Exotic product anywhere in the world - coconut chips

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If a person does not live in Brazil, in Sri Lanka or in Southeast Asia, this does not mean that the real coconut shavings for him are an inaccessible treat. It is these countries that export an exotic product all over the planet. As you know, the coconut fruit consists of shell, juice and white flesh, which are widely used in cooking, cosmetics and even in gardening.

Coconut shavings are small particles in the form of snow-white granules, which are obtained by grinding the inner shell of a palm fetus. Their size depends on the size of the hole used by the float.

Properties overseas product

Many people know Bounty sweets, which are said to be comparable to paradisiacal pleasure. And indeed, if you correctly prepare coconut shavings, it is able to preserve all the valuable elements necessary for the body. Practice shows that the product has a beneficial effect on such vital processes:

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  1. Stimulates digestion. With the help of chips you can cure diarrhea. Eliminate vomiting and toxicosis.
  2. Strengthens protective forces. The product contains a huge amount of vitamin C, thanks to which the body resists catarrhal diseases.
  3. Fight against parasites. Scientists do not fully understand how the chips affect the removal of harmful parasites from the intestine.
  4. Positive emotions. Products with coconut raise the mood, relieve tension, fatigue and improve memory.
  5. Dangerous pathologies. The presence in the shavings of tocopherol and ascorbic acid helps the body to resist the development of malignant growths.

It is worth mentioning that the exotic product has an exquisite taste, which is liked not only by children, but also by the adult population. It is also used as an additional decoration for various dishes and desserts. However, in our locality it is worth paying attention not only to the benefits of coconut shavings, but also to the harm of this product. Since it is imported to Europe from tropical countries, it can cause an allergic reaction. On the body appear red spots, hives, or mild swelling of the mucous organs.

In case of symptoms of allergy, you must immediately abandon the product and contact a specialist.

Harm brings excessive consumption of the product, since the calorie content of coconut chips is high enough. In 100 grams of the product contains approximately 600 kcal. People who try to control their weight, you need to be careful when choosing exotic desserts. But if you are moderate in your habits, it is perfectly acceptable to eat "paradise pleasure" from coconut.

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Rules for creating a product in the home

To enjoy the taste of overseas fruit, you need to know how to make coconut shavings in your home kitchen. As you know, an exotic product is obtained from a white pulp that is under the nut shell. There are several types of its processing:

  1. Rude. As a result, granules of large size are obtained.
  2. Average. Widely used in cooking.
  3. Small. This type of chip processing has practically no taste, contains a huge amount of fats, so it is rarely used for desserts.

Before you start making chips with your own hands, choose a quality coconut. It should not have cracks, diaper rims or dents.

Buy fruits preferably from early October to January. At this time they are just ripening.

When the fetus is determined, proceed with cutting. For this, black dots are found on the surface of the nut, where a knife or other sharp object is inserted to make a hole. After the inside of the nut is freed from the juice, it can be split using a hammer.

Then they get a snow-white shell and start grinding. Most often for the process use a grater with a large base.Shredded chips are laid on the surface with a thin layer and placed in a dry place away from direct sun rays. The finished product is sieved through a sieve to obtain granules of the same size. But this process is not necessary.

Store the shavings in a cool and dry place, where there are no extraneous odors for more than 12 months.

Field of use of coconut chips

Of course, in most cases, coconut chips are used in cooking, especially for the preparation of desserts. But this product is useful in gardening. First we will consider the question of how to use coconut shavings for seedlings, and then we will stop on cooking.

Recently, summer residents began to use this substance to improve the structure of the soil, combining it with peat and other substrates. Thanks to this the soil has such advantages:

  • high thermal conductivity;
  • protection of the surface from the formation of a hard crust;
  • absence of seeds of weeds, which are in the usual substrate;
  • neutral level of acidity.

Most often, the substance is released in the form of tablets. Therefore, after purchasing and unpacking it is advisable to carefully read the instructions. We recall only a few rules:

  1. The substance is washed under the tap for 2 minutes.
  2. Place the tablet in a suitable pot or container for seedling.
  3. Fill the chips with liquid at room temperature.
  4. Plant seeds in accordance with the rules of agronomy.
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After these simple actions, gardeners certainly get a good result. After all, coconut chips are a unique natural substance that contains a huge amount of valuable elements.

Now it's time to get acquainted with the use of a unique white powder in cooking. Various cakes, cakes, sweets, rolls, pies, cheese cakes and even ice cream acquire a refined taste and aroma. Fans of sweets are very fond of baking with coconut chips, which is easy to cook with their own hands. Consider a few popular recipes.

