Popular perennial - juniper cossack Tamariscifolia

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The natural zone of the distribution of Cossack juniper, one of the most popular types of conifers in landscape design, covers the south of Europe, the west and the center of Asia, the east of Siberia. Juniperus Cossack Tamariscifolia is a popular perennial with a flattened crown, needle needles and a capricious nature.

In nature, shrubs, referred to the species as "juniper Cossack are low plants:

  • with a wide squat crown;
  • adapted to life at altitudes from 1 to thousands of meters above sea level;
  • settling on steep slopes;
  • undemanding to the composition of the soil;
  • easily transferring any neighborhood;
  • winter-hardy and drought-resistant.

The juniper depicted in the picture Tamariczifolia or Juniperus Sabina Tamariscifolia refers to evergreen coniferous cultures and fully repeats the appearance and characteristics of the life of their wild-growing ancestors.

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Description of juniper Tamariczifolia

After planting, the shrubbery grows quite slowly, with the main increase in the crown going in breadth. For a year, juniper rises above the soil level by only a couple of centimeters, and the diameter of the crown increases by 10-15 cm. At this rate, only to 10 years of age, the culture reaches a 30-centimeter height and a width of one and a half to two meters.

Adult specimens of the juniper of the Cossack Tamaricziphalia can form a dome resembling a dense crown. Skeletal branches running parallel to the soil are covered with short, vertically growing shoots. They, in turn, are densely strewn with green needles.

If you look at the juniper needles, you can see that each of them is slightly curved, and on the front side there is a narrow white strip. From each whorl grows three needles of short needles, which makes branches of juniper fluffy, decorative at any time of the year.

According to the description of juniper Tamariczifolia, in the culture there are known varieties with green of different intensity and bluish needles.

In the middle of spring, juniper blooms. The pine cones of this variety have a rounded shape, reach a diameter of 5-7 mm and, as they mature, change the blue-green color to dark blue tones. Ripe fruit is covered with a waxy coating, giving the berry a bluish tinge. Like the wild species, the pinealwood of Tamariczifolia is poisonous.

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The bush has a deep root system, thanks to which, in the most difficult conditions, juniper is not only retained on the ground, but also able to receive water and food from the soil. Plants of this variety:

  • Do not impose special requirements on the composition of the soil;
  • need very modest care;
  • are adapted to withstand frosts to -30 ° C, to severe Russian winters;
  • are not afraid of drought and winds.

In addition, juniper Cossack Tamariczifolia tolerates growing in the gassed city air and under direct sunlight.


Optimum, when the site is neutral or slightly acidic soil, rather loose and fertile. If it is not so, the juniper will not stop growing. It tolerates the increased acidity of the soil, even its salinity, growing on poor sandstones and in partial shade. Thanks to this unpretentiousness, the culture perfectly suits both in the suburban areas, and in urban squares, and even in containers for planting trees.

On sites with stagnation of rain and meltwater, with flooding, juniper Cossack looks oppressed and may die.

Planting of juniper Tamariscifolia and caring for the culture

For planting juniper Cossack choose open solar areas or places in the light penumbrum, where the plant will get enough light. Under the bushes dig planting pits and trenches so that between the seedlings there was an interval of at least 60 cm for a live border and about -2 meters for individual bushes.

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Dimensions of the pit are determined by the dimensions of the root system. Usually under the offer of kennels, enough pits are 70 by 70 cm. On its bottom make a drainage layer, pouring about 20 cm of chipped brick, expanded clay or coarse sand. On top of a hillock of substrate on the basis of:

  • 2 parts of peat;
  • 1 part of sand;
  • 1 part of the sod land.

Fill the pits so that the root neck of the bush is at or slightly above the soil surface.

Care after planting juniper Tamariczifolia includes:

  • watering, especially abundant in the first week of the plant in the soil;
  • regular removal of weeds until the crown forms a dense pillow covering the trickle;
  • neat loosening of the soil near the plant;
  • single spring top dressing complex mixture for coniferous crops.

As you grow older, care is simplified. Juniper is watered only in hot weather. The plant is good for sprinkling, responds to feeding in the second half of spring and without any problems transfers the haircut.

If the year turned out to be rainy, special attention is paid to the prevention of fungal diseases when taking care of the juniper Cossack Tamariczifolia. For this, the bush is necessarily treated with a fungicide and a sanitary cut is performed.

The root zone of young bushes for the winter is sprinkled with peat, and the crown is covered with lapnik.

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A selection of juniper photos Tamariscifolia in landscape design

Groundcover varieties of junipers are very popular, and the bush Tamariczifolia is no exception. Attractive, forming squat thick cushions or even carpets variety is universal.

Plants of this variety can be planted at the foot of the Alpine hills and on lawns as eye-catching decorative elements.

In landscape design juniper Cossack Tamaricziphalia is indispensable for creating wide low curbs for site zoning.

The plant with tenacious roots and a crooked crown is suitable for strengthening and decorating the slopes, including stony ones.

The unpretentious and slowly growing juniper perfectly feels in the containers used for gardening of spacious light halls, sites in front of public buildings, squares, memorials places.

Cossack juniper is often used as a basis for garden bonsai. The result of painstaking work is a spectacular sham tree of a fantasy form.

The ephedra will not lose its ornamentality when growing along the motorway and will be effective in a group planting with other summers, bushes and trees.

When planning the design of the site, it should be remembered that the pine cones and even the needles of the juniper can be dangerous to humans.

Therefore, the plant is not planted in close proximity to playgrounds and on the territory of educational institutions.

Getting to know Tamaricziphia - video

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