excellent onions without much hassle and effort.