
Planting and care for garden blackberries: 5 golden rules

Planting and care for garden blackberries: 5 golden rulesBlackberry

The appeal of blackberry cultivation is high and stable yield. The rich chemical composition of the fruits of shrubs make them particularly important for human diet. This is a worthy alternat...

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Useful properties and contraindications of berries and blackberry leaves

Useful properties and contraindications of berries and blackberry leavesBlackberry

The blackberry contains in itself a huge number of useful trace elements. It is widely used both in cooking and in traditional medicine. People have long known healing properties of these frui...

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When can I change the blackberry to a new location?

When can I change the blackberry to a new location?Blackberry

. Blackberry is a distant relative of another berry culture - raspberries. The fruits of the wild-growing blackberry are delicious enough, so it has recently become cultivated. Berries have a pleas...

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Detailed description and characteristic of the blackberry variety Ruben

Detailed description and characteristic of the blackberry variety RubenBlackberry

. The blackberry becomes a habitual garden berry of our latitudes.Her happy to grow and bred for an exceptionally sweet taste, pleasant aroma. It is simple in breeding and care culture. Let's take ...

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Rules of cultivation, care, reproduction and pruning of blackberries

Rules of cultivation, care, reproduction and pruning of blackberriesBlackberry

. In the wild, an amazing berry of blackberries grows.Curative properties are superior to raspberries, but on a large scale in Russia it is not grown. And in the garden area of ​​the blackberry is ...

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Description of Blackberry Triple Crown( Triple Crown)

Description of Blackberry Triple Crown( Triple Crown)Blackberry

Blackberry for Russian gardeners - the culture is not familiar. Absolutely unfairly it is overlooked. In taste, in rich crop, it is not inferior to our raspberries. It should be grown in a temper...

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Why are there many flies on a blackberry and what to do with them?

Why are there many flies on a blackberry and what to do with them?Blackberry

Blackberry - not the most popular berry in Russia, it is not grown here on an industrial scale, such as in the United States. But increasingly, Russian summer residents pay attention to this plan...

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Full description of Chester's Blackberry variety

Full description of Chester's Blackberry varietyBlackberry

. A modern garden or vegetable garden assumes the existence of a certain abundance of farmed produce. Special attention deserves berry plants, namely blackberries.American biologistsNot so long ago...

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Description and characteristics of the blackberry variety Natchez

Description and characteristics of the blackberry variety NatchezBlackberry

. Very often in the garden areas you can find a blackberry. The variety of blackberry Natchez differs in that ripe and tasty berries can be pampered at the end of June. In this article, we'll talk ...

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Description of the variety of blackberry Giant - truth or fiction?

Description of the variety of blackberry Giant - truth or fiction?Blackberry

. Gardeners are people of gambling. The passion for novelties and experiments makes them organize annual marathons in search of a rare interesting and fruitful variety. Sometimes for the sake of th...

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