Learning the right way to cook dried mushrooms

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Not many know how to cook dried mushrooms, so that they remain fragrant and tasty. In fact, everything is very simple. This is a unique product that has many useful components in its composition. It is rich in vitamins B, A, PP, C. There are different recipes for soups from dried mushrooms. They are prepared with porridge, they are added to soups, and also used in the process of making pizza.

Dried mushrooms - not only delicious, but also useful

It is the most popular product in the world. In the people, fungi have received a different name - "vegetable meat". They favorably affect the metabolism and work of the digestive tract. The weight of dried mushrooms is one tenth of fresh. Therefore, to get 100 grams of dry billet, you need to use 1 kg of raw.

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In its composition the mushrooms have:

  • amino acids;
  • vegetable proteins;
  • vitamins and other essential microelements.

Also in the product there is a large amount of fats, which are fully absorbed by the body. They are necessary for raw people, as well as for vegetarians. You can dry different mushrooms. But among all, the most vitamins and wholes are White.

A simple recipe for barley with dried mushrooms in a multivark

To make a delicious cereal, you do not need to have special skills. You can cook this dish in the oven, gas or multivark. Perlovka with dry mushrooms is very fragrant and nourishing. To make the cereal the right consistency, it is better to use a multivark.

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Dried mushrooms that are collected in the forest can have sand on themselves. Therefore, in order not to spoil the dish, you should clean them properly. Before you prepare dried mushrooms, you must carefully sort them and wash several times in a colander under running water.

Pearl barley, which was previously filled with liquid, is prepared in 15-20 minutes.

Necessary ingredients:

  • pearl barley - 200 grams;
  • clean water - 500 ml;
  • Dried white mushrooms - 50 grams;
  • onion - 100 grams (1 medium);
  • carrot - 100 grams (1 small);
  • sea ​​salt;
  • fragrant crushed pepper.

Stages of cooking porridge:

  1. The first thing to do is prepare a pearl barley. Grains to sort, rinse in cold water and pour liquid overnight. Use only cold water.
  2. Before you begin to prepare dried mushrooms, they need to be soaked in water. In this form, leave for two hours.
  3. With a bow remove the husks. Vegetable cut by any method, but it is best to divide the rings into four parts.
  4. Wash the carrot and clean it. Grind on a large grater.
  5. After the mushrooms have become soft, they must be rinsed and cut. You can choose any method of cutting.
  6. In the tank, pour in the sunflower oil. Multivarka included in the network and select the "Frying" mode. In preheated oil put the prepared onions, carrots and mushrooms. Cook for 20 minutes. While stirring. To control the condition of vegetables, the lid should not be closed.
  7. Pearl barley, which is wet, wash. Do this until the water is completely clear. After that, put the groats to fried vegetables. In the container pour water, salt and pepper.
  8. Mix the mixture well, so as not to stick to the bottom of the bowl. Multivark to enable and select the desired function. Perfectly pearl barley with dried mushrooms is cooked in "Buckwheat" mode.

To make the pearl bar soft, add a piece of butter.

After the signal mix the porridge and pour into a bowl. Serve the dish warm. In this case, you can use different greens.

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Soup with mushrooms and pearl barley

This recipe is very useful. Soup, cooked in this way, is nutritious and vitamin-rich. You can eat such a dish for the whole family.

To make soup you will need:

  • 50 grams of dried mushrooms (any);
  • half a glass of cereals;
  • 2 onions (small);
  • carrots (medium);
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil;
  • bay leaf (dried in the oven);
  • , a liter of clean water;
  • salt, pepper, herbs.

Serving soup with mushrooms is recommended with homemade sour cream.

Pearl barley and mushrooms thoroughly rinse. Then soak them in cold water and leave for 12 hours at room temperature. At the end of this time, pour the rump into a saucepan and put on a fire.

Onions and carrots cleaned, well washed. Vegetables grind and put in a pan. Carrots can be both grated and cut into small stripes. Fry for 8-10 minutes. If the carrot turns yellow and the onions are golden, then you can remove the frying pan from the fire.

Remove the mushrooms and rinse them in cold water. Then chop the pieces and add to the pan. Stew all ingredients for 15 minutes.

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Peel potatoes and cut into small cubes. After the broth has boiled, you can add potatoes. After 15-20 minutes, put frying mushrooms in a saucepan. Also the dish should be salt and pepper. After that, cook the soup for another 10 minutes. At the end of cooking put the chopped greens.

Dried from dried mushrooms

Anyone who wants to diversify the diet, should prepare an unusual and fragrant gravy. It fits perfectly with many dishes.

Required components:

  • 20 gr. mushrooms;
  • 2 teaspoons of wheat flour;
  • , a glass of sour cream home;
  • , a glass of mushroom broth;
  • parsley, salt, small, pepper.

Put the mushrooms in water and leave overnight. Then pour into a saucepan and cook for 20 minutes.

Cooked mushrooms remove from the fire and discarded in a colander. In a frying pan, roast the flour until golden. Add mushroom broth to it.

Pour a little water into the flour. Liquids must be added so that the desired consistency is obtained. As soon as the sauce starts to thicken, you can put mushrooms, sour cream. Also it will be necessary to salt and pepper.

After that, cook the sauce for another 5 minutes on a very low heat. To the mixture does not stick to the bottom of the frying pan, it is necessary to stir it constantly. At the end of time, the frying pan can be removed from the fire. Top with gravy sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Dried mushrooms - a unique product, with which you can make any dish irresistible. Following the above recommendations, you can prepare a delicious and nutritious dinner for the whole family.

Video recipe for roast with dry mushrooms

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