9 principles of combining colors in the interior of the kitchen

  • 9 principles of color scheme in the kitchen
  • Characteristics and successful combinations of primary colors

The successful design of the kitchen largely depends on the color scheme. But to plan it correctly, one idea of ​​the color that you would like to see in the interior is clearly not enough. It is necessary to determine precisely the main and additional shades, to make harmonious combinations, to place accents, to hide shortcomings and to emphasize the advantages of the premises.

Our guide will help you choose the ideal color of the kitchen, walls, floor and decor and reveal some of the coloristic secrets of designers. And here you can get ideas or find ready-made color solutions from a selection of 100 photos of beautiful kitchens.

9 principles of color scheme in the kitchen

1. Combine only 3-5 shades

Typically, the background of the kitchen is the largest surfaces and objects: walls, floor, kitchen furniture (large furniture). It is their colors in the palette of the interior will be the main and most often - neutral, natural and close to each other. In addition to the basic colors, you can choose two or three additional colors - darker, saturated or bright.

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In the percentage of the share of the main and additional colors can be divided as follows - 60/30/10. Remember that very bright and dark colors should occupy the smallest part of space - no more than 10%, that is, only as accents and color spots.

Below is a photo-example of the kitchen interior, in which there are 5 colors (scroll the photo to the right).

  • Kitchen interior with colored accents and neutral base
  • Kitchen interior with colored accents and neutral base
  • Kitchen interior with colored accents and neutral base
  • Kitchen interior with colored accents and neutral base

2. Combine colors with a color wheel

When composing the color combination in the kitchen, it is useful to know the principles of working with a chromatic circle, which schematically represents the iridescent spectrum. Buy it in an art shop and try to play with combinations of shades on the following basic algorithms:

Scheme 1.Monochromatic combination of colors: the interior is decorated with shades of only one segment of the color wheel.

Kitchen with a monochrome color scheme (for example, as in the photo below) turns out elegant and peaceful. But there is a danger: the interior can seem too simple and boring. To avoid this, combine dark shades with light ones, and also add effective textures or a few contrasting details to the monochrome space.

Small kitchen in shades of brown

Scheme 2.Contrast combination of colors: the shades that are in the circle opposite each other are combined. Contrasting colors are also called additional colors.

The interior with such a range turns out to be interesting and very expressive, but that it was viable, the chosen colors should be, first, diluted white or other neutral colors, and secondly, the shades should not be clean, but more complex, for example, muffled, bleached or deep. Agree, it is unlikely that anyone would have long stayed in this kitchen (in the photo below), if its walls were not painted in ocher and dark azure, but in pure orange and pure blue.


Scheme 3.Harmonious combination of colors: built on the use of "neighbors" along the circumference, which are also called similar colors. Such combinations are most universal, but also require contrasting or vivid accents, complementation with neutral colors.

Yellow, green and orange - neighbors in a circle, but because this interior is so nice to the eye.

In addition to the three color schemes described, there are other principles of color combination: the principle of maximum remote pairs, intermediate colors, the principle of composing triads, the principle of a rectangle, a square and a hexagon and others.

The scheme of a combination of colors

3. The color scheme of the interior must match the style

Often the range of color decisions dictates the style of the interior, so if you have already decided on his choice, then it will be easier to make a palette:

  • Kitchens in classical style or Art Deco style are decorated in deep, but muted tones, the walls are painted with colors, as if made on the basis of natural pigments. Bright accents to classical interiors are not peculiar, but the use of contrasts is allowed.

  • Kitchen in Art Deco style
  • Kitchen in Art Deco style
  • For the European styles of the Shebbi-chic and Provence, Gustavian and French, a pastel and neutral palette is characteristic without too vivid accents.

  • The basic colors of the Scandinavian style kitchen are usually light and natural, but often with bright or contrast accents.

  • Loft and industrial is built on dark muted tones, often with lots of brick, wood shades, concrete and metals.

