Full description of the raspberry variety of Russian Beauty


For every gardener it's nice, when an unusual interesting variety grows on the site. Carefully selected plant varieties,for raspberry variety "Beauty of Russia" - the best option. It is simple in care, it gives large tasty aromatic berries.

This variety is relatively new, but got a lot of fans because of their qualities. Professor and breeder V.V. Kichin in 1990 received unusually large berries, by crossing varieties of "maroseyka" and "mirage".

Because of its unsurpassed qualities, such as the size of the fruit, color and taste - this brand was called "the beauty of Russia".

This variety is not repainted, but despite this is popular with gardeners. What are the qualities of this raspberry?


Table of contents

  • Description and advantages of the variety
  • Disadvantages of raspberry "Beauty of Russia"
  • Features of cultivation and breeding
    • Soil preparation
    • Ways of planting raspberries
  • Care
    • Trimming the bushes
  • Basic hazards

Description and advantages of the variety

A variety of raspberries, under the much-spoken name "Rossi's beauty"

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differs in large bunches, in bunches. Berries reach the size of a small plum.

The aroma emanating from the fruit is felt even at a distance from the bush. So bright he is strong.

The fruits are sweet and, since they are many and they are large in size,with a bush for one season is about four and a half kilogramsfirst-class raspberries.

The beginning of the ripening of this sort of raspberries in the middle of summer. The first fruits are collected in early July. Fruits the bush until mid-August.

This time is enough to ensure that the berries are enough as in the preparation of raspberries, and use in fresh form.

Raspberry "Beauty of Russia" belongs to frost-resistant varieties

Raspberry of this grade withstands frosts up to 25 degrees, and if you take care and cover the bushes, even in abnormally cold weather, the bush survives.

This variety belongs to frost-resistant varieties. Raspberry does not need watering. Natural moisture is enough for this variety.

Raspberry bushes do not take up much space, do not expand in width. There are no lateral shoots extending far from the central part.

The bush reaches a height of just over one and a half meters in height. The variety belongs to the medium-sized.

On the stem, only a light margin, the leaves are large oblong,There are no thorns in this raspberry. Yield is achieved due to the number of whiskers, on one shoot, 2 dozen berries.

Because of their qualities, such as compactness,bushes of this variety do not bind, but competent care can increase the yield.

Raised bushes will less rot and do not spoil in the rain. The bush will be lit, all the fruits will receive their portion of sun and heat.


Disadvantages of raspberry "Beauty of Russia"

Disadvantages of this variety is not so much compared to the number of advantages. One of them isinadequacy of fruit.

Raspberries must be immediately processed or eaten. During transportation, the fruits quickly deteriorate. But if, organize the processing in the next few hours, then this shortcoming ceases to be decisive.

Another drawback, thissusceptibility to shrubs in wet rots and brown spotting. But with a drought, she feels great when watering only with rain.

This varietyrefers to drought tolerant varieties. But the disadvantages are redeemed by its kilograms of harvest and the quality of the fruit.


Features of cultivation and breeding

For planting it is necessarychoose the right place: it should be well litand not have near groundwater.

The soil must be loamy. If planted in a more fertile soil, then raspberries will give too many shoots, which negatively affects fruiting.

Landing is carried out in the spring and autumn. In spring this is April-May, and in autumn September-October.

Planting of raspberry "Beauty of Russia" is carried out in the spring and autumn

For planting raspberries of this varietyThe best way to plant it in rows. And the distance between the bushes must be kept in one meter. The distance between the rows should be one and a half to two meters.

With this method of planting, accessibility to each bush increases and this allows for quality care and harvesting.

Alsobushes will not rot in wet weather, and the berries will receive a sufficient amount of sunlight.

Soil preparation

In order to correctly place the raspberry bushes on your site,you need to think in advance how much and where you put them. Since the trench for planting raspberries must be prepared in three to four weeks.

After you have determined the landing site,It is necessary to excavate trenches with a depth of 40-45 cm and a width of 60-65 cm. At the bottom of the trench, we evenly spread a layer of overgrown manure or compost.

