Neon lamps: the principle of operation and the specifics of decorative lighting

Color effects in lighting systems are made possible by using light sources such as neon lamps, which are gas discharge and can be filled not only with neon, but also with other gases.

They are actively used by designers, advertisers and designers, in addition, they are also appreciated by experts in the field of lighting for their reliability and long service life.

In this material, we will understand the design features of neon light sources, tell about their advantages and disadvantages, as well as how to decorate the interior with their help.

The content of the article:

  • Design and principle of operation
  • Color variety of gas lamps
  • Advantages and disadvantages of luminaires
  • The use of neon light sources
  • Interior Design Tips
  • Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Design and principle of operation

Externally, the lamp resembles the usual fluorescent device - This is a glass tube, but not filled with argon with a drop of mercury, but with neon or another inert gas. The choice of gas just affects the color of the glow, and the process of pumping it into the tube occurs under low pressure.

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The shape of the tube is the most convenient design, working according to the following scheme. Electrodes are connected from two sides, to which voltage is then applied. Under the influence of voltage, the gas atoms part with negative electrodes and acquire a positive charge.

Positively charged atoms move to the minus pole-electrode, and negatively charged electrons to positive. Charged gas atoms and electrons separated from them are called plasma, and they form the electrical circuit of a neon tube.

Gas filled tube

To release the cavity of the glass tube from the air and burn out excess substances, vacuum-thermal devices are used in the production. With their help they inject one of the noble gases.

If you look closely at the different types of neon light bulbs, you can see the difference: some of them have a steady, quiet glow, others shine as brightly as possible. In the second case, mercury vapor is placed inside the tube along with an inert gas. Under the influence of electric current, they begin to emit ultraviolet - hence the unusual, "magic" lighting.

Lamps filled with inert gas function equally well from alternating and direct current. However, the second option will look inferior, since the illumination area is concentrated around a single electrode. For this reason, it is the alternating current that is used to connect the devices, and the voltage should be high - up to 15,000 V.

Variants of luminescence of gas-discharge lamps

Variants of the glow of gas-discharge lamps. Light sources emitting colored rays from the glow of a gas, rather than coating glass tubes, are also called gaseous. Suppose a fluorescent lamp shade of light occurs due to phosphor spraying

To increase the standard voltage to the desired value, a transformer is used. It is experimentally verified that a voltage of less than 1000 V does not cause a discharge inside the tube, therefore, it will not glow.

The obligatory stage of making neon lights is continuous testing. For this device is connected to a voltage of 12 hours or more, and then identify the shortcomings. During this period, mercury vapors are mixed with gas and evenly distributed inside the tube, and the voltage stabilizes.

Color variety of gas lamps

The range of colors for neon devices is really great. The shades depend on the selected gas, on the composition of the material deposited on the glass and on the gas additive to the noble filling of the tube. They can change the intensity due to current instability. The electrons of the atoms of inert gases in the separation release energy, which determines the length of the light wave, and hence the color.

Neon red lamp

Contrary to popular belief that neon lamps glow blue or magenta, neon-filled devices have a red or orange glow. By the way, to increase the brightness of red lamps, mercury vapor is not needed - the light is already saturated

If pure inert gases are used in the tubes, they will produce the following colors:

  • helium - pink;
  • krypton is green;
  • Argon - lilac or blue.

Other colors available. To do this, mix different gases, change their proportions, put phosphors on the inside of the glass. For example, by using krypton tubes as phosphor-coated tubes, a wide range of yellow shades can be obtained.

The density and frequency of electrical current can also affect color change. If we take the neon lamp as an example, then when the current density decreases, the glow will turn orange, and when it increases, it will turn into the blue segment of the glow spectrum.

Public facility lighting

In addition to krypton and argon lamps, fluorescent lamps can glow blue and magenta - they are often confused. Similar to the glow and UV illumination, which is often used in nightclubs and discos

That the effect of ultraviolet lamps was present at gas discharge devices, they are filled with xenon or krypton. Sometimes their mixtures are used in various proportions and mix with argon.

On our site there is an article where we talked in detail about home-use UV lamps. Read more - read Further.

