How to grow onions with large


Onion is one of the first plants that a person has grown. He is about four thousand years from the moment of cultivation and the beginning of cultivation.

No kitchen of the world can be imagined without this vegetable, because most of the dishes without its use seem fresh and tasteless. Varieties of onions are quite a lot, and everyone has found their fans.

Every gardener has his own secrets for good onion ripening in the garden, but most importantly adhere to the correct technology of agricultural technology, to obtain a large crop, whether it is planting into the crest or from seeds.


Table of contents

  • Basic requirements for growing bulb onions from seedling
  • How to grow large and good bulbs outdoors
    • Chinese way - how to plant on the technology in the crests
    • Method of planting and sowing seeds in soil
  • When to plant in the garden
  • Secrets of Proper Agrotechnics
  • Harvesting of turnips and feathers and their storage

Basic requirements for growing bulb onions from seedling

Not the fastidious plant is considered

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cold-resistant, it grows well at a temperature regime of twelve to sixteen degrees, the seeds germinate even at five degrees during the cold season. Sharp varieties are better tolerated by frost, sweet varieties can die at several degrees of frost in the open ground.

Bowresponds well to wateringat the first stages of growth, in the future he needs dry soil to better ripen. He needs more sunlight. Despite its small mass, onions require special attention to the soil composition. The soil on the bed should be quite loose and nutritious.

Do not plant onions in places where groundwater is close to the surface of the earth.
It is necessary to carry out regular weeding onion

Weeding the beds should be carried out regularly, as the culture does not tolerate the neighborhood with weeds.

The correct solution will be to arrange onion beds and plant the vegetable in the places where before it grewcucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes or potatoes. These are vegetables for which organic matter is added to the soil.

It is not recommended to plant the onion in the place where it was grown last year. Best if you return to this site in five years.

The increased acidity of the soil is harmful to the plant, since it absorbs nutrient components worse, it can be affected by downy mildew.

Before landing, the oniondoes not tolerate liming of soil composition, it is recommended to use wood ash.


How to grow large and good bulbs outdoors

The most frequently used one of the five options - seeding, seeds, seedlings, vegetative way, Chinese.

Chinese way - how to plant on the technology in the crests

The Chinese way involves planting the onions into the crests

This option can helpincrease productivity. The main feature is the landing of onions on the ridges, and not in the beds themselves. The heads thus grown are distinguished by flattened shapes and large sizes. The tops of the vegetable are well illuminated by sunlight, they warm up, this gives the onion good protection from rot.

It should be added that such beds are better for loosening and watering, removing weeds from them.

Sow it is possible at an air temperature equal to5 degrees. Planting material must be sorted, smaller bulbs allowed to be planted as the soil warms up. Larger should be held by May. Such a measure will give you the opportunity to harvest at one time.

After a reassembly of the sowing a couple of weeks before planting is warming up. To do this, it is placed in a box and placed near the battery.

Without fail, each bulb carefullythe tail is cropped, excess scales are removed. If you hurt the neck of growth - you can put the material aside. For landing, it is no longer suitable.

One day prior to disembarkation, the material is soaked in warm water to give a boost to the formation of the root system.
For better formation of the root system, the sowing is soaked in warm water

The soil for planting should be prepared in the autumn. For each square of the site, a spoon of superphosphate, a teaspoon of nitroammophoska, two dolomite flour is added. In spring, the bed should be digested repeatedly, you can add a little manure, just not too fresh.


The ridges, whose height should beabout fifteen centimeters, the interval between them -to thirty. The sevok is planted ten centimeters to a depth of three centimeters. Seeds should not be trampled on, it is more appropriate to lightly sprinkle them with earth.

In the first month of growth, if the weather is arid, the onion should be watered twice. But this is the case, if there was rain between the irrigations.

You can feed three times. In the middle of May, Mullein is added. In June, it is the turn of potassium salt, urea and phosphorus fertilizers. The third time to fertilize is necessary at the time when bulbs begin to form.

The peculiarity of the Chinese method is also thatweed beds are necessary as weeds grow, which is quite rare.

As a protective measure against powdery mildew, copper sulfate is used.

Method of planting and sowing seeds in soil

This method of planting is recommended for the north-western regions and Belarus, when the onion is unable to fully ripen, which shortens the shelf life.

In the middle of spring, the seed material is calibrated, morelarge copies. After sowing "on dry" the first shoots will appear in about three weeks. In order to accelerate the process, it is possible to soak the seeds in manganese, and after a day spill onto the tissues and leave them alone so that they can click through. But at the same time it is necessary to observe that the planting material remains sufficiently moist.

Furrows make at a distancetwenty centimeters. One gram of seeds is enough for two meters of sowing, the depth of planting is up to three centimeters. For convenience, you can mix seeds with sand, grooves after planting sprinkled with dry ground.

Onion seeds are planted in grooves

When to plant in the garden

Term of plantingdepends on weather conditions. If the spring has established warm weather, the sowing can be performed in the last days of April. Otherwise, you have to wait until the earth warms up.

Pre-grown seedlings are transferred to the ground not earlier than mid-May.

Sevok landedin the first May decade. Residents of the north-western regions can orient themselves when planting onions on the cherry blossom.

For sub-winter planting, beds are prepared from autumn. Planting is carried outin the second half of November, until frost.


Secrets of Proper Agrotechnics

Do not allow the surface of the soil to form a crust or weed grass. With this purpose, the beds need to be loosened more often to a depth of up to five centimeters. Weeds should be removed at the initial phase of growth, when the shoots are still reddish.

After the start of the formation of the turnip - it needs to open for a third

It must be remembered that the bow likes to show off. When the turnip begins to form, it is necessaryopen by one third, releasing the hangers. This method helps the bulb to form well and ripen completely.


Harvesting of turnips and feathers and their storage

As soon as new feathers ceased to appear, and the onion acquired a characteristic shade, it can be removed. As a rule, thismid-August-early September. If you miss the cleaning time, the vegetable will start to grow again and will be of little use for storage.

Collected bulbs are washed, peeled from husks and dry feathers,pruned roots. For drying it is laid out in a single layer in the room, which is well ventilated. A few weeks later new scales of golden hue appear on the bulbs. This means that the vegetable is ready to be laid for long-term storage.

Before prolonged storage, the bulbs are peeled from the husk and the rootlets are removed

As a rule, truck farmers prefer to grow onions in a sowing plant, buying it in special stores. It can be planted in the winter, after having prepared a bed.

But if you follow all the recommendations, then in a Chinese way you can get a good harvest of this beautiful vegetable.

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