Description and photos of popular types of barberry

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How to care for a live tree in a pot

How to care for a live tree in a potLandscape Design

content of the article: Choosing plants Christmas tree in a pot: how to take care of the apartment Features individual varieties Spring transplant How to care for...

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The decoration of the alpine hills - juniper Andorra Compact

The decoration of the alpine hills - juniper Andorra CompactLandscape Design

Contents of the article: Description of the juniper Andorra Compact The area of ​​the Commonwealth of Independent Years and the Commonwealth of Independent Years;Juniper Ando...

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Features of cultivation and breeding of Cossack juniper

Features of cultivation and breeding of Cossack juniperLandscape Design

Contents of the article: Description of the plant Planting and care Pruning, shaping and reproduction Landscape design Video about the breeding of juniper Cossack...

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