Full description of Chester's Blackberry variety


A modern garden or vegetable garden assumes the existence of a certain abundance of farmed produce. Special attention deserves berry plants, namely blackberries.American biologistsNot so long ago a variety of berries for commercial cultivation was brought out - Chester. This plant is considered one of the best of its kind.


Table of contents

  • Description and Characteristics of Chester
  • Fruits and their abundance
  • Blackberry Growing
  • Some moments of care and reproduction
  • Reviews of gardeners

Description and Characteristics of Chester

Chester's variety of blackberries can be attributed to transitional forms of plants. Shrubs have a semi-growing form. Alsothe plant is characterized by abundant branching, which begins with the lowest lying buds.

It is thanks to this qualityon the bushes there are many fruit-bearing brushes, which positively affects the amount of harvest.

Chester's shoots can reach a length of two or three meters. It is also worth noting thatthe plant does not need to pinch.

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Blackberry of this variety is distinguished by the absence of spines, which greatly facilitates the procedure for harvesting ripe fruits. It is recommended to use no more than six fruit shoots per plant bush.

While engaging in growing blackberries in your garden, get ready for the fact thatIt will be necessary to make the layout of individual shoots on the trellises.

When using a T-shaped trellis, it is necessary to place the wire at arm's length.

If one-side support is used, then it is necessary to place the wire at a height in three different places, namely: 70 centimeters from the ground, meter and, respectively, a meter.

Chester's blackberry has no thorns, there are many fruit-bearing brushes on the bush

Fruits and their abundance

The fruits of this variety are quite large in size. Usuallyone separate berry has a weight of five to eight grams, while it has a dark blue color.

If you compare Chester's blackberry variety with other varieties of such a plant, thenhere there is a dense density of fruits. This indicator significantly facilitates the transportation of products to the possible places of its implementation.

It should be noted that the fruits do not always have uniform sizes, while a very high yield is characteristic. Sowith one bush Blackberry Chester can collect up to 20 kilograms of harvest.

If these figures are translated into large scales, then from one hectare you can collect up to 30 tons of fruit, such a high yield can boast only Doyle grade.

Such a variety has been identifiedsufficiently long period of maturation, which starts from the end of July and continues until the first of August.

Blackberry fruits of Chester variety are large in size, from one bush you can collect up to 20 kg of berries

Blackberry Growing

It should be noted right away that this grade by characteristicsis the most resistant to negative temperaturesamong all varieties of American blackberries.

It is important that the maximum frost resistance of this kind of blackberry as Chester reaches -26 degrees Celsius.

Boast such a frost-resistant can only the blackberry variety Agavam, which has a long history. Despite the fact that the plant freely tolerates frost,In addition, it is necessary to cover the shoots.

All shoots of this plant variety are accustomed to a horizontal position, so that they do not break during the fall period.

With young shoots, everything is somewhat more complicated, namely:

  • when the young shooter reaches a length of 40 centimeters, it must be tilted and secured in this position with a clamp. It is worth noting that in this position it will grow much faster;
  • after the escape will add in sizeand will reach to the lower level of the garter, the staple is removed and the process is tied up in an upright position.

During the ripening period, after the berries are harvested,Young shoots should be carefully laid.

In the autumn period, in advance, before the air temperature drops significantly,should cover the plant with suitable material for this. As a veil, you can use materials such as agrofibre or flock or other products.

Blackberry Chester is frost-resistant, but for winter it is required to cover

This variety of berries grows best in loose, nutritious soil, where there is free air permeability.

Like most other crochet varieties,Chester is highly resistant to pestsor some diseases. However, some gardeners still carry out preventive treatment of shrubs.


It is also worth noting that the plant likes freedom, so when using this variety of blackberry,between the bushes leave a distance of at least 5 meters.

As for the amateur cultivation of crops, it is recommended to use the distance between individual bushes about two and a half meters.


Some moments of care and reproduction

Taking up the cultivation of the Chester variety,should pay attention to some of the nuances:

  1. Before planting the plant, it is necessary to prepare the soil in advance, namely for three weeks.
  2. Blackberry bush Chester has unpretentiousness and can grow in one place up to 15 years.
  3. The fertilizer is applied after watering the plant.
  4. Ripening of the first fruits, under favorable conditions, can be expected one year after planting.
  5. It is not recommended to use too many shoots in one plant bush, as shading zones will be created, which will lead to a decrease in yield. In this case, the optimal number of young shoots per bush should not exceed eight pieces.
  6. The formation of shrubs in this plant begins in the spring. During this period it is necessary to remove broken and frozen shoots. Strongly grown sprouts are recommended to be shortened by 11 centimeters.
  7. After the harvest is harvested, it is recommended to cut the fruit-bearing shoots completely, without leaving any of its parts.

It is worth noting that the cropped tops of shoots should not be thrown out immediately, they can be used for reproduction.

You may be interested in our publications:

  • Useful properties and contra-indications of berries and blackberry leaves.
  • What can be done from the blackberry - 19 recipes.
  • Planting and caring for the garden blackberry: 5 golden rules.

Of no small importance for such an American culture isuse of top dressing. Therefore, its availability, as well as quality, it is worth taking care in advance.

Many domestic gardeners, both amateurs and large enterprises,recommend using a feed on the leaf. According to their reviews, Blackberry Chester, loves this type of feeding.

In addition, youdo not forget about regular wateringbushes. As it was said before, the Chester variety favorably yields in the presence of nutritious soil.

To achieve the best conditionsit is desirable to mulch, so that soil moisture lasts much longer.

Concerning the propagation of this variety, then you can try to root the layers, as well as the top buds of shoots. As you know, this type of reproduction is used in the cultivation of semi-straight forms of plants, which is exactly what Chester refers to.

Blackberry Chester needs irrigation, mulching soil, feeding on the sheet

Reviews of gardeners

It is worth noting thatThe use of such a new variety for our band has not yet become popular, so if possible to try to grow Chester in his garden is definitely worth it.

In the middle belt, this variety of blackberries has not yet received wide distribution. At the moment, amateur gardeners are not in a hurry to undertake the breeding of Chester. This point, above all, is due to their suspicion about fruitful breeding.

butsome nurseries have already conducted some sort testing and started selling seedlings. As for those gardeners who purchase seedlings of the new Chester variety of blackberries, they can rightly consider themselves experimenters.

Therefore, do not go around the young variety side, it is recommended to try and grow a bush or a few bushes as a test.

If the plant will take root and begin to bear fruit, you will not remain without due reward, which will pay off all your efforts and efforts.

The most important advantage of Chester's blackberry variety is that even one plant bush brings a large number of delicious fruits.
The taste of blackberries of Chester variety is not the best in comparison with other varieties, but is at the proper level

It should be noted that the taste of berries of this variety is not the best among all its relatives, howeverthe taste is at the proper level, because of which some gardeners of such a variety was received with a bang.

In their opinion, it is much more pleasant to collect a large harvest of less sweet berries than a small number of fruits that are more sweet to taste. In this case, care and application of forces, all varieties of blackberries require approximately the same.

Among American gardeners, both amateurs and agro-industries, it isBlackberry Chester is most popular, so it is definitely worth trying to grow in our climatic conditions.

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