Wild onion with the name of wild leek


Wild onions or wild leek are a plant whose properties, in folk medicine, have been used for a long time. Avicenna also mentions in his treatises on the benefits of wild garlic.This plant has not lost its relevance in our time.


Table of contents

  • Characteristic features of the plant
  • Distribution area
    • Onion bear
    • Onion victorious
  • Ingredients of wild onions
    • Vitamins
    • Essential oils
    • Beneficial features
  • Application in folk medicine
    • Hypertonic disease
    • Dysbacteriosis
    • Runny nose and cold
    • Rheumatism
    • Helminthiasis of pinworm in children
  • Use in cooking
    • Spring salad
    • Vegetarian soup
    • Cherry-pickled garnish

Characteristic features of the plant

The herbaceous plant, perennial, belongs to the onion family.It is resistant to frost, able to withstand low temperatures, up to50degrees. The vegetative period of the terrestrial part of the plant lasts from autumn to spring.

Wild onion or Cheremsha

In appearance, the wild onion is very similar to the poisonous lily of the valley, until the arrow of the peduncle appears. A distinctive feature of these plants is the

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Presence of garlic smell in wild onions, which appears when rubbing the sheet with your fingers. Depending on the place of growth, the color of the leaves varies from light green to brightly saturated.


Distribution area

It grows in all corners of Russia, especially in its central and southern parts.Extensive thickets of wild onions can be seen in the Tula forests. It also occurs in the Far East, the Caucasus, Siberia and Bashkortostan. Prefers wild onion moist soil, so grows near rivers, lakes, in the shade of deciduous forests. Growing up, it forms large thickets occupying large areas.

Homeland of wild onions are mountain areas of China and Mongolia

Wild onion or wild leek- this name unites two species of the same plant. In composition and properties, both species of wild onion are the same. The difference of one from the other is in the time of flowering and size.

Onion bear

It is a herbaceous perennial plant with a root system in the form of a small bulb, about a centimeter in diameter. From each such bulb develops two wide lanceolate leaves sitting at the very base of the trihedral stem. The stem itself is "bare without leaves.Its height can reach15 - 40centimeters.

Bear onion

The stem ends with an inflorescence in the form of an umbrella. Flowers are small, white or light tone, with a pleasant smell. Blooms in May - early June. And by the end of June - the beginning of July, the seeds of black, rounded form are already ripening, located in a trihedral box.

The vegetation of the plant begins in early spring and early ends. For two spring months, the bear onion passes a full life cycle, from leaf development to full seed ripening. At the end of June, leaves with a plant stem wither and die. Only the bulb that sits in the earth remains viable, which, with the onset of a new spring, awakens and gives rise to a new plant.

Bear onions are the earliest greens, appearing in the spring and enjoying high demand. The destruction of this onion in the forests led to a sharp decline in the population of this species.At present, harvesting of bear onions is prohibited by law, it is listed in the Red Book.

Onion victorious

Onion victorious

Unlike the bear's bow, this is a larger plant. Rhizome consists of several bulbs, one to two centimeters thick.When growing, each bulb germinates, and one plant forms a whole bush. Leaves broader and larger, lanceolate or elliptical in shape, in the number of three pieces, pointed, ending with an ankle. The stem is semi-cylindrical or triangular in shape, reaching a height of 70 centimeters.

It ends with an inflorescence of small flowers, in the form of an umbrella, a hemispherical shape, which have a tender honey smell. The size of flowers in a bow is less victorious than that of its relative.

The onion blooms from May to July, and the seeds, black in color, are ripened in July-August.

Ingredients of wild onions

Sweet cherries are a valuable food product, which contains vitamins, trace elements, essential oils. Eat all parts of the plant. This leaves, stem, bulb.The harvesting of lemon leaves is carried out in the spring, before the flowering of the plant. At this time it contains, in its composition, the greatest amount of valuable and useful substances for the human body.

