Proper growing of blackberries on trellis


To successfully grow a blackberry, you need to know and observe the technology of planting, shaping and proper care.One of the secrets of the proper shaping and garter of the blackberry is the blackberry planting on the trellis.

Let's try to figure out what a trellis is and why it's needed. Surely many people have heard about her, more than once.

First of all, we'll figure out what the trellis is for blackberry.Tapestry is a special design that serves as a support and serves as support for the plant itself and its shoots.

It is necessary to know that the blackberry shoots on the trellis are fixed in a certain way, in which the shoots are not deformed. Tapestry is usually a row of several supports and stretched between them in several tiers of wire or rope.

When growing blackberries, especially in large quantities, the installation of trellises is a must.


Table of contents

  • The advantage of using trellis
  • Types of trellis
    • Single-strip
    • Two-way
    • T-shaped trellis
    • V-shaped trellis
    • Y-shaped trellis
  • instagram viewer
  • Tapestry for the blackberry with your own hands
  • Arrangement of blackberry on trellis
  • Growing and caring for the blackberry garden
  • Shaping blackberry bushes on a trellis, a garter chart
    • The way of interlacing
    • Fan mode

The advantage of using trellis

Growing a young blackberry on the trellis

Growing blackberries on trellises has many advantages, and they are obvious.

  • Lowershoots do not lie on the ground, and are not smeared;
  • Berries also do not touch the ground, and do not get dirty, as a result of precipitation or watering;
  • Blackberry rows are well ventilated, which is the prevention of the development of fungal diseases;
  • Fruit evenlyare illuminated by the sun, therefore, ripening occurs earlier.

Also, tapestry benefits not only the blackberry, but also helps the growers themselves. She gives the gardener the following advantages:

  1. Simplifies itcare workbehind a bush,
  2. Accelerates the cutting processold branches;
  3. Mulching of soiland watering is much more convenient to produce;
  4. Harvestingoccurs much faster;
  5. Makes it fasterpreparation for the winter period.

Types of trellis

Two basic types of tapestries are widely used, which are used for growing berry crops. itsingle-lane and two-lane trellis. Large farmers believe that the use of single-lane trellis is a less effective way. But single-lane trellis is well used in small areas and has become very popular with amateur gardeners. Therefore, there are supporters of both single-side and two-way construction.


Single-lane trellis is divided into several types such as:

  • fan-shaped;
  • vertical flat;
  • free;
  • inclined;
  • horizontal.
Single-lane trellis on a blackberry plantation

In fact, it is the same simple structure of supports and wire. Different ways of gartering plants. All varieties are aimed at maintaining the blackberry during growing and fruiting.

But if the blackberries on the site a small amount, then any of the listed types of trellis will perfectly cope with its task.The main disadvantage of a single-lane trellis isthat each shoot must be tied separately. With small amounts of work this is so significant, but for berry plantations of large areas this is a huge minus.


A two-lane trellis, in contrast to a single-lane trellis, also provides an opportunity to conduct a correct formation.Usually these are two rows of guides parallel to each other. This design provides an opportunity not to thicken the berry, promotes the cultivation of more powerful branches in different directions, which is good for the further harvest.

This is an improved trellis design, which is more often used for large berry plantations.

It, too, has several types:

  • T-shaped;
  • V-shaped;
  • Y-shaped;

T-shaped trellis

T-shaped trellis design

The name of this simple construction speaks for itself.The basis of this design, no matter what it was made of, looks like the letter "T hence the name of the trellis. The wire passes along the edges of the upper pole. When forming blackberry bushes, the fruit-bearing branches are laid from different sides of the wire. In this case, the center remains free.

V-shaped trellis

V-shaped trellis design

This name she received, because it looks like the English letter V.It is also called - two-way inclined trellis. The formation is made, as well as on the T-shaped trellis.

Y-shaped trellis

Y-shaped trellis design

Is a modern and new version of the attachment for the blackberry, outwardly reminiscent of the letter "Y".His stands are often made mobile, for this they are mounted on swivel joints. This design is very convenient to use, it provides the ability to change the angle of the racks. Also, the racks have the ability to lower or raise.


Tapestry for the blackberry with your own hands

The question arises, is it possible to make a reliable trellis for the blackberry with their own hands or better to buy? Of course, to buy this design is much easier and you can do it in garden stores or on the Internet. But you can try to make a good trellis yourself.


