Contents and breeding of Chinese silk chickens


Among all the traditional species of poultry, chicken is the most common inhabitant of the household. And there are quite a lot of breeds of this bird, among which there are exotic decorative rocks.

Namely, silk chickens of oriental origin, which are not traditional laying hens, but really amaze with their attractive appearance and complaisant temperament.


Table of contents

  • The origin of silk chickens "Chinese"
  • Appearance of birds
  • The nature of the chickens of this breed
  • Care and maintenance rules: tips and videos
    • Standard care requirements:
  • Description of the productive features
  • Characteristics and differences of the cock from the chicken
  • Growing conditions
    • Chicks from the incubator
  • Feeding young animals
  • Features of breeding
  • Diseases of silk chickens
    • Prevention of diseases
  • Advantages of the Chinese breed
  • Disadvantages of the breed
  • Reviews of owners about the breed

The origin of silk chickens "Chinese"

The place of birth of this bird is considered to be the Chinese state, where

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almost 1000 years ago the first representatives of the breed appeared.A little later they spread across European territory, including Russia.

The first mention of this bird appeared as far back as the 16th century, but even then active disputes began about the precise origin of the hens and their class biology.
Interestingly: some experts believe that silk chickens are a combination of chicken and rabbit.


Appearance of birds

This breed is classified as decorative-home. Silky inhabitants have a rounded trunk,soft pleasing, which reminds of a silk fabric.

This silky cover is explained by the fact that feathers do not have hook-like grