Reproduction of Kalanchoe in different ways

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Kalanchoe is one of those kindsplants that are easy to breed in many different ways. Moreover, even an inexperienced florist can easily cope with this task. Kalanchoe, which can be propagated by seeds, children, offspring, leaf and stem cuttings, belongs to the genus of succulents, characterized by rapid growth. For vegetative propagation of plants, you can even use old, fallen leaves, which are easily rooted.

Reproduction of Kalanchoe by brood buds( children)

Answering the question of how Kalanchoe brood by brood leaf buds( children), it should be noted that not all forms of this succulent have them. Small daughter plants are formed on the leaves of "viviparous" Kalanchoe. Other species of this flower do not form them. Kids Kalanchoe have several leaves and roots. Adult succulents often independently dump brood buds that root at the foot of the mother plant. They can be deposited in separate pots with a fertile substrate. Fully formed offsprings gently break away from the adult leaf and slightly buried in the prepared substrate.

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Reproduction by leaf plates

The reproduction of Kalanchoe leaves is carried out at any time of the year. To do this, cut an adult leaf and planted it in a pot with a well-moistened fertile substrate. The sheet is covered with a glass or jar. After a few days, the leaf takes root and soon a full-fledged plant is formed from it. For reproduction often use parts of the leaf blade, recessed into the soil. Of these, young plants also develop rapidly.

If you do not want to cut the leaves from an adult plant for reproduction, and fallen leaves that did not have time to dry will do. In order for them to quickly let their roots are placed in a glass of water. After the first roots appear on the sheets, they are transplanted into pots with a fertile substrate.

Reproduction of Kalanchoe cuttings

Kalanchoe, reproduction of cuttings which can be done during the formation of a bush or transplanting a plant, rooted in moist soil in just 2 weeks. For cuttings choose strong shoots. They can be of any length, but the best way is to shorten them to 6-8 cm. Most often, shoot tips are used for this, which are characterized by softness and richness of tissues. They are cut and planted in a wet fertile substrate or placed in a glass of water until the roots. Young plants obtained from cuttings form a neat shrub and are easy to form.

Read also: Thuja easily and simply propagates by cuttings

The cuttings of Kalanchoe helps to continue the life of a favorite plant species planted in a flower bed and get a full-fledged indoor flower.

Popular with florists view Kalanchoe - Blossfelda, well propagated by cuttings. On the shoots of this flowering succulent air spines are often formed. Cuttings from the mother plant with air roots root very quickly in moist soil. This Kalanchoe is developing rapidly. The very next year, it turns out a full-blooming plant.

Reproduction of Kalanchoe with offspring.

. Kalanchoe is sometimes propagated by the offspring of an adult plant. To stimulate their development, pinch the tops of the stems after the succulent blossoms. After that, young offsprings grow next to the mother plant, which are used for breeding. When they reach 1/3 of the height of an adult plant, they are carefully separated from it, trying not to damage the roots. Siblings are planted in pots with peat-sand substrate. Such shoots quickly take root and grow.

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Reproduction of Kalanchoe with axillary buds

Some species of Kalanchoe differ in that after flowering and leaf fall in place of the leaf sinuses, buds of new shoots appear, which resemble kanchoe and drop off leaves in place of the leaf sinuses, new buds appear, which look like a veil. When they have a stem of 1-2 cm, they are carefully cut off with a blade and planted in a substrate containing a large amount of sand. In about a week, the axillary buds take root and grow actively.

The reproduction of Kalanchoe seeds

Kalanchoe, reproduction at home which is most often carried out in early spring, can be obtained from seeds. They are distinguished by good germination. Before sowing, they prepare well-drained fertile soil. The temperature in the room intended for germinating seeds should not fall below 20 ° C.Seed material evenly scattered on the surface of wet soil. Then they press down with your finger. The pot or seed box is covered with glass or plastic.

Read also: Names and photos of different types of Kalanchoe

Periodically, glass or film is removed to ventilate the crops. Watered them with a spray water at room temperature. We can not allow the slightest drying substrate. The glass or film is removed after germination. Slightly grown seedlings dive, removing the weakest specimens. Young succulents are transplanted into pots filled with substrate.

Features of reproduction of different species of Kalanchoe;

; Kalanchoe; reproduction of which in different species is carried out in different ways; has several basic reproduction methods:

  • by brood buds( children): Dergemon, feathery, trumpet-color;
  • leaf cuttings: all species with large fleshy leaves;
  • cuttings: Blossfelda, Mangina;
  • scions: Blossfeld;
  • axillary buds: panicle-flowered;
  • seeds: feathery, felt.

For rooting planting material Kalanchoe use a mixture of humus, leaf soil, peat and sand( 1: 1: 1: 0.5).Also for this purpose, suitable soil mixtures sold in specialized stores. At the bottom of the pots must be placed a drainage layer of expanded clay or clay shards.

Video about breeding Kalanchoe

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