What is chives and how to grow it from seeds

Benefit and beauty - a rare combination for garden crops. Schnitt bow has these qualities. He is a storehouse of vitamins and is able to turn an ordinary garden bed into an elegant flower bed.

Shnitt onion is not afraid of frost, is not whimsical in care, grows quickly and is very pleasant to taste .That is why in the backyards you can often see thin onion feathers, decorated with lilac and pink flowers "balls".


  • Regions The bow Schnitt
  • Description
    • Flowering
    • Useful properties
  • Cooking
  • Cultivation
    • seedling
    • Seed
    • Dividing bush
  • Planting under winter
  • Watering and lighting
  • Feeding
  • Pests and Diseases
    • Prevention
  • Vintage

diseases Regions The bow Schnitt

Spicy onion Schnitt - a multinational plant. He is able to adapt to different climatic conditions. He is loved in the central and southern regions of Russia, in Siberia and in the Far East.

Shnitt bow

Kazakhstan, China and Mongolia, Italy and Portugal, America, India, Germany - everywhere an elegant onion feels like home. He has many names: slice, speed, winter or English bow, tribulka and sibulet.

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In the wild, it grows in flooded meadows, in river valleys, on scarce and wet, sandy, loamy and comestic soils.


Onion variety Schnitt has fine stylo-like feathers, a juicy emerald green color with a slight wax coating. Pen length up to 15 cm. Bulb small, oblong, not suitable for food. The roots are filiform, white. Seeds are small, black. The following parameters distinguish it from ordinary onions:

  • early growing season ;
  • lack of typical bulbs ;
  • unusual bloom ;
  • pleasant and unsharp taste .


Flowering onions Schnitt

Flowering onions Schnitt original. It starts in May and lasts all summer. Inflorescences in the form of a ball are formed on the arrows. Balls consist of a variety of umbrellas in which seeds are hidden. Umbrella color can be all shades of purple, lilac and pink. Often Schnitt onions are used in landscape design. It is able to decorate borders, alpine slides and flower beds.

Useful properties of

Feathers Schnitt are not only pleasant to the taste, but also have useful properties, taking care of human health. They contain a group of vitamins, trace elements and amino acids: vitamin C and B, iron, calcium, carotene and proteins.

Use of incision is recommended for people with heart, vascular diseases, it is also useful for the kidneys, liver and gall bladder.

Among other things, Shnitt helps fight garden pests, drives away onion and carrot flies, kills fungal spores affecting roses, fruit trees and gooseberries. With its flowering, it attracts bees, which collect nectar from its sweet umbrellas.


Young juicy feathers that have not reached flowering are suitable for food. They prepare salads from them, they are added to the first and second courses of , they are used for filling pies, and of course, Russian okroshka with chisel is always tasty and flavorful.

Chives are considered almost universal seasoning suitable for all dishes except

Bean Schnitt is attractive because it lacks the typical onion flavor and a sharp aftertaste. Often, this wonderful onion can be found in French and Italian cuisine.

Onion flowers are edible and have a soft, delicate flavor. They are ideal for fancy soups and salads, for fish dishes and cheese sauces.


The Schnitt variety of onions is grown in three traditional ways:

  1. is sown with seeds.
  2. planted seedlings.
  3. is grown by dividing the plant.
Onion quickly grows and the simplest method of growing is division.


You can grow onions for seedlings from seeds at home. Best sowing time March. This will require:

  • fill the container with ground ;
  • shed primer;
  • sow seeds;
  • lightly sprinkled with sand ;
  • container cover with film and put in a dark place;
  • air daily and humidify with an pulverizer;
  • when sprouts appear, remove the film and put the container on a sunny window-sill.
To get an early chives, we start growing seedlings in March.

Landing in ridges is carried out in late April. Pre-compost the ground, dig, remove weed rhizomes. The depth of the planting holes is 1.5 cm, the width of the aisle is 20 cm. 3-4 plants are planted in each well. Water as the soil dries.

With a seedling method of growing in the current season, you can try juicy greens.


