Onion variety exhibits subtle subtle aroma and delicate flavor. He is a true masterpiece of breeding. From the large onion family it is distinguished not only by its taste characteristics. Exhibiting - a real giant, it grows up to 1 kg in weight , and who undresses it, does not shed tears.
Contents:method, planting in open groundand loosening
Description and characteristics of the onion Exhibition An
Onion Exhibition an Dutch miracle owned by Bejo Zaden. Has: onion weight 0.5 - 0.9 kg , head color yellowish;oval shape;the neck is graceful, the husk is thin.
Pros of the variety
- sweetish, pleasant, delicate taste ;
- lack of typical onion odor after consumption;
- dense and juicy texture ;
- short ripening period ;
- possibility of sowing in spring and before winter ;
- is good as a turnip and on a green feather.
Cons variety
- short shelf life , not more than 4 months;
- complex agricultural technology cultivation.
Cultivation - which method is better for home
Grow lettuce in the garden is available to everyone. When complying with the exact requirements of agrotechnics, it shows excellent results. Cultivate it using 3 known methods of : seed, transplanting and planting by planting. We study them in more detail.
Sowing seeds is not difficult, while bulb grows to 300g .In order for seedlings to be friendly, it is necessary to know the basic rules for sowing them in open ground.
To grow seeds from onion, you will need: toilet paper, paste, fertilizer, antifungal drugs.
Step-by-step instructions for preparing seeds for planting
- toilet paper, cut into ribbons equal to the width of the bed( approximately 0.8 m);
- put on strips paste pointwise, every 5 cm;
- on a wet paste put onion seeds ;
- leave on 24 hours for drying;
- paper after 24 hours; ; unload tapes into rolls;
- to store preparations in a cellophane package until the landing.
paste preparation into ½ cup cold water to dissolve 1 h / l of starch, put the mixture on a small fire, cook stirring until a thick mass is formed. Cool it down. Add AVA fertilizer.
Soil preparation
Before planting the seed, it is necessary to dig up the earth, loosen it, remove the weeds and process it with any antifungal drug , Fitospirin solution is suitable( 1 st / l per 10 water).
seed ribbons In prepared ridges, make grooves 2 cm deep, put seed tapes in them and sprinkle with loose soil.
How to plant seeds in spring
There are no clear recommendations on what time to sow onion seeds in open ground correctly. It all depends on the region of cultivation. In the southern conditions it may be April, in the middle lane and Siberia - mid-May .The most important condition is the heated soil + 10С and the absence of night frosts.
Sowing Seeds for Winter
The method of winter sowing of onion seeds has proven itself in practice. When sown before winter, it quickly grows and is more immune. Seeds can be sown in the ground when the ground is already slightly frozen as .
- In the sunny area of the , prepare a high ridge of soil mix with humus and sand , remove weeds.
- Sow seeds densely in 2 cm deep at a depth of 2 cm. You can thin out the spring thickness.
- Sprinkle with 1.5 cm and pour on warm water from a watering can. Watering holes should be small so as not to deepen seeding. You can use a garden sprayer.
- Promulg a bed of peat , straw, sawdust for 2 cm. Mulch will help save future spring shoots from frost, retain moisture and resist weeds.
- When snow falls, sprinkle them a bed, creating additional protection.
- In the spring, when the snow melts the to re-mulch as necessary .Further care is the same as in the spring sowing.
The rassadny method, planting in open ground
This method is more laborious, but it guarantees the best results of the harvest. In late February or early March, is sowing seedlings for seedlings at home.
Step-by-step instructions
- wrap the seeds in a thin fabric and immerse in warm water, you can add fresh aloe juice;
- remove from water and dry, soak in the shade for 3-4 days;
- to disinfect with a weak solution of manganese 1g / 1 l of water at a temperature of + 40 ° C;
- sow seeds in a planting container over the ground;
- use purchased soil for bulbous crops or prepare it yourself in advance from turfy land, distilling and mullein( rotted) in the ratio 10: 9: 1;
- sprinkled with seeds ground 1.5 cm;
- pour abundantly with with water from a pulverizer;
- create greenhouse conditions ;
- to put the container in the shadow on 7-10 days .
As soon as the first seedlings appear, remove the foil and place the seedlings on a sunny window sill, preferably the south side of the house. For active and healthy growth of seedlings, the following conditions are necessary for :
- air temperature + 20С;
- airing the room 1 time in 3 days;
- watering with warm water and mineral fertilizers every day.
Thus, should grow up from the long pen 10 cm in 2 months .14 days before planting, take out seedlings during the day to fresh air for hardening.
Ready seedlings can be planted in the garden in early May. This will require a well-lit area with suitable drainage soil. Acidity of the soil should not be acidic. Manure before planting seedlings do not contribute, it contributes to the looseness of the bulbous culture. To plant the seedlings to the depths 2,5-3 , see the scheme 20 on 30 , see , then carry out standard maintenance.
Proper onion planting with sevka
Sevok is planting small onions. From them the best crop turns out. Sevok can grow yourself from seed or buy in the store. Sow sevok spring or near winter , observing the above conditions.
With thick seed sowing, you get excellent planting for planting next season. Before planting, sevok soaked in a solution of manganese and treated with antimicrobial agents .The rest of the care and cultivation fits typical descriptions and requirements.