Decoration of the festive table - salad with pomegranate

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Salad with pomegranate is a decoration of the festive table. Still, elegant, bright, not ordinary. Many people are afraid to make such salads, believing that the pomegranate grains are not very in harmony with other products. In fact, the pomegranate makes the salads sour and makes the taste brighter and more piquant. Let's consider some recipes of a salad with a pomegranate with step-by-step photos, from which you can choose for yourself the most delicious.

Practically in all salads, beets must be boiled. Unfortunately, this is a long time. Depending on the size of the root vegetables, the procedure can take from 40 minutes to 3 hours. Significantly, you can accelerate this by "boiling" the beets in the microwave, if you have one.

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Smart beetroots

This is the easiest salad. It is prepared very quickly. The main thing is to cook beets. The rest is a matter of minutes. To prepare a salad of beetroot and pomegranate, you will need half a pomegranate and 1-2 beets (depending on the size). In addition, you should prepare nuts (4-5 cores), salt and vegetable oil.


  1. First, boil the beet until cooked. If desired, you can bake it in the oven.
  2. After the root crop has cooled, it is peeled and rubbed on a grater of medium size.
  3. In a frying pan, the vegetable oil is heated, the beet is spread there and fried. Do not fry it. It is only necessary to evaporate excess liquid.
  4. In the meantime, they wash and clean the grenade.
  5. In a salad bowl, spread beets, pomegranate seeds and mix thoroughly.
  6. Try it on the palate. If necessary, add salt and freshly ground pepper to taste.
  7. Before serving, the salad should be sprinkled with crushed nuts and greens if desired.

Salad "Bracelet with pomegranate"

This is a classic version of a salad. Getting on the table, he takes first place among the dishes. And, you see, it's no accident. Ruby frame looks elegant and solemn.

To prepare a masterpiece, take two smoked chicken legs. At this amount, you should take one pomegranate, beets and potatoes (cooked, two pieces of each ingredient). One can not do without a bow - about one head of a red variety. If you love him much, you can more. Additionally, it will take a kg of mayonnaise and walnuts. The amount of the last two components varies depending on the taste.

This salad can be made with the addition of any other meat, be it turkey or beef. As they say, it's a matter of taste. It is better to cook the dish from the evening, so that the layers become impregnated overnight. Yes, and if you accidentally change the layers - there is nothing terrible in this.


  1. Potato tubers peel and grate on a grater of a large diameter.
  2. Beetroot is also cleaned and grated.
  3. Peel onion and finely chop.
  4. From the thighs, remove the meat and cut into cubes.
  5. From the pomegranate to release the grain.
  6. Now proceed to assemble the salad with pomegranate and smoked chicken. Since it is called a bracelet, its shape will also becorresponding. To do this, a glass is placed on the dish, around which the layers will be laid.
  7. Lay the first layer - potato and grease with mayonnaise.
  8. From above distribute smoked cut chicken.
  9. Applying mayonnaise, lay onion layer.
  10. Walnuts are ground in a mortar or a crush with a fairly small fraction and mixed with grated beets.
  11. Now lay out the nut-beet mass and lubricate with mayonnaise.
  12. The final layer is pomegranate.

Ready salad is placed in the refrigerator at night for impregnation. The next day it can be served to the table.

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"Little Red Riding Hood" from a fairy tale

Another kind of pomegranate dishes is a red bean salad with a pomegranate. Unlike the bracelet, its meat component is pork.

So, to make a salad you need to take, kg of pork. This amount of meat will require 1-2 grenades, 2 eggs and 5 grams of hard cheese. For impregnation use sour cream and mayonnaise for 1 tbsp. l. of each ingredient. In addition, it is required, kg of peeled walnuts and a bunch of dill. As a taste enhancer, salt and pepper are used.

In the salad, boiled pork is used. As a rule, it takes a very long time to prepare it. To speed up the process, you need to cut the meat into small pieces.


  1. First of all boil the pork, do not forget to salt after boiling. Ready meat is cooled, and then cut into small pieces.
  2. While cooking meat, boil the eggs hard boiled and also cut into cubes.
  3. Cheese is rubbed, and the nuts are crushed.
  4. In a separate piano mix sour cream and mayonnaise, you can salt and pepper, not to do it with each layer.
  5. Garnet free the grain.
  6. Salad with pomegranate and meat is collected layer by layer: pork-grated cheese-eggs-walnuts.
  7. A pomegranate layer is placed on top. And everything, the salad is ready and begs for the table.

Ruby salad with nuts

We offer one more simple salad recipe with a pomegranate. He refers to the Azerbaijani cuisine. In addition to its colorful features it has an unusual taste.