Advantages and disadvantages of luminaires

Discharge lamps quickly occupied their niche and are not going to leave it due to positive qualities. Pluses concern both abundance of scopes of application, and technical characteristics of devices. If we analyze all the parties from the point of view of users and specialists, we can distinguish the following advantages.

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Variety of colors and shades

The wide range that neon tubes and ribbons can provide has long been appreciated by interior and exterior designers.

The ability to adjust the intensity of light

With the help of the controller connected to the luminaires, you can reduce or increase the intensity of the light flux

Long service life without repair

If the lamp is made in compliance with all requirements and is operated under proper conditions, the service life reaches 15-20 years.

The ability to manufacture lamps of any configuration

Glass tubes and neon ribbons are good because their shape is easy to change. For this, the glass is heated, and the ribbon is initially elastic and flexible.

Light from the source spreads in all directions.

Since metal plugs are only at the edges, and the lamp body is glass, the light fills the space around the device equally well

Neon tubes can be installed in various places.

The size and shape of the lighting gas-discharge devices allow them to be built in and installed in hard-to-reach places - under a suspended ceiling, in niches

Conventional lighting safety

In good condition, neon lamps pose no danger. However, it is better to keep a close eye on the tightness of tubes containing mercury vapor.

Lamps do not make noise during the work

Unlike some energy-saving and LED lamps, as well as dimmable devices, gas-light sources do not make noise

Variety of colors and shades

Variety of colors and shades

The ability to adjust the intensity of light

The ability to adjust the intensity of light

Long service life without repair

Long service life without repair

The ability to manufacture lamps of any configuration

The ability to manufacture lamps of any configuration

Light from the source spreads in all directions.

Light from the source spreads in all directions.

Neon tubes can be installed in various places.

Neon tubes can be installed in various places.

Conventional lighting safety

Conventional lighting safety

Lamps do not make noise during the work

Lamps do not make noise during the work

And now let us turn to the shortcomings that are also present and force us to abandon gas-discharge lamps, for example, in everyday life.

Here are some of them:

  • the power of neon devices is much lower than that of similar LED - 10 W / m;
  • the fragility of the material of the tubes - glass; if one lamp is broken, the whole circuit will go out;
  • it is necessary to constantly monitor that the gas harmful to health, if it is part of the filler, does not come out; for lamps designed special disposal;
  • installation requires special care and knowledge, you can incorrectly dock the chain elements or accidentally break the glass.

And most importantly - the color lighting is rather decorative in nature, and is not the basis of the lighting system. It is good for isolating individual zones or creating attractive compositions, but it is irrelevant in places of a “working” plan - in classrooms, in the kitchen, in the workshop, in the nursery.

The use of neon light sources

It is a mistake to assume that neon devices are only elements of decoration and advertising signs. In fact, they have been used for more than a century, and in various fields.

For example, before the advent of LEDs, neon light sources were used as voltage indicators of a standard 220 V network.

Miniature neon light bulbs

Now you can also find miniature light bulbs, which are often used to assemble all kinds of household schemes. Pluses are tangible: minimum current consumption, reliability and efficiency compared to incandescent lamps

Large lamps are equipped standard caps E14 and E27 and are intended for cartridges that are used in everyday life. That the device could shine and work from a network of 220 V, the resistor is built in the case.

In the last century, such lamps were used as nightlights, but were implemented together with lamps. Now the production in Russia is covered, but the Chinese continue to produce similar products.

Lamps Balizor on the high-voltage line

Balizor discharge lamps are used to illuminate high-voltage lines. Their peculiarity is that the power is supplied directly from the cable on which they are held

A few more applications of neon devices:

  • release of probes-indicators to identify the AC voltage in the phase;
  • use in a stroboscope;
  • as a threshold or active element in generating devices;
  • as a protective element in telephone networks.

Familiar to modern man use - advertising industry. The streets of megacities shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, letters, logos, contours, lights and other eye-catching elements of advertising are made of glass tubes with a bright glow.