  • Pop art, retro and bocho-chic are directions for those who love bright and rich colors as in the next selection of photo interiors.
  • Rustic and minimalistic style, eco-style and country are based on shades of natural materials - sand, grass, clay, stones and, of course, wood.


Having thoroughly studied the canons of the desired style and studied the photo of interiors, you will be able to draw good ideas of combinations of shades and textures and, perhaps, even find a ready solution.

4. Kitchen floor and work surfaces undesirable to decorate with dark colors

The fact is that on a dark background dust, fingerprints, stains, crumbs, drops of water, stains, wool are very noticeable. To wipe the countertop, say, the color of a wenge or the tiled floor of a shade of wet asphalt to a state of perfect purity, it is necessary to try very hard. If you often cook and are not ready to pay much attention to cleaning, you should stay away from dark floors, aprons, countertops and facades.

The black color of the kitchen is very spectacular, but very complex in the care, especially in the glossy as in this photo

5. Take into account the orientation of the windows to the sides of the world and the level of illumination

If the kitchen faces the north side, then soft white color and warm saturated colors will help to make up for the lack of heat and light: yellow, red, orange, pink.


But with a white-and-white, shades of blue, blue, violet and gray, it is unlikely to make friends It turns out - in the dim natural light they will look cloudy and even create feeling cold. Also, do not get carried away by pastel shades, since without sunlight they will appear dirty and dull. But in the sunny southern kitchens cool shades will look fresh, and pastel - gently. Warm colors in bright light, on the contrary, may seem too active and pressing or create a feeling of stuffiness.

Do you want to know for sure if the chosen paint color is suitable for the walls of your kitchen? Use a professional technique: color A4 sheet, hang it on the wall and observe how it looks in different lighting during the day. Perhaps the color that looked so good in the store and on the advertising booklets in the lighting of your kitchen will reveal itself quite differently. It is also useful to carry out this test with samples of flooring materials, facades and other large objects.

Choosing the color of the walls for the kitchen, it is desirable to test selected shades of paint in real conditions

6. If the kitchen is small, then it's better to bet on light shades

The most effective way to visually enlarge a small kitchen is to decorate the interior in white. In a space with white walls, a floor, a ceiling and a suite, the boundaries seem to disappear, and there is much more light. To ensure that the white kitchen does not seem boring, in its interior it is necessary either to combine expressive textures and materials, for example, white bricks and gloss (cf. photo below), or - use colored accents and contrasts.


However, if you do not like white color, you can replace it with light shades of gray, cream, beige, blue, light green and others.

Gray-blue color of the walls in the kitchen in the classical style

7. Cold shades pacify the appetite, warm - excite

If you are an avid culinary, gourmet or just a lover beautifully taking pictures of food - that warm shades (yellow, red and orange, wood and brick textures) in the dining or working area will be very by the way. On the other hand, if you are aiming for a moderate diet, then an apron or, say, a tablecloth on the table, it is better to choose in cold colors.


8. The starting point of planning the color scheme can be furniture that you have noticed in the store or, say, already available finishing

If you do not plan to purchase furniture on order, paint the kitchen yourself or if some finishing / technique / furniture in your kitchen is already available, then to build a color scheme is more logical from their shades.

9. Make up a palette or a collage and always use them, acquiring finishing materials, furniture and decor

Color and color combinations can not be remembered, so you need to use cribs in the form of a palette, collage or mud bord with samples of materials. There are special online programs for compiling and searching for ready-made palettes (for example, Kuler), but also you can use any graphic editor with the tool pipette. For the sample, it's easiest to take a photo of your favorite interior (not even a kitchen) and select 3-5 colors. When the palette is ready, save it on the phone to check with it when choosing finishing materials, furniture and decor.


Drawing up a color scheme of kitchen interior

The second way that will help you not to make mistakes with shades and textures is the creation of a collage in any graphic editor: just arrange a photo of all elements of the interior (they need to be looked for on the manufacturers' websites) next to each other friend. The collage will help to present the future interior and show what needs to be corrected in the colors and choice of materials / furniture.

