Lawn aerator - your reliable assistant

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In the process of operation the lawn soil is tracked, trampled down. This leads to the fact that on the surface of the lawn the natural capillaries are destroyed, through which air and moisture penetrate into the depth of the soil. Water stagnation occurs, the roots of the grass have nothing to breathe, soil microorganisms are also in a depressed state. In this case, a lawn aerator is urgently needed to fill the root of the coating system with air. This happens due to piercing it with metal rods to a depth of ten centimeters.

The diagram shows the condition of the soil and grass before and after aeration of the lawn.

Aeration should be performed at least once per season, if the load on the lawn is not very large, and the soil is sandy, light. With a greater load or under adverse weather conditions, the operation should be carried out more often. Dense soil with a high clay content will require two treatments per season.

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A lawn aerator will be required for fertilizer application and coating restoration.

Types of aerators

The simplest aerator that can improve the condition of your lawn is the usual forks, which simply pierce the ground. But forks you can handle small pieces of lawn, and on a large area to work with hand tools is difficult.

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The industry offers several types of a lawn aerator.


These devices can be equipped with a gasoline or electric engine. In addition, self-propelled aerators can be distinguished, which the operator controls while sitting on the unit itself.

After cleaning the earthen pellets taken out of the mechanism with hollow needles to the surface, the lawn appears to us like a holed green tablecloth.

Another type is a lawn scarifier aerator. In addition to piercing the soil, this machine also collects soil pellets and dry grass in a special container.

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Manual aerators

In addition to self-propelled lawn aerators, there are also smaller hand mechanisms. One of the samples can be seen in the next photo.

Another type of lawn aerator is a slightly improved tubular forks.

Interesting in the operation of aerators, made in the form of sandals. They are simply worn on the feet over the shoe and fixed with straps. Walking in such shoes on the lawn, you can, at the same time, bring her help.

Such a lawn aerator is easy to do with your own hands. It is enough to take plywood, nails, straps and screws. Adhere to the step-by-step manufacturing process:

  1. Cut four pieces of plywood under the sole of your shoes, a pair for each sandal.
  2. We drill holes in one of the plywoods so that the nails hold firmly in them. Nails take a length of 100 millimeters.
  3. Insert the nails into the prepared holes.
  4. We cover the plywood from the side of the nail heads with a second plywood sole.
  5. Hard both plywood screws.
  6. Fastened to the product straps.
  7. Do the same for the second sandal.
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It remains to put on a homemade lawn aerator and bypass the entire area meter by meter. The use of homemade small tools is important on small lawns and narrow areas. You don’t look like a large area for a long time, so it’s better to use a different model of a lawn aerator.

Homemade aerator can be made and larger. To do this, we weld nails to an ordinary hand or trailed steel roller. As a result, we obtain a mechanism similar to the one captured in the next snapshot. This type of homemade aerator is perfect if there is a mini-tractor or walk-behind tractor. Lawn processing will not take too long.

Video lawn aeration with various

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