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Saturation and density of neon light

Making LED or fluorescent lamps can not be compared in brightness and flashiness with a neon design

Durability of neon tubes and ribbons

When compared with fluorescent devices, the neon "live" much longer. Even in the street they operate up to 10 years

Wide temperature range of illumination

Lamps of open and closed type well tolerate precipitation and temperature drops, operate in the range of -35 º C to + 50 º C

Combination of various manufacturing techniques

In factories and workshops, new outdoor advertising models are being developed, combining the use of various gases and phosphors.

Saturation and density of neon light

Saturation and density of neon light

Durability of neon tubes and ribbons

Durability of neon tubes and ribbons

Wide temperature range of illumination

Wide temperature range of illumination

Combination of various manufacturing techniques

Combination of various manufacturing techniques

A fine example of the use of neon lighting is the American Las Vegas and other places related to the entertainment industry. Multicolored lights littered with nightclubs, casinos, theaters, cafes and hotels.

Interior Design Tips

In residential areas, neon lights are used rarely and reluctantly. Perhaps this is due to the inappropriateness of the multi-colored illumination in small apartments, which are still the basis of the residential sector of cities, especially provincial ones.

However, in the cottages and apartments of the new layout with high ceilings neon lights are used more and more actively.

Neon interior design

Especially like to highlight the individual elements of the situation modern designers, who know how to draw attention to the subject or create a special atmosphere.

Recommendations of designers and designers may be of interest to anyone who wants to change the furnishings, to refresh the interior, to make repairs, or to simply experiment with neon lighting. To do this, you need to purchase lamps of a suitable size, choose the right place for installation and make installation using additional equipment (for example, a controller or a transformer).

There are many options for the use of neon in an apartment, in a private house or even in an office, we will consider only some of them.

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Illumination of furniture modules and sets

Thin strips of light, protruding from under the sofas or cabinets, immerse the room in a mysterious atmosphere

Accent selection of interior accessories

Multicolored lighting favorably demonstrates decorations and decorative elements placed in niches and cabinets

The functional purpose of neon lighting

In addition to the decorative function, it is also practical, useful for illuminating steps in the dark, columns in the middle of the room.

Lighting work surfaces and areas

The kitchen is not the most successful zone for the placement of color design, however, if properly placed, it recreates an interesting "space" style.

Illumination of designer figures or sculptures

Some lights filled with inert gas are at the same time a decorative figure adorning the interior.

Matt columns of transparent material

If neon lamps are placed inside semi-transparent columns, they will simultaneously be both a stylish element of the interior and a lamp.

Making suspended tension and plasterboard structures

Highlighting a suspended or suspended ceiling is already a familiar way to diversify the surroundings and liven up the classic interior.

Zoning studio apartments and large premises

Successfully located lighting is an additional space delimiter in spacious rooms such as studios or loft-style halls.

Illumination of furniture modules and sets

Illumination of furniture modules and sets

Accent selection of interior accessories

Accent selection of interior accessories

The functional purpose of neon lighting

The functional purpose of neon lighting

Lighting work surfaces and areas

Lighting work surfaces and areas

Illumination of designer figures or sculptures

Illumination of designer figures or sculptures

Matt columns of transparent material

Matt columns of transparent material

Making suspended tension and plasterboard structures

Making suspended tension and plasterboard structures

Zoning studio apartments and large premises

Zoning studio apartments and large premises

Color lighting is a great tool for getting rid of the stereotypical approach to interior design. Ordinary pieces of furniture shaded in blue, lilac or green appear more expressive and stylish. But in all things, the rule of measure and relevance should be observed.

Expand your horizons and get to know the different types of gas-discharge lamps more closely with videos with reviews and reports.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Variety of lamps on the market:

The process of manufacturing gas-filled lamps:

Installing the cord in the car:

Amazing package from China:

Check the characteristics of the neon cord:

Neon lamps can turn a boring street into a festive booth, and make the familiar atmosphere of an apartment mysterious and stylish. However, before choosing devices, be sure to remember about the alternative lighting option - LED strips, which are now recognized as the most economical, productive and reliable.

Perhaps you are already using neon in the interior of your house? Please share photos of your interiors with neon lights, tell us if you are satisfied with your own choice? Write your comments in the box below the article.

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