Echoes of heavenly delight with coconut biscuits for breakfast

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Because of the intense pace of life, everyone wants to relax, and enjoy a delicious treat. Coconut biscuits are a unique opportunity to plunge into the pleasant world of exotics. It is not for nothing that people associate the taste of coconut with the coast of the ocean, palm trees, light breezes and paradise pleasure.

To give yourself such positive emotions, even inexperienced cooks are able to cook amazing coconut biscuits at home. Such pastries have an amazing aroma and special tenderness, which can not be compared to anything. It remains to get acquainted with popular recipes that will help create such a miracle in your kitchen.

The pulp of coconut is rich in many useful substances necessary for the body. Regular consumption of the product leads to an increase in immunity and stimulation of digestion.

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Snow-white coconut balls

The palm tree on which these exotic fruits grow is often called the "tree of life". And indeed, cookies with coconut chips have a rich flavor of the tropics, reminiscent of the primitive earthly paradise. The main feature of such baking is a huge amount of chips, which should not be replaced with flour.

List of ingredients:

  • coconut shaving;
  • eggs;
  • granulated sugar;
  • a pinch of salt.

The option of creating a coconut cookie with shavings consists of such simple steps:

  1. Egg whites are beaten with a pinch of salt, gradually adding sugar. The yolk is mixed with a fork, after which it is poured into the protein mass. Stir well and continue to beat until a thick mixture is obtained.
  2. In small portions, put coconut chips into the mass until a friable dough is obtained. It should be easy to mold and keep in shape.
  3. The coconut mass is divided into miniature lumps, reminiscent of chestnut fruits. Each of them is slightly pressed down to make a round or oval cake. Then they spread on a baking sheet covered with baking paper.
  4. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Bake a coconut biscuit for 15 minutes. Once it is lightly browned, immediately remove.

Continuous monitoring of baking will help not to overdo it to preserve its taste.

Cookies are obtained with a crispy shell and tender flesh inside.It is better to eat it on the same day, as it quickly loses its amazing taste.

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Meet the dawn with cookies "Temptation"

The long tradition of meeting the morning dawn is associated with the fulfillment of desires. And if you do this with a cup of coffee and a favorite treat, life will seem much more interesting. Consider the recipe with a photo of the coconut biscuit "Temptation which has long conquered the hearts of our dear friends. To create a crispy pleasure, you will need only a few components:

  • eggs;
  • flour;
  • sugar;
  • coconut shaving;
  • a pinch of salt to contrast the taste.
  • bananas;
  • butter.

According to this recipe, coconut biscuits are prepared by performing such actions:

  1. The first thing to clean bananas. Cut into slices, then mix with sugar and butter.
  2. With the help of a mixer, whisk eggs and sugar until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Add the coconut shavings and continue to shoot down.
  3. Next, the banana mixture is combined with the beaten eggs, and mixed. Pour a little flour to make a dough.
  4. Wet hands form small pyramids, which immediately spread on a baking sheet (it is pre-covered with parchment paper).
  5. The oven is heated to 200 ° C. Then put the form with the biscuits on the top of it. Bake for about 20 minutes, constantly watching him.

To heat evenly distributed throughout the furnace, you can put an additional form, but without cookies.

Such a delicacy is successfully baked in a microwave oven. To do this, select the option "Grill lay the workpiece on the grate and set the time - 6 minutes. While the kettle begins to boil, there will already be morning "Temptation" on the table, which you should not give up even to those who watch their figure.

A gentle delight for baking fans

Pamper yourself exotic fruit can only a few, but cook a soft Belgian coconut biscuits for a recipe, can almost any cook. To do this, take these products:

  • coconut shaving;
  • butter;
  • eggs;
  • granulated sugar;
  • flour;
  • soda;
  • vanillin;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil.

It is desirable to select the quantity of products independently, considering the basic principle: a glass of chips will need 1 egg.

Stages of preparation:

  1. Butter slightly warmed in a water bath.Mix with sugar and beat with whisk or with a mixer.
  2. Chicken eggs are beaten with vanillin to form a lush, homogeneous mass. Then it is added to the oil mixture.
  3. In a separate bowl pour the flour, soda and salt. Stirred. Add the egg preform, coconut shavings and make a soft dough.
  4. Cover the baking sheet with baking paper, grease it with vegetable oil. Using a tablespoon, spread small balls of dough.
  5. Preheat the oven (180 degrees). The filled baking sheet is placed in the oven for about 15 minutes.When it cools down, it is served to the table.
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Dietary version of the product

People who adhere to a strict diet want to enjoy a paradise.For them, experienced culinary experts offer to consider the recipe with a photo of coconut biscuits from such products:

  • coconut shaving;
  • banana;
  • granulated sugar;
  • vegetable oil;
  • flour;
  • salt on the tip of the knife;
  • water.

Prepare a lean coconut biscuit so:

  1. Banana is peeled.Soften with a fork until a homogeneous gruel is obtained.
  2. In a separate container mix sugar, flour, vegetable oil, banana and water. Then add the coconut shavings and mix thoroughly.
  3. The pan is lubricated with oil. Cover with paper and spread the dough in the form of balls.
  4. Send it to the preheated oven for 15 minutes.At this time, you can cook natural coffee and invite your home to the table. They, of course, will not refuse to try such a lean dainty.

Spread the dough on a baking tray with a spoon. Then the cookies will be the same size. This will help beautifully present a dessert to a family breakfast.

Dessert of coconut flour

One of the easiest options for making delicate pastries consists of only two ingredients: condensed milk and coconut flour.

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In a spacious dish, mix the main ingredients to make a dough without lumps.

Then hands form the same shape of the kolobok. Gently lay them on a baking sheet and sent to the oven for 15 minutes.The maximum temperature for baking should not exceed - 170 ° C.

Ready cookies from coconut flour are poured with warmed chocolate and served for morning tea without sugar.

Crispy balls without eggs

Some housewives can not imagine baking without the addition of chicken eggs. In fact, experienced culinary specialists have long practiced various versions of such products. Consider step-by-step the recipe with a photo of a coconut biscuit without eggs and try to cook it in your kitchen. First, the ingredients are collected according to the given list:

  • butter;
  • coconut shaving;
  • flour of the highest quality;
  • fresh milk.

If there is a possibility to use fresh coconut for dessert, the dessert will be much more aromatic.

The method of preparation of a crisp dessert without eggs includes such operations:

  1. Melted butter mix it with coconut chips. Add fresh milk to the mixture, which can be slightly heated and granulated sugar.
  2. Mix the dough tightly, pouring in a mixture of flour in small portions.
  3. Next, it is divided into pieces, after which the layers are rolled, approximately 4 mm thick.Using special molds, cut out various figures or make miniature koloboks.Transfer them to a baking tray and bake until a golden crust appears.
  4. Serve for tea or hot chocolate. No one can resist such a paradise treat.

Experienced cooks note that there are a lot of recipes for coconut biscuits. Some of them do not even require heat treatment. As a result, for each gourmet there is a unique variant of this paradise sweetness.

Cooking coconut biscuits quickly and deliciously

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