In the last decades, the idea of raspberry, as a red berry, has changed. Breeders brought out new varieties of yellow, orange, characterized by a sweet taste. Among them, we should mention the raspberry variety "Orange miracle".
The All-Russian Institute of Horticulture brought out a view of the experimental station located in the Bryansk region, under the leadership of I.V. Kazakova.
Table of contents
- Description of bushes and berries of patch raspberry varieties Orange miracle
- Harvest time
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Reproduction and care of bushes
- Stages of preparation
- Selection of seedlings and planting time
- Features of care
- Diseases and pests
- Reviews
Description of bushes and berries of patch raspberry varieties Orange miracle
"Orange miracle" refers to medium-sized bushes, the height of which varies from one and half to two meters. The branches of the bush are erect, but under the weight of the crop they can strongly bend. Therefore, it is recommended to stretch the trellis immediately when planting bushes.
They will keep the branches in an upright position, create conditions for the illumination of berries by the sun, early maturation. The shoots are dotted with a large number of spines, which change color from green to brown. Annually, five to seven new shoots are formed.
The repair grade "Orange miracle" is distinguished by high yield.Berries of yellow-orange color have a conical shape, slightly rounded from below. The fruits of orange raspberries reach up to four centimeters. And their weight is from seven to twelve grams. The berries are dense in structure, which prevents premature shedding.
Variety "Orange miracle" is famous for the rich aroma and sweet taste of berries. In hot sunny weather, the berries become a bright orange color, acquire a sweet taste. Cool summer will be yellow rather than orange, and taste - sweet and sour. From one bush collected up to two and a half kilograms of harvest. The variety is characterized by the fact that the fruits are occupied up to 2/3 of the shoot.
Harvest time
Fruit ripening begins at the end of July. But the peak of harvest begins from the second decade of August, continuing until the autumn frosts. In this case, until the cold, most of the berries come to maturity.
Advantages and disadvantages
"Orange miracle" is considered the best among the remontant varieties of Russian breeding.We note the positive aspects of this type:
- abundant annual harvest;
- low precipitation of ripe berries on branches;
- large berries;
- sweet pleasant tastewith a rich aroma;
- use for making jams, jams and compotes;
- transportability;
- resistance to diseases;
- thanks to late flowering less infested pests;
- wide climate spread.
Therefore, for the winter, shoots are cut off at the root, which makes it possible to minimize the thickness of the shelter for raspberries for the winter.
Among these advantages there are a number of shortcomings. Agronomists include a small number of young shoots instead of a cut branch.If the branches are not tied, then they can strongly bend under the weight of the fruit, are damaged by a strong wind, which leads to spoilage of berries.
The variety "Orange miracle" differs among related specieshigh yield, sweet taste of berries and aroma. Berry bushes are hypoallergenic, so they can be given to young children and allergic people. By the content of folic acid, they are superior to other varieties.
Reproduction and care of bushes
For planting raspberry bushes, a place is pre-selected. It must be sunny and protected from the north winds. This allows the soil to warm up more quickly, which stimulates the growth of young shoots. Developed branches start to bloom and bear fruit, give a greater harvest.
Repair grade "Orange miracle"differs unpretentiousness to the type of soil and climatic zone. Optimal soil for raspberry of this variety will be light loamy soil, for example, loam, which is recommended to enrich with compost, peat.
Stages of preparation
Bad predecessors for raspberries are potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes and eggplant. Therefore, it is worthwhile to wait with a landing on such a site. Consider the sequence of preparatory work.
- First determine the landing site.The seedlings are planted by means of a bush method with intervals, m in length and one and a half meters between the rows. To exclude the bending of the shoots under the weight of the harvest, many agronomists recommend attaching the growing shoots to the trellises.
- At the first stage (one month before the planting of seedlings)prepare a mixture of humus(about 10 kg), superphosphate (15 g), potassium sulfate (45 g). Potassium can be replaced with wood ash (200 g). The finished composition is mixed with the top layer of the earth.
- In the places of landingdig holesdepth of half a meter, fill them with a prepared humus with mineral fertilizers, compact.
Before landing near the holes dig a trench half a meter deep. A mixture of fertilizers is poured into it. The meter of the trench will require a glass of superphosphate and potassium sulfate and a liter of wood ash. The trench is covered with earth, compacted. This allows fertilizers, along with moisture, to gradually reach the roots, feeding them. The site is ready for planting.
Selection of seedlings and planting time
A variety of raspberry raspberry can be planted in autumn, spring and early summer. To preserve the signs of the variety, use parts of the rhizome or cuttings.
For the reproduction of raspberries on its site, it is possible to separate the parts of the root with rhizomes in autumn and plant them in prepared wells. After the winter they will go well in growth. It is recommended to plant seedlings and cuttings in spring, in summer, for their better rooting.