To make it, you need 4 potato tubers, one pomegranate fruit, one red bulb onion and 5 kg of walnut kernels. You will also need a bunch of dill and salt with pepper for taste. Season the salad with olive oil and lemon juice.



  1. Boil the potatoes. It is best to cook it in a microwave oven - much less it takes time. Ready potatoes cool, clean and cut into small cubes.
  2. In the meantime, clean the grenade. The easiest way to do it this way. Slice the skin up to the end, thereby dividing the fruit into fragments. After they are slightly separated and turn over the pomegranate. Now, using a tablespoon, they knock on a grenade. If you did everything correctly, the grains will quickly fall into the enclosed container.
  3. Peel the onion and cut into semicircles.
  4. Grind the nuts. You can do this with a mulberry, blender, coffee grinder or simply chop with a knife.
  5. Dill is washed and finely shredded.
  6. To make a dressing from the half of the lemon squeeze the juice into a small container. Then add the olive oil and mix thoroughly.
  7. Now collect a salad with pomegranate and walnut. In the salad bowl, place all the ingredients, salt, pepper, pour in the dressing and mix thoroughly.

Meat salad with pomegranate

We offer one more recipe - a salad with beef and pomegranate. Each hostess tries to give novelty to her dishes and experiments.

The highlight of this salad is pickled onions and a lot of vitamins in the form of pomegranate seeds.

The main ingredients are one pomegranate fruit, 3-4 potato tubers, two onion turnips and beets and beef meat in quantity, kg. For marinating, you should prepare vinegar (1 tablespoon), 2/3 tbsp. water and 1 p.s. salt with sugar. Mayonnaise is used to lubricate the layers.


  1. The bulb is cleaned and cut into rings and placed in a deep container, where vinegar is poured and sugar and salt is poured. In this marinade and leave the onions, bay with boiling water. When the contents are cold - the onion is ready for use.
  2. Potatoes, meat and beets should be boiled. It is best to do this in advance. Vegetables peeled and cut: potatoes cubes or straws. Beet should be grated on a grater of large diameter. From the pomegranate to release the grain.
  3. Now they start assembling salad with beef and pomegranate. On the plate lay a layer of meat and grease with mayonnaise.
  4. Next lay onions and top mayonnaise.
  5. The next layer is potato. Do not forget to also lubricate it with mayonnaise.
  6. Lay the beetroot layer with mayonnaise.
  7. In conclusion, sprinkle the salad with pomegranate seeds.
Read also:We cook on delicious recipes lard in onion husk

All you can do is eat.

Pecanka with rubies

Peking cabbage is a frequent guest in the kitchen. It is perfectly combined with various products. We offer to experiment and prepare a salad with pomegranate and Peking cabbage. One of the main ingredients is chicken. With her, the salad is especially tasty. But if you have other meat, then you can use it.

So, you need 5 kg of chicken fillet and, kg of peking. In addition, 5 g of sweet Bulgarian pepper, as much corn (canned), 50 grams of green onions, pomegranate seeds and dill. For filling salad with pomegranate and chicken, approximately, kg of mayonnaise and salt are used.


  1. Peking thoroughly wash under running water, dry and finely chop.
  2. Wash the spring onion and finely chop.
  3. In a salad bowl, mix the pekinka, corn from the can and the onion.
  4. Pepper is also washed and cut into strips.
  5. Dill is washed under running water from dirt, wiped with a towel, finely cut and along with pepper spread to other products in a salad bowl.
  6. Chicken fillet should be boiled, and then cut into cubes.

The final step is to add salt, mayonnaise, mix everything thoroughly and sprinkle with pomegranate seeds.

Salad "Cap of Monomakh" with pomegranate

Another traditional New Year salad. Very beautiful and spectacular. In this salad you need to pick the right garnet. Depending on this taste will be excellent, because the grains can be sourish and sweetish.

To prepare the first part of the salad you will need: half a very large boiled carrots, 8 quail eggs and 1 tbsp. walnuts. Optional: mayonnaise to taste and 3 garlic cloves.

For the second part, it is required, 5 g of hard cheese, half a glass of walnuts, as much raisins, about three boiled carrots, one garlic clove and one pomegranate fruit.

First, prepare the first part of a salad with a pomegranate. For that, carrots are cleaned and cut into strips. Eggs are cleaned and finely cut. All this is put in a deep plate, add crushed nuts, mayonnaise and garlic pasted through the press. All this is carefully mixed and spread on a flat dish by a high slide. This will be the cap itself.

