A detailed description of the type of onion stutgarter rizen

A large number of onion varieties are known, and each of them requires special care. The variety of onions Stuttgarter is known for its unpretentiousness, capable of producing excellent yields .Because of this, he enjoys a good popularity among gardeners. Description, characteristics and agrotechnics of this variety are given below.

Table of Contents

  • Description and Characterization of the Variety of Onions Stuttgarter
  • When to plant: in spring or autumn? Features of cultivation
    • Growing from seed planting Seva
    • Landing on the pen
  • Care after planting onions
  • Disease Control and Prevention
  • Harvesting and storage

Description and characteristics of onion variety Stuttgarter

This variety is withdrawn by the German breeding specialists. It can be attributed to the mid-seasoned species , so the variety is a success not only among professional gardeners, but also amateurs. The variety is universal, in the markets of the country has a huge demand.

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The bulb of a grade Stuttgarer has a flat form

The characteristic difference of a vegetable is the bulbs of the big sizes having rounded flatish forms. The weight of one can go up to a quarter of a kilogram, but on average, it weighs from one hundred to one and a half hundred grams of .The color shades of ripe onions range from tan to white, it tastes semi-sharp.

The yield of a variety allows collecting from five to eight kilograms of neat bulbs from each square meter of a bed.

In vegetable there is a lot of vitamin C .This feature makes it an excellent tool in the fight against colds. In addition, the bulbs contain a lot of dry substances that allow it to dry or freeze.

Onion storage does not waste its useful qualities.

The Stuttgart Riesen variety is successfully used for cooking first courses, canned foods and forcing. Stored well, the growth period is three months .

The cut bulb of Stuttgarr has a white color.

Stuttgarter is resistant to many diseases and harmful parasites.

When to plant: spring or autumn?

Cultivation of this variety is possible either by seed or seed. The second option is characterized by the fact that the planting material reacts sharply to temperature drops and is able to lag behind in development.

Onion seeds Stuttgarter

Planting is done in the fall and in the spring .When sowing in the autumn, small sets should be used, because they dry out during storage. Autumn planting should be mulched using humus or peat. Vegetable does not impose special requirements to the composition of the soil, but prefers fertilized beds, the acidity level in which is neutral. In these places, the yield will be especially good. From seeds you can get a crop in a hundred and twenty days. Sevok will give you the opportunity to start cleaning two and a half months after planting.

The best predecessors are cucumbers and tomatoes, bean varieties. After the potatoes should not be planted onions .He will grow up tired and exhausted, in a harsh winter may just freeze.

Features of growing

Gardeners, to get a good harvest, uses an effective fertilizer Biogrow .This fertilizer is used for various plants, does not contain harmful chemicals, can increase the yield by fifty percent. It should be introduced into the soil several times during the season.

Fertilizer Biogrow

Growing from seed

This method can be used in autumn or in early spring. Furrows are arranged across the previously prepared area, between which there is a distance of about fifteen centimeters. The sowing depth is two centimeters, the gap is up to one and a half .After sowing, the soil must be slightly compacted.

For ease of distinguishing crops, the seeds are mixed with a small amount of chalk.

Watering the beds with crops does not immediately follow to prevent the soil from forming a crust that it will be difficult for young sprouts to punch through. As soon as shoots appear, the planting should be thinned out with .

Shoot onions from seeds

The method is good because it does not require significant cash outlay. And the seeds grown by you alone, give confidence that they do not contain diseases and pests.

Planting Sealing

Experienced gardeners insist that planting onions with Sevka for the winter is not the best option for , since in such cases it is likely that the onion will go to the arrow. But if it is decided to plant this way, then the smallest onion is used as a material for planting to minimize such risks.

Seeding is best done in early spring.

The soil for such planting should be cool. It is believed that onions are planted with Sevka two weeks after garlic. Before planting, the material must be prepared:

  • bulbs eight hours warm ;
  • then they should soak in warm water, adding a little potassium permanganate.

This method of planting has its positive differences:

  • in spring sprouts make their way to the surface of the soil quickly;
  • bow is developing actively , perfectly gaining not only green mass, but also its underground part;
  • bow planted in winter, does not give arrows ;
  • crop yields faster.
Sevok will best settle down in the "native" climate.

Planting on

feathers In this case, it is recommended to use onion or rejected sevok. Landing is tight. Ground bulbs do not hide behind. Garden bed watered, covered with plastic film .To accelerate growth, you can feed the bed with a solution of urea. Watering is carried out frequently.

Onion care after planting

Onion variety Stuttgart is unpretentious, does not require special care. But you need to know what circumstances will improve its growth and increase productivity.

The soil composition should be neutral in acidity. .The bow, though it tolerates cold, feels better in warm or temperate climatic conditions.

Weeding is an important element to get a good harvest. Getting rid of weeds, you give the bulbs to get nutrients from the earth , create space for growth. Loosening the soil oxygen is supplied to the root system, which also has a beneficial effect on growth.

The need for weeding and loosening the soil is that during this process, more oxygen is supplied to the roots. To accelerate growth after a few weeks after landing, it is allowed to use mullein or dissolved bird droppings.

A month later, the culture was fed with urea( 15 g), superphosphates( 15 g) and potassium salt( 40 g).Everything is diluted in water and added to the beds during watering.

Pallor of leaves and weak growth of are reminiscent of a lack of nitrogen. The resulting blackness indicates that plants lack phosphorus.

Fresh manure may not be used as an additional component.

Diseases and Prevention

This variety of onion tolerates disease, resists pests. He is not afraid of powdery mildew. The most likely cause of diseases of onions may be poor quality planting material .For this reason, seeds should be purchased in special stores, before planting process them with a solution of manganese. It is recommended to sow a small amount of dill to scare away the parasites on the onion beds.

Harvesting and Storage Rules

Before cleaning, watering is reduced, then completely stopped, so that the onions are able to mature. You can harvest when you turn yellow and wither foliage. It should not be long to keep the bulbs in the ground so that they do not start growing again .

Storage of onions Stuttgarter in bundles

The collected onions are dried, sorted, the root system and the leaves are removed.

First of all, immature bulbs should be used. For storing a sept, they use sandboxes placed in the basement of the .If moisture appears, onions must be dried again.

Growing this onion variety of labor is not. Observing all the requirements, you can get excellent yields.

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