.The procedure for planting seedlings is reduced to performing a number of simple actions:
- The prepared wells are watered so that it is completely absorbed;
- in the center a hill is formed, on the top of which seedlings are placed, straightening the roots down the hill;
- the earth is poured in small portions with a compacting of hands;
- The root neck should protrude above the edge of the earth after the end of the landing;
- making a shallow groove around the bush, water the plant;
- after soaking up the water, we mulch the soil around, using for this purpose humus, straw, grass, sawdust, peat;
- layer of mulch should be no less than five centimeters.
Long seedlings are shortened to thirty centimeters.
Features of care
In early spring, it is necessary to fertilize the bushes with mineral fertilizers. To accelerate the growth of shoots and strengthen the roots, mix nitrogen fertilizers (15g / m2), potassium or its organic substitute - wood ash (glass per square meter). Nitrogen fertilizers can be replaced with compost from chicken manure. It is recommended to apply the first feeding on the melting snow in dry form, so that minerals with thawed water penetrate to the roots.
One of the subtleties of caring for a patchwork raspberry is her love of moisturizing. Its roots are located at shallow depths, so when watering the ground it is enough to water so that the water penetrates to a depth of up to thirty centimeters. Watering should be carried out in the summer during the tying of berries and the ripening of fruits with warm water. After the drying of the earth, it is neatly and shallow loosened.The land around the bushes is mulched, which retains moisture, while simultaneously fueling the soil with humus.
Before flowering bushes can be done by feeding a mullein with complex fertilizers in the ratio: in 10 liters of water dilute half a liter of mullein and 50 g of fertilizer. This amount is enough for five bushes.
In early summer, weak shoots are removed from the bushes, leaving five or six of the strongest.
Repair varieties refer to plants with a one-year cycle of development. Their advantage is a short cycle of development - for a season shoots grow and bear fruit. In autumn they dry up, and they cut out under the root, leaving about three centimeters.
Cropped shrubs cover with straw, foliage, humus.Some gardeners harbor raspberries without cutting off shoots to prevent the growth of young animals during warm and late winter. In addition, large shoots contribute to snow retention, which increases the amount of moisture in the spring. Then circumcision is done in the early spring, before the beginning of the sap flow.
You may also be interested in the following articles about raspberries:
- Features of care for raspberry "Hussar".
- Top dressing of raspberries in August and in autumn.
- Description and features of raspberry "Tarusa".
Diseases and pests
Although raspberry raspberry is more resistant to various diseases and is less often affected by harmful insects, but some diseases are inherent in it.
- Chlorosisis manifested in the yellowing of leaves on the tops, then the stems turn yellow. As a result, the berries dry up before ripening. In the initial stage, raspberry is sprayed with Kugoplex. If you can not cope with the disease, then there is a radical method - to cut, uproot bushes and burn. For prevention, it is necessary to treat with Nitrofen before budding, and before flowering, the bushes Methylmercaptopos are sprayed. After this chemical, raspberries can be collected only after a month and a half.
- Gray rotaffects berries, covering them with a gray bloom. These berries are collected and destroyed. Before hibernation hives are treated with colloidal sulfur in the ratio of 100 g per bucket of water. Blossoming leaves - Kurpozanom or copper oxychloride. Sprinkled berries are sprayed with Fundazolum, Ronilan. Supporters of organic methods of struggle, we recommend sprinkling soil under bush ash or activated charcoal in powder.
- Rustcauses red bumps on leaves and stems. To combat this disease, it is recommended to spray a one-percent Bordeaux liquid after flowering and harvesting. Before the beginning of flowering raspberries are treated with Nitrafen.
- The Orange Miraclerarely sick anthracnose - gray spots, leading to the death of plants. If signs of the disease were observed, then Bordeaux liquid, copper oxychloride is recommended for treatment.
Among pests raspberry "Orange miracle" is more often affected by such insects:aphids, raspberry beetle, stem gall midges. If aphids and beetles eat leaves, flowers, then gall midges manifest themselves in the form of spherical growths on shoots. To destroy them, many different chemical products are produced, among which the most popular are Carbofos, Confidor or Aktara. They are used according to the instructions.
In conclusion, we note that the achievements of Russian breeders in the removal of repairing varieties of raspberries are evaluated by gardeners. Among them, the variety "Orange miracle" is considered one of the best, used for food and for billets.
Gagina Julia:I like this variety for its sweet taste. This year we got the first harvest. On well-developed bushes - a large berry. Most of the fruits are large, beautiful. We hope that the yield will meet our expectations.
Mihail66:"Orange miracle" I was pleased with the yield, taste and size of berries. Yesterday my wife and I collected the first harvest. From one bush received more than a kilogram. The sores are not visible, the bush looks good. I just tied the shoots, put the props.
Svetlana Vitalevna:The berry is very sweet. Ripened the first berries, but the wind rose, so many berries on the branches were damaged. After the rain, a very ripe berry on the branches softens.
But everything is compensated by the taste and size of the fruit, their aroma. From them you get a delicious aromatic jam and compote. I will grow the "Orange Miracle" on my site.