Description of the raspberry variety Ispolin or Pride of Russia

Raspberry is a shrub plant that has delicious fragrant berries and has a large number of nutrients. One of the most popular varieties is the Pride of Russia raspberry, or, as it is also called, the Giant. Belongs to large-fruited varieties, has a high yield and special winter hardiness.


  • History selection
  • description and characterization of varieties of "Pride of Russia»
    • Benefits
    • Disadvantages
  • planting technology besshipnoy raspberry
  • Stepping seedlings landing process
    • Rules trimming
    • Reproduction
    • Watering
    • Rules care
    • plant nutrition
    • Winterizing
  • characteristic disease
  • Fightwith pests

History of plant breeding

The plant was developed by the Moscow breeder V.V.Kichin and bred in 1992 at the Institute of Horticulture. Experimental seedling obtained by crossing the donor "Stambovy-20" and varieties "Stolichny".Distributed as an independent variety since 1998.

The homeland “Pride of Russia” - Central Europe.

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In today's time, because of its unpretentiousness and simple care, it is cultivated almost everywhere.

This large and tasty fruit interests many gardeners and is the pride of Russian breeders.

Description and Characteristics of the Variety “Pride of Russia”

Bespishnaya Raspberry “Pride of Russia” brings dark red fruits, shiny and velvety, having a conical elongated configuration. Large berries make 8-12 g. The flesh is soft, juicy, has a sweet-sour taste, double fruits come across. Subtle aroma. Berries are perfectly removed from the stem and practically do not fall off when ripe .Seeds are quite small and not at all tangible.

A medium-sized raspberry variety “Ispolin”, height from 1.5 to 1.8 m, massive and compact. Not at all sprawling, compressed. The leaves are raspberry dark green. It blooms with white flowers that are clustered in racemes. Stems are thick, straight, tall, without thorns, in winter - gray-brown. There is no wax on the strong new shoots.

During the season, the plant has many root offsprings( 5-7) and shoots( from 7 to 10). If you do not remove them in time, it can grow throughout the site. On the tops of the shoots formed sockets. The branches are medium in size; about 20-30 berries grow on them. For the season, fruits are collected in 5-6 stages, from one bush you can get 4-5 kg.

Bush with raspberries "Pride of Russia"

The variety is middle-ripening, ripens in early July and brings fruit to August."Pride of Russia" is a high-yielding, self-fertile and early ripening.

The variety is perfectly adapted to the difficult growing conditions. Differs in high frost resistance and winter hardiness, transfers -27 -30 degrees, withstands drought. Raspberries are practically not susceptible to various diseases, rot, chlorosis, and pests. Almost not attacked by aphids.


This plant has a huge number of advantages:

  • brings high annual yield and large fruit ;
  • tasty and fragrant berry;
  • easily multiplies, forms many shoots of replacement and tolerates drought( but the amount of yield decreases);
  • constant fruiting and early maturity;
  • disease resistance( didimella, mosaic, anthracosis);
  • frost resistant;
  • possible transportation.

Disadvantages of

In addition to the many advantages that the “Pride of Russia” raspberry has, it has some drawbacks that should be taken into account when planting:

  • doubled berries , due to adverse weather conditions;
  • weak sugar content and a decrease in taste, due to frequent rains, poor sunlight( planted in the shade) or dense plantings;
  • desirable additional feeding;
  • hypersensitivity to soil fertility and irrigation;
  • at strongly elevated temperatures needs shelter.
Dual berries

Planting raspberry-less raspberry technology

Raspberry is a two-year fruiting cycle. In the first year, the shoots will develop, and only in the second year will it begin to bear fruit.

Plant the plant in spring( March) or in autumn ( in late September, or early October).The most preferential is the autumn period, since raspberries are better able to take root, and the soil will have time to settle. Landing should be made no later than two weeks before the onset of frost.

The plant is sensitive to light, it is desirable to plant it on a site where there is a lot of sunshine and in a lull, raspberries are quite susceptible to cold winds. An ideal place for disembarking is loamy chernozem, with an interval to groundwater should not exceed 1.5 m. Raspberry grows well in areas with high acidity.

To obtain the highest yields, the plant needs proper care and compliance with intensive agricultural practices.

The step-by-step process of planting

  • seedlings should be cleaned of root weeds and re-dig;
  • to apply fertilizer, per square meter.5-7 kg of rotted manure, about 25 g of potassium and 60 g of superphosphate are added to the meter, and soil liming is performed if necessary;
  • make a hole of 30 * 40 cm in size and at a distance of 40 cm from each other, 1.5-2 m recede between rows;
  • pour 2/3 of fertile soil into the well, sow a seedling, gently correct the roots, the main thing is that they do not bend upward, and fall asleep with the earth, compact it;
  • root neck should remain level with the ground, 4-5 liters of water are poured under each bush;
  • soil around the bush mulch sawdust, peat, straw or humus.

