Majestic decoration of the country plot - golden curls of cinquefoil shrubs

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An invariable favorite of gardeners and landscape designers for a long time remains the shrubby shrubby. It stands out against the background of other plants with its magnificent numerous buds, which cover the entire bush abundantly. Most often on the private plots you can find varieties with bright yellow inflorescences, reminiscent of golden curls of a fairy princess. Despite this, no less popular are the types of cinnamon with white, orange, pink and red flowers. Some of them have a double character.To finally fall in love with this majestic plant, it is advisable to get to know him better.

Due to the fact that the shrub is bred from wild species, it does not require special care. It successfully takes root in the northern regions and even in the Arctic latitudes.

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General description of the plant

Among a variety of garden plants, the shrubby shrub is characterized by a rather long flowering period. Under favorable conditions and competent care, it is covered with a scattering of buds from the beginning of summer to the first frost. From the side the bush resembles a luxurious fabric, which gracefully wavers from the summer breeze. Those who grew it on the territory of a country house, created for themselves a truly paradisiacal corner. Having looked at the photo of the bushes, it is possible to notice its unrivaled originality, original tenderness and refined details.

This cute beauty can boast of several more names - five-leaf and chicken tea. In addition, in translation from the Latin language, the word "potents" means "powerful which indicates the useful properties of this plant.

In the natural environment, on large meadows and river valleys, there is a goose goatee. Its long 80 cm garlands are abundantly decorated with bright yellow flowers. Hybrid grass varieties designers use for alpine hills, and the shrubby form is like a flowering hedge. Due to the fact that the plant in nature grows on pebbles, stony slopes, it successfully succumbs to the fertile soil of the suburban area.

The cattail is a lush, strongly branched bush about one meter high. Its refined shoots grow from the basal area, forming a dense lace crown in the form of a ball or hemisphere. Most often, the width of the crown is much larger than the height of the tent, which gives the plant a unique appearance throughout the season.

The openwork and curly appearance gives the bushes original carved leaves, which are separated from 3 to 7 pieces. They are a bit like room geranium, cuff and parsley. Each portion of the leaf plate has a lanceolate character with a single edging and a pointed vertex. Color - muted greenish with a silvery tint.

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Buds of cinquefoil shrubs have a simple shape and reach, cm in diameter. They consist of 5 rounded petals, which surround a fluffy center, consisting of 30 tender stamens.During flowering, they blossom along the whole shoot, forming lace garlands against the background of green foliage. It is interesting that all this period is the interchangeability of the buds. Some bring sickly fruits, others only bloom. Thus, the cattail can meet even the first snow with young inflorescences.

In addition, the plant is widely used in folk medicine. Many know the useful properties of cinquefoil and contraindications. Its raw foliage contains a huge number of useful elements, among which:

  • vitamin C;
  • carotene;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • tannins;
  • essential oils.

Broths from it contribute to strengthening the immune system, stimulate digestion and have a beneficial effect on the composition of the blood. The only contraindication is the intolerance of its components. A prudent approach to treatment will help make wise decisions.

Modern breeders continue to work on the creation of new types of cobbles. Although today many decorative varieties are already known. They differ in size, color of buds and degree of frost resistance. Therefore, horticulturists should take these parameters into account when choosing plants for a summer residence. Consider the most popular varieties of cinquefoil shrubs, photos and a description of plants to appreciate their majestic beauty.


A beautifully flowering deciduous shrub of this species has a meter height with a crown width of about 130 cm. During a lush bloom, a lot of snow-white buds appear on it. The last inflorescences can be blossomed even in early October. The leaf plates are yellowish-green in color and consist of 3 or 7 ovoid parts. The length is about 3 cm.

The shrubby shrub "Abbotswood" is resistant to dry weather. Loves a lot of light, although it successfully grows in shady places. The plant prefers moist soil with good drainage. Refers to rapidly growing shrubs. During the year, its height is increased by 20 cm, and the width by approximately 25 cm.

Planting the cobweb in the pit of maximum depth of 60 cm, to the bottom of which lay drainage from the pebbles or broken bricks. Soil is fertilized with humus and diluted with sand. To stimulate growth, mineral fertilizers can be added to the soil at a rate of 100 g per pit.

In order for the plant to successfully survive, the root neck of the tent must be on a level with the ground.