Onion seeds are small and have a low germination rate. To work with them, you can use the method of stickers on paper tape ( starch paste is applied on toilet paper and thick seeds are placed on the paper).

Onion Seeds Schnitt

It is recommended to soak the seeds and then dry them before planting. However, with soil moisture and sufficient temperature, the seeds sprout perfectly and without soaking. Landing in the ridge is as follows:

  • ground dig , loosen;
  • make small grooves 0.3 cm wide by 20 cm;
  • shed water; can add complex fertilizer;
  • sow thick seeds;
  • sprinkled with grooves;
  • lightly compact soil ;
  • to mulch with sawdust, old newspapers, wood rot;
  • water as needed.

The density of seedlings is thinned after the roots become stronger .Unnecessary plants are not thrown away, but planted in another place, for example, in a flower bed.

When sowing onions with Schnitt seeds, it is advisable to let it grow stronger and not pluck it with a feather in the first year.

By dividing the bush

Rezanets grows quickly and takes root without problems. Onions can be divided in spring or in September. It's not difficult to do this:

  • to dig a plant and to divide into pieces 8-10 roots each.
  • prepare wells and shed
  • with water and plant vertically to a depth of about 3.5 cm. 30 plants can be planted per 1 square meter;
  • after planting compact soil ;
  • to conduct active watering.
Thus, in 2-3 years you can grow a large number of onion shoots.

Planting for winter

Onions can be sown before winter, by analogy with spring sowing, make ridges with sandy and drainage earth. Sowing in late September, early October. Pre-soak the seeds.

After sowing the bed, water and mulch 1 cm. Cover the ridge with foliage, spruce branches and rags. After snowfall make a snow blanket. Thus, the seeds will harden and in the spring will show amicable shoots.

Autumn planting onion seeds in open ground

If you wish, you can carry out the division of mother plants and plant the “babies” to a new place in the month of September .In this case, the old feather cut to the neck. Within a month, the plant will give young roots, and at the first frost it is advisable to cover a bed with a transplanted onion with spruce leaves, foliage and woven material.

Watering and lighting

Rezanets is not demanding care. The main thing is to water it plentifully in dry time, he loves moisture. The remaining rules of care are elementary: to loosen, feed, remove weeds, and thin out and plant when thickened.

Water, preferably, with settled water, with no chlorine. As for the sun, the Schnitt variety can grow in partial shade and in the sun.

Top dressing

Onions shnitt feed infusion of mullein or bird droppings

It is often not necessary to apply fertilizer under the cutter. Enough 1 time per season, in July. Fertilizers can be organic origin ( infusion of mullein, bird droppings) or industrial preparations based on minerals, phosphate and potassium salts.

Diseases and pests

A shnitt-onion has sustained immunity to diseases and pests and yet sometimes it happens that it can get sick.

Description Description Measures
Onion thrips Small insect eating a plant and its juice Dig a bow from the ground and heat it in water + 50С, then dry in the sun.
Mealy dew White feathers appear on the feathers Destroy sick leaves, then process with any fungicide.
Rust Rust stains Remove treated plants with Topaz or Falcon.

Prevention of Diseases

In order to protect the future harvest from "evil spirits" you need to properly care for the plants. To loosen the aisles, weeding the soil on the ridges, make biological, potash and phosphate fertilizers. Do not overdry or overfill the soil. Inspect onions for the appearance of primary signs of disease.


Shnitt is an unusual onion and its harvest is not harvested in the form of bulbs in the fall. There are many other ways to preserve the harvest. Onion feather freeze, dry, pickle. It can be dug out and transplanted for the winter into the flower container of the house, where it will grow all winter.

Frozen Onions Schnitt

You can cover the ridge with a film and feast on fresh and tender greens before the onset of severe frost. Onion can be collected for storage. They are dried and added to dishes. Do not forget about onion flowers - they can also be dried, salted or frozen.

As you can see, onion chives does not have any negative characteristics of .A beautiful, tasty, non-capricious, early onion incisor is as if created to satisfy all the wishes of the gardeners with their presence in the beds.

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