Useful for the body both wild and cultivated varieties of wild onions


  • Vitamin C- is in the ramson in an equal amount and competes with products such as black currant, oranges and lemons, sauerkraut. Promotes an increase in the body's resistance to various infections.
  • B vitamins- have an anti-stress effect on the nervous system, improve the condition of the skin and hair structure, ensure normal functioning of the intestine.
  • Vitamin A- is a barrier to the development of skin diseases, improves the functioning of the organ of vision, has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

Essential oils

  • Phytoncides- Volatile substances with antiviral and antimicrobial effects. They have a curative effect in various inflammatory processes and infections.
  • Trace Elements- Boron, zinc, magnesium, potassium, calcium are involved in strengthening immunity, contribute to slowing the aging of the body.

Beneficial features

In Tibetan medicine, all parts of the plant are used to treat chronic gastritis, neurasthenia, asthmatic cough

The unique chemical composition of the plant makes the wild garlic useful for virtually all body systems:

  • The cardiovascular system- the presence of potassium in wild garlic leads to an improvement in the contractility of the heart, a decrease in blood pressure and a level of cholesterol in the blood.
  • System of the digestive system- helps to increase appetite and fight against intestinal infections, normalizes the work of the intestines.
  • Nervous system- has a calming effect and reduces the threshold of CNS excitation.
  • Effective with external application- treatment of warts, various forms of dermatitis, pustular eruptions, diathesis in children.

Application in folk medicine

Sirloin since ancient times was known not only as a useful plant for nutrition, but also as a healer of various diseases, both internal and external.From the ramson made various decoctions, infusions, compounds.

This plant is used as a medicine, and now. A large number of various allergic reactions to a medical product, makes patients increasingly resort to traditional medicine recipes.

Hypertonic disease

Tincture of leek

Tincture of wild garlic:1 part of the crushed fresh leaves is poured with 5 parts of vodka and infused in a dark place for three weeks. After filtering the composition, the tincture is ready for use. 20 drops are taken per 15 ml of water three times a day for three to four months.


One tablespoon of freshly extracted carrot juice, diluted with a small amount of water, is taken before meals three times a day.The course of treatment for a month.

Runny nose and cold

Shredded leaves of wild garlic will help cope with colds and cold

Crushed fresh mackerel leaves are wrapped in cheesecloth andin the form of tampons are inserted into each nostril10 - 15minutesseveral times a day.


Tincture of leek: one part of the crushed fresh leaves is poured with four parts of vodka and infused for one and a half to two weeks.It is used for rubbing the joints, including arthrosis, sciatica, twice a day until pain relief.

Helminthiasis of pinworm in children

Shredded plant leavespoured boiled sunflower oil and infused for 24 hours. After filtration, the leek oil solution is used for microclysters.


Use in cooking

Sweet cherry is good not only as a remedy. It is widely used in cooking in the form of salads, snacks, in the first dishes, as an addition to meat and fish dishes.

In winter time, it is possible to use marinated wild garlic.

Spring salad

Salad with wild onions

A bunch of lemon leaves is finely chopped and joined with three chopped eggs. The cleared fresh cucumber is shredded into thin straws. The ingredients are connected. To taste, salt, ground pepper is added.Salad is dressed with sunflower or olive oil.

Vegetarian soup

Potato soup with wild garlic

Potatoes are added to the boiling vegetable broth, cut into strips and cooked for 10 to 15 minutes. Separately, the onions and carrots are tossed, which are added to the soup. After a few minutes, put about 200 grams of chopped green garlic.Soup seasoned with spices and salt to taste. If desired, you can add a spoonful of sour cream.

Cherry-pickled garnish

Stewed wild garlic in tomato sauce

Sliced ​​leaves and stems of wild garlic are laid out on a frying pan with sunflower or olive oil. After the greens are reduced in size, add tomato paste and a little soy sauce.The dish has a tender and pleasant taste with a slight sour tint. It can be included in the diet as a separate dietary dish, or as a side dish to meat, mashed potatoes or buckwheat, rice.

Thus, nature continues to give man amazing plants. Keeping a wild onion in nature, a man provides himself for many years not only with a green pharmacy, but also with an additional vitamin product.

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