The original pillow-shaped crown of the crook of the shrubby "Goldfinger" miraculously fits into the garden landscape of the country house. Its bright yellow inflorescences of large size will adorn the site for a whole season, right up to the first frosts. The plant likes open spaces, where there is plenty of sunlight and a well drained land. It needs moderate humidity, so it suffers from dry periods.

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The flowering period begins at the end of spring, when the whole bush is dressed in a yellow veil of tender buds. Dark green leaves do not change their shade before the fall. The plant is used to attract various kinds of butterflies to the garden.

Red Ice

Extremely resistant to weather conditions, the shrubby shrub "Red Ice" grows, on average, up to, m in height. It differs in its original coloring of exfoliating bark of shoots, which happens:

  • reddish;
  • red-brown;
  • gray.

The sheet plate consists mainly of 5 parts. In spring, it is painted in light green color, and throughout the summer - has a silver hue. The first buds are orange-red, summer variants are orange-yellow.


The sight of the shrubby bushes "Red Ace" perfectly feels on moistened places and in partial shade. It is frost-resistant. Perfectly tolerates pruning, after which it retains its decorative appearance. Some specimens grow to a maximum of 60 cm. The diameter of the crown is about 100 cm.

"Pink Queen"

The unique pink queen of garden flower beds is a low bush with creeping branches. She is unusually hardy, miraculously tolerates pruning, keeping compactness and original look for a long time. For the foot of the shrub "Pink Quinn" is characterized by a pillow-shaped dense crown. It is formed from pinnate leaves, consisting of 5 or 7 oval parts. In the summer they are light green in color, in autumn they are golden. Buds of pink color appear in early June and bloom violently until the end of September. Another name for this species is the shrubby shrub "Princess".

Merion Red Robin

Lovers of stunted plants can grow on their site an amazing beautifully flowering bush. It grows only up to 50 cm. The dense crown of the cinnamon bushes "Merion Red Robin" resembles a miniature hemisphere 80 cm wide, which consists of many thin shoots. Against the background of lanceolate leaves of light green color, each spring appears a lot of orange inflorescences. They adorn the plant until the middle of September.

The "Merion Red Robin" motif is used for decoration of slopes, curbs or as a ground cover plant.

"Lawlie Pink"

Brownback shrub "Lavli Pink" - a low plant, which has a dense crown of a steaming character. It grows to, m in height. The diameter of the bush is 100 cm. For the year can grow only 10 cm. Sheet plates have a dark green color, 3 cm in length. Since the beginning of June, a huge number of pink buds have appeared on the cobweb. Flowering continues until the middle of autumn, until the first frost. Shrub prefers open areas where there is a lot of sunlight.

To stimulate abundant flowering and form the shape of the crown, the cobweb should be trimmed. It is better to do this in the early spring.

Practical tips for caring and growing a plant

The cinquefoil is considered to be an unpretentious plant and survives in nature even under extreme conditions. Therefore, those who want to start a plant on their site, it is enough to follow simple rules:

  • choice of location;
  • suitable soil;
  • watering;
  • pruning;
  • top dressing.
Read also:Growing in the suburban area of ​​various types of cob

A simple care and cultivation of cinnamon bushes allows many gardeners to decorate their plots with this pretty plant. They plant it in the spring or autumn, when the threat of frost passes. The cinquefoil is well established in open places, where there is a lot of light. In extreme cases - a penumbra.

The soil should be light and loose with good drainage. For planting, a deep pit is pulled out, which exceeds the root length by a factor of 2. At the bottom of the drain drainage from gravel or pebbles, and then fall asleep soil, consisting of humus, sand and turf soil. For top dressing add a glass of ash and mineral fertilizer (about 150 g).

Proper care of the bush implies proper watering. Young seedlings are moisturized 3 times a week for 10 liters per bush. Others, moderately moisten as the soil dries around the root zone.

To stimulate successful development of the plant at the beginning and at the end of the growing season, fertilize with special fertilizers.

It is also important to carry out pruning each season. Thanks to this, its appearance is improved, growth is stimulated and a beautiful crown is formed.Shown in the photo is a shrubby shrub in landscape design - a living confirmation of the value of this operation.It is carried out in early spring, when the kidneys have not yet started to grow. Remove last year's tops of shoots, dry branches, as well as those that grow inside the bush. As a result, for several procedures you can completely update the plant. And then, the suburban area will always adorn the golden curls of cinquefoil shrubs.

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