To make such a trellis, you need wooden or metal poles, strong enough and reliable that they could withstand the weight of the bushes without problems, along with the harvest. And a length of -3 meters, as well as a good wire, well, the desire to start work.

  1. From one edge of the row with a blackberry dig a pit under the pillar, it is enough 50-60 cm in depth. If there is a special pit-drill, the pit turns out to be more accurate and it will be much easier to dig it and faster. Another pit is made from the other end of the row. If your row is long, then you need to use several supports, the distance usually between the pillars make 5-6 meters. Divide your series with the blackberry into the same segments.
  2. On the bottom of the pit you can lay a layer of gravel and broken bricks. This will strengthen the position of the pillars and prevent them from sagging during operation.
  3. Set your poles vertically in prepared pits. Then, bury the pillars with earth and tamp them well with your feet or improvised materials, for example, the back side of the shank from the shovel.
  4. Now it is necessarypull three tiers of steel wire between supports. The distance between the wire in the horizontal plane should be about 60 cm. The wire must be well tensioned so that it does not sag. At the extreme poles, the wire is securely fixed.

Here is ready a simple three-level trellis for blackberry, it will suit absolutely for any variety of blackberry.


Arrangement of blackberry on trellis

When growing blackberries on the trellis, various landing schemes are used.When choosing a planting scheme, the variety requirements and ways of forming a bush are taken into account. As a rule, varieties with less outstanding vegetative abilities with a fan type of formation are planted in a row in two to two and a half meters. Row-spacing is also two to two and a half meters.

The way the bush is formed depends on the blackberry planting scheme

When growing blackberry shrubbery, a planting scheme of less than 2 × 2 m is used.

The landing scheme can be adjusted depending on the climatic zonecultivation and varietal characteristics.

In areas with high humidity of the ground, blackberry planting is carried out on elevated ridges, and in areas with low humidity - blackberries are planted, on the contrary, into grooves.

Growing and caring for the blackberry garden

In the first days after plantingit is necessary to water abundantly and regularly on the blackberry, especially this is important, in the first month after the landing. In the future, watering should be carried out during the drought period, as well as during fruiting. Normal soil moisture is considered within the range of 60-70%

In the aisles, cultivation is periodically carried out at a shallow depth. Depending on the weather for the season, up to 6 treatments are performed. This is an additional struggle with weeds, and also improves the aeration of the soil.

In the first two years of vegetation, until the blackberry has not yet grown much, it is possible to plant vegetables or siderates in the inter-rows.

In the inter-rows of blackberries grow vegetables or siderates

In the autumn rows between rows are cultivated or shallow plowing, while making humus and phosphate-potassium fertilizers. In the ranks weeding is done with loosening of the soil.

Also mulching of soil. The best mulching is to produce before the appearance of small shoots. Many use herbicides in the ranks of blackberries to control weeds, but still their use is undesirable, since it can be detrimental to the development of the blackberry.

To obtain good yields, organic and mineral fertilizers should be regularly applied. The dosage of fertilizer application depends on the availability in their soil. Average rates of application can be taken from the calculation, per 1 sq.m.

In the autumn5-6 kg of humus are also introduced, 30 grams of phosphorus fertilizers, 50 grams of potassium fertilizers.

In the spring30-40 grams of nitrogen fertilizers are added.


Shaping blackberry bushes on a trellis, a garter chart

There are several different methods for forming blackberry bushes.

The way of interlacing

The most common way, when the branches of the blackberry interweave between the first, second and third tiers of wire or rope. All other shoots that grow after shaping, lead to the right and left of the center of the trunk, later they are output to the fourth, upper guide.

Fan mode

Shoots with this method of shaping must be diluted and tied to the guides in the form of a fan, and the young branches tied to the very last 4 th row of wire.The difference of this method is that the branches develop freer, and the bush is illuminated better. Therefore, light-loving varieties will have an earlier harvest.

Fan-shaped way of forming a bush of a blackberry

In the fall, blackberry pruning is done.During the autumn pruning, all the sprouting shoots are removed, as well as shoots with signs of disease or damage. Also superfluous young shoots are cut off. Although the more experienced gardeners superfluous young shoots are not cut off in the autumn. A normalize their number in the spring pruning. When buds bloom and it becomes clearly visible which shoots died due to frost, they are removed. On average, no more than 8 young shoots are left on one bush.

Tapestry - it's not easy to be beautiful, but still very convenient. It is only necessary to establish the correct design once and enjoy it for several years.

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