Exquisite cake with notes of exotics

To prepare a treat you will need these products:

  • chicken eggs;
  • flour;
  • granulated sugar;
  • baking powder;
  • cocoa;
  • coconut liquor;
  • butter;
  • milk;
  • coconut chips
  • water.

The process of creating a cake with coconut chips consists of simple operations:

  1. Chicken eggs are combined with sugar and beaten with a mixer. It is desirable that the mass increased by 2 times.
  2. In a separate container, put the flour, baking powder and cocoa. Stir thoroughly. Then in small portions enter into the egg mass, kneading a homogeneous dough.
  3. The bottom of the baking dish is covered with parchment. Lubricate it with oil, then pour the cooked biscuit.
  4. The oven is heated to a temperature of 200 ° C. Then put the dough into it and bake it for about 25 minutes. Finished biscuit cut in half to get 2 cakes.
  5. In order to soak pastries, coconut liquor is brewed with boiled water. Then, with a spoon, moisten the cakes of the future cake.
  6. The next step is to make the stuffing. Milk is poured into the coconut shavings and mixed thoroughly.Bring to a boil, then boil for 15 minutes, stirring constantly.When the filling thickens, remove from the fire, so that it cools down.
  7. The liqueur-infused lower cake is covered with coconut filling, evenly spreading over the entire surface. Then another cake is placed on top, which is also impregnated.
  8. Next, prepare the glaze. To do this, the milk is mixed with sugar, cocoa and butter. Boil over medium heat until a uniform mass is formed.
  9. When the glaze cools down, it is poured onto the cake. Using a spatula, the liquid is spread on the sides of the baking, giving the product a beautiful appearance.

The product is sent to a cold place for about 3 hours. During this time it will be completely impregnated. Serve for tea or coffee portioned pieces.

Air delicacy for friendly communication

Prepare a delicate and fragrant cake with coconut chips can be, by collecting the necessary ingredients:

  • chicken eggs;
  • kefir;
  • cream;
  • flour;
  • sugar;
  • baking powder;
  • coconut shaving;
  • butter.
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It's interesting that such a dessert is often called "Dream Pie" and it's not in vain. Trying it at least once, will necessarily want again. And they prepare it quite simply.

Sugar is poured into a deep container, kefir and eggs are added. All mix thoroughly.

In the sifted wheat flour add a baking powder, and knead the dough liquid consistency.

Spread it in a baking dish, which is oiled.Then the coconut shavings are mixed with granulated sugar and distributed throughout the surface of the cake.

The oven is heated to 180 ° C. Send it "Dream Pie" for 35 minutes. The finished product is watered with cream.

Spectacular cottage cheese with coconut

Fans of dairy products can replenish their diet with an unusual delicacy cooked in a frying pan. To create it, you need these components:

  • cottage cheese;
  • granulated sugar;
  • Wheat flour;
  • eggs of chicken;
  • coconut shaving;
  • vegetable fat.

When the products are collected, they begin to create cheese cakes with coconut chips. First, eggs, sugar and cottage cheese are combined in a separate container.Mix the products thoroughly, and then add coconut and flour.

From the received test form circles, crumble in a flour and spread on the heated frying pan with butter.

When browned, they carefully turn over. The finished product is served with sour cream for breakfast or for dinner.

To make the delicacy not only delicious, but also attractive, you can use colored shavings.

Unrivaled sweets from the island of pleasure

Different recipes for desserts with coconut chips amaze with their ease of cooking. But in taste, they are superior to many popular dishes, because they contain components of exotic fruit. In the home kitchen, experienced culinary specialists successfully prepare unique sweets reminiscent of the famous "Bounty" bar. For the delicacy you will need coconut chips, condensed milk and chocolate (preferably milk).

First, the shavings are put in the condensed milk and thoroughly mixed to obtain a dense mass. Then, small balls or small bars are formed.

Sweets from coconut shavings are laid out on a parchment covered baking tray. Dispatch in the oven for about half an hour.

At this time, prepare a sweet. Chocolate is melted in a microwave oven or in a water bath.When the balls are ready, they are dipped into hot fudge.With the help of cutlery, sweets are spread on a tray and placed in a refrigerator, so that the chocolate glaze is completely cooled. Delicacy is eaten at any time of the day, enjoying their unsurpassed taste and aroma.

A video recipe for making Rafaello sweets

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