Caring for raspberries is not a huge effort. The main thing is to carry out timely loosening, pruning, mulching, fertilization and watering.

Sizes of berries from the raspberry bush “Giant”

Pruning rules

Throughout the season, pruning is done three times. The bush annually forms up to 7 root shoots and about 10 replacement stems. It is not advisable to leave all the bushes, it will reflect badly on the amount of the crop.

  1. In , environmental cutting is carried out in March-April, , depending on weather conditions. Pruned under the root of all weak, poorly developed and damaged shoots, healthy pruned to the upper bud.
  2. Further, after blooming by 13-15 cm, the stems are shortened to increase fertility.
  3. For the third time, is cut for 2-3 weeks before the onset of cold weather. Young shoots are cut, they will not survive the cold;old stalks, they thicken the bush;affected by disease;shoots bearing fruit more than 2 years.


Variety "Pride of Russia" is propagated by dividing the bush. Renewed buds appear on the ground of annual shoots; they form young shoots.

Raspberries have many processes that can be planted, so the breeding process is simple.

You may also be interested in the following articles about raspberries:

  • Pros and cons of raspberry "Tarusa".
  • Features care for raspberries "Gusar".
  • Description of the raspberry "Yellow Giant".


The plant loves moisture, four buckets need to be poured for each bush, watering is done:

  • before flowering;
  • in the period of ripening berries;
  • after collection;
  • before the cold.

For irrigation it is better to use a drip system, after it the ground is mulched.

The resulting crop of raspberries

Rules of care

To obtain high yields, you should follow some rules:

  • to make it easier to care for the plant and harvest, need to tie up the bushes;
  • needs to be fed, they will make the berry sweet, a good option would be to feed the raspberry tree with urea;
  • should be irrigated;
  • bush formation improves lighting and makes it easier to pick berries;
  • requires regular watering;
  • bushes should be moistened before flowering, during formation, during ripening.

Plant nutrition

Fertilizers feed the animals annually. With regular manipulation depends on the fertility and taste of the plant.

  • after planting fertilize slurry diluted with water( 1 bush - 2.5 liters of solution);In early spring,
  • applied nitrogen fertilizers to the soil, then superphosphates, slightly rotted manure and potassium salt;
  • in the fall - wood ash and phosphorus-potash funds;
  • magnesium fertilizers are applied to sandy soil.
As the number of shoots increases, fertility increases, and therefore the need for nutrient fertilizers increases.

Preparing for winter

Frost for this plant is not terrible, it carries -30 degrees. If the temperature in the regions falls below, raspberries should be covered. Shrubs connect with each other, bend over the ground by 30 cm and sprinkled with earth. Can be covered with agrofiber and polycarbonate leaves. Spring branches unleash, and they get the same shape.

Preparing raspberries for winter

Characteristic diseases

Raspberries are resistant to various diseases, some of which are dangerous for the plant:

  1. Root cancer .On the roots of plants, tumors of 1-3 cm in size appear, similar rough mounds with cracks. The leaves begin to turn yellow and the taste of the raspberry spoils. To get rid of the disease, the diseased plant is dug out and burned.
  2. Rust .In the fall, a dark bloom appears on the inside of the leaves, and yellow-brown formations on the outside. Sprigs of plants are covered with gray ulcers. Treatment - the affected areas are treated with 1% Bordeaux liquid.
  3. Bushiness or overgrowth of .Unfruitful shoots appear( 30-200 pieces).Branches become small, leaves - small, yield decreases. The diseased plant is removed, it cannot be treated.
  4. Septoriosis( white spots) .On the leaves and stems of the plant, brown spots first form, then change and appear white with a purple border. Infected leaves, shoots and buds die. The affected areas are cut and burned, or before blooming of the kidneys are sprayed with copper oxychloride.

Pest Control

  1. Moth. In flowers it lays eggs. The plant slows growth and buds fall off. The ground part of the affected shoots of , should be removed by spraying with Inta-Vir or with Fufon solution.
  2. Beetle. Eats leaves, leaving only veins, eats up the contents of the buds. Beetles are manually collected and destroyed.
  3. Weevil. Forms in egg buds, yields are reduced, flowers fall. Sprayed with Iskra-M - before flowering, after harvest - Karbofos.
  4. Gallitsa. White larvae appear on the shoots. Damaged shoots are pruned and destroyed. Chemical processing is useless.

Raspberry "Pride of Russia" brings large and tasty fruits, is characterized by high yield and easy reproduction, and is also resistant to diseases. The variety is grown in private households and on an industrial scale.

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Raspberry is a shrub plant that has delicious fragrant berries and has a large number of nutrients. One of the most popular varieties is the Pride of Russia raspberry, or, as it is also called, t...

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