Now proceed to the second part. To do this, carrots are also cut with straws, mixed with grated cheese, raisins, garlic, ground nuts and mayonnaise are poured into it. Mix well, spread the mass around the "cap making the edge. Everything, the salad is ready, it remains only to decorate with pomegranate seeds and serve to the table.

"The Royal Hunt"

Another majestic recipe for a salad with pomegranate (with a detailed photo). Still, because it includes beef tongue. In combination with pickled mushrooms an exquisite and bright taste is formed.

If you have not found the beef tongue, you can use a pig.

For preparation it is required: one tongue kg of pickled mushrooms, and, kg of chicken fillet. Additionally, one pomegranate fruit and two eggs are used. For refueling mayonnaise, any greens and spices.


  1. In advance it is necessary to prepare (boil, clean and wash) all the products.
  2. The tongue is peeled and cut into cubes.
  3. Do the same with the chicken fillet.
  4. Mushrooms pull out of marinade and cut into strips.
  5. The eggs are finely chopped.
  6. Gather a salad with tongue and pomegranate, fold it into a salad bowl, pour in spices, mayonnaise, pepper and salt.
  7. Greenish shreds.
  8. With a pomegranate, grains are pulled out.
Read also:A few simple recipes for frozen beans

Ready salad is decorated with a grenade, and... eat served!

Spicy Prunes

Prunes need to be able to combine with food. We will teach you on the example of salad with prunes and pomegranate. It is prepared layer by layer and has an unusual taste. As a meat ingredient you can use whatever you like, for example, pork.

For cooking, you need one boiled beet, one pomegranate fruit, 5 kg of pork meat, two potato tubers in "uniforms kg of prunes and onion turnips. For refueling - mayonnaise to taste.


  1. The first thing prunes are poured hot water in a bowl and after a few minutes they take out and cut with straw.
  2. Beetroot and potatoes peel and grate.
  3. Cut onion finely chopped, and pork strips.
  4. In a deep salad bowl put layer by layer: prunes-potatoes-meat-onions.
  5. Now lettuce grease with mayonnaise and distribute the grated beets.
  6. Decorate with pomegranate seeds and serve to the table.

Chicken salad with pomegranate

Do you like to cook and experiment? On the note, take a salad with a pomegranate and chicken fillet. In combination with nuts, you will get a terrific dish.

Salad can be made with or without refueling. And you can cook without it, just adding a little pomegranate juice. In the second case, the salad will be light and very useful.

For cooking you need, kg of chicken fillet, two or three garlic cloves, 5 g of any nuts and one pomegranate fruit. One bulb of red varieties is also needed. As a dressing, take the vegetable oil, and the taste is balanced with spices. The latter can be taken, for example, coriander, paprika, bitter pepper, fenugreek.


  1. Chicken fillet thoroughly wash, dry with a towel and sprinkle with salt mixed with paprika. Heat the frying pan, add oil and fry the meat on it, turning on the fire for a small one. The cooking time is 30 minutes. Do not forget to turn them around.
  2. Preheat a clean and dry frying pan and fry the nuts on it for 2-3 minutes (preferably a hazel). After peeling off the husk and crush.
  3. Chicken fillet tear into fibers, put in a salad bowl, pour in spices.
  4. There also add nuts, onions, pomegranate seeds and garlic pasted through the press.

If you add a spoonful of pomegranate juice, then in salad dressing does not need.

Salad with shrimps and pomegranate

Do you like seafood? You should try to prepare such an exotic salad. Only garnet try to choose sweet, so that it shades tender shrimps.

The main ingredients of the dish are shrimps (already peeled) in an amount of 5 kg, a red cabbage, one shallot, a frize salad (the amount is at your discretion) and one grenade. For frying take 20 g of butter, and for refilling 2 tbsp. wine vinegar and olive oil, salt and 1 tsp. pink pepper.

Prepare the salad in advance, because the greens quickly lose sight and taste. Therefore, submit it to the table right after the creation.


  1. In the heated frying pan, melt the butter and fry the prawns on it for 5-7 minutes. When they are ready - they are shifted to a plate and sent to the refrigerator.
  2. Clear the seeds of pomegranate.
  3. Peel onion and cut into slices.
  4. Salad and cabbage thoroughly rinse under running warm water, dry on a towel and tear to pieces.
  5. All the prepared products put in a salad bowl. Separately mix the ingredients for refueling and pour the salad.Stir the contents of the container and serve to the table.

Well, how do you like a selection of New Year salads with a pomegranate? Have you looked for something interesting? Despite the fact that the pomegranate is a fruit with a unique taste, it is perfectly combined with other products.

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