Further it is necessary to place a small layer of mineral fertilizers. It can be superphosphate. To raspberries are not in contact with mineral fertilizers, pour a layer of biohumus.

Next, place the raspberry bushes and fill them with the top fertile layer.

When planting in autumn, it is necessary to pay attention toon the rooting of seedlings before the onset of frost. Above, the soil must be mulled by peat or overgrown foliage.

Ways of planting raspberries

When choosing seedlings,pay attention to the condition of the root part: buy, if it is developed. This determines the quality and time of rooting during planting. The seedlings are not susceptible to infection with diseases and without side shoots.

In addition to planting seedlings,raspberry is propagated by the roots. Somewhere in late May, select the strongest shoots that have reached fifteen to twenty centimeters.

Raspberry "Beauty of Russia" is propagated by seedlings and basal shoots

This can be done both in rainy weather and dry. Moreover,dry and sunny weather is even more favorablefor such a method of reproduction.

For this, only the strongest shoots having a number of molar-white roots are selected. For reproductionit is necessary to take low shoots, and if they are much larger than the specified length, they are shortened.

It should be remembered thatspring raspberry planting does not guarantee in the first year of rooting. In some cases, when planting in the fall, it passes quite painlessly and effectively.



For effective care of raspberries of this variety, the main thing to remember is thatThis variety does not like when bushes become too thick. It is necessary to cut and thin regularly.

Option to prevent thickening - trellis. This method of garter will give the bushes additional stability, they will not break from a strong wind.

You may be interested in articles:

  • Top dressing for raspberries in August and in autumn after pruning.
  • Useful properties of raspberry and its leaves.

The rain will cease to be terrible, the lower branches will be higher and will less rot. The berries on the branches bearing fruits will be available for review and harvest.

In this way garters are used even when the seedling reaches a length of 80 centimeters.

Young seedlings are very demanding watering and loosening. They take care of every bush, at watering it is necessary to bring up to six liters of water.

Alsoregularly loosen and feed plants. When feeding it is necessary to use organic fertilizers in the form of overgrown manure and mineral fertilizers.

When choosing mineral fertilizers, it is important to remember thatraspberry loves fertilizer on the basis of potassium and nitrogen.

Trimming the bushes

Trimming the bushes is a necessary part of the care. Proper pruning is necessary in order that the bushes do not become too thick and the strength goes into the berries, and not into the branches. Trimming is carried out regularly from the second year after disembarkation.

Cut the first shoots in the second year. Raspberry already grows and new branches appear, the old ones are best removed, giving light and strength to the young ones. This occurs in the spring after bud blossoming.

Cut old shoots in autumn. After two years, the raspberry dries. Bring young strong shoots the maximum yield, they should be left for next year and prepared for winter.

Malina "The Beauty of Russia" needs pruning of bushes

While the days are warm, there is nothing to do with the raspberries, otherwise it prohibits, and later the bushes are covered for conservation in the winter.

The shoots are lowered and covered with lapnik, it is important not to break the raspberries. To the pegs are attached branches, so that they do not straighten out with time.


Basic hazards

Thea grade of a raspberry is sensitive to the raised humidity, it is necessary to protect from rains. In such weather, rot, brown patch, mosaic of leaves and others arise. With such lesions the bushes are sprayed with a solution of the Bordeaux liquid.

Pests also damage bushes. Such asraspberry beetle, spider miteand others. In such cases, the bushes are sprayed with carbophos, colloidal sulfur. With this treatment, pests are killed.

"Beauty of Russia" is a good sort of raspberry. Small compact bushes are planted in the garden or at the dacha.

They do not need to be looked after or taken care of, except for sheltering, pruning and harvesting, raspberries do not need anything.

The result is berries the size of a two-ruble coin, bright red, issuing a pleasant smell, with a luxurious sweet deep taste.

They are suitable for preparing a sweet dish, for twisting or eating fresh.

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