Ideally, instead of a collage, it's worth using a mud board - a board with samples of finishing materials (see p. a photo). For example, it can be pieces of wallpaper, curtains, ceramic tiles, etc. As a result, you will be able to find not only the ideal color of the kitchen, but also harmonious combinations of textures, and also be able to accurately choose things in the colors you need.

Characteristics and successful combinations of primary colors


This color is nowhere more relevant in the kitchen, but you need to be careful with it. In small doses - warms, invigorates, stimulates appetite, in large doses - it presses and irritates.

  • Combinations:The aggressiveness of red is well neutralized by white and good-natured green, it can be supplemented with black details, and also to combine with cold colors and all related colors - yellow, orange, burgundy, brown.

See details: Red color in the interior of the kitchen: 5 tips and 85 inspirational photos


Blue is an excellent color for the kitchen, but provided good sunlight or use in a moderate amount. Blue will suit those who struggle with the habit of overeating, who love peace of mind and need confidence.

  • Combinations:with white, with cold colors - gray, green, blue and violet, as well as warm antipodes - orange, yellow, brown, red.

Blue and blue in the interior of the kitchen

See details: How to write a blue color in the kitchen interior - 5 tips and 60 photos


Ideal for the kitchen, as it adjusts to a positive mood, which is always necessary at breakfast before going out to work and at dinner - before going to bed. Unlike warm and cold shades, green affects the appetite neutrally.


  • Combinations:the ideal pair for green is a red color, it also combines well with the "neighbors" blue and yellow, warm shades - orange and brown (after all, it's not for nothing that the green-brown pair dominates the world flora).

See details: Green color for an ideal kitchen - 5 top tips and 100 photos


Invigorates, cheers, warms, any food on this background seems appetizing, but in large quantities yellow can irritate the psyche. This color is especially shown in northern and dark kitchens - here it can replace sunlight.

  • The kitchen is yellow
  • The kitchen is yellow
  • The kitchen is yellow
  • Combinations:with red, blue, blue, lilac, purple, green, brown and, of course, with gray (with it it becomes more serious), white and black.

See details: Yellow color in the interior of the kitchen - 5 main tips and 100 photos for inspiration


Light gray - the perfect color of the kitchen walls and the headset.


Gray is always practical and universal, moreover, almost all the colors in a pair with him become more noble and more effective. However, the abundance of gray (except for very light tones) can oppress and cool. For dark kitchens, the shades of gray are contraindicated.

  • Combinations:gray is combined with all the colors of the rainbow, but is especially good with white (gray walls with white skirting look stunning), pink, yellow.


See more: All about the use of gray in the interior of the kitchen


This color is almost the most difficult to use, as it has a contradictory effect - it simultaneously excites and soothes. Therefore, its use is only in very small quantities.

  • Combinations:with neutral colors - white, gray, brown, with its additional color - yellow, as well as its "parents" - red and blue.

Purple color in the interior of the kitchen

See more: Violet color in the interior of the kitchen - 5 secrets of application


The color of the earth and wood calms, creates in the interior a sense of security and coziness. It is especially good to use it in textiles, in furnish of a floor and furniture. However, in large quantities and without suitable additional colors can tire.

  • Combinations:with white, beige, green, with related warm shades and opposites - blue and blue.

See more: 7 secrets of brown color in the interior of the kitchen

The black

If you use this color in moderation and combine it with lighter or cheerful shades, black can bring refinement and rigor to the interior.

Black furniture in the interior of the kitchen in the country

He looks particularly stylish in the "chess" decoration of the floor and apron, in the form of decor (photo frames, figurines, vases) and in the form of prints on textiles / wallpaper.

  • Combinations:is combined with all colors.

See details: Black color in the interior of the kitchen - 150 photos, 3 rules and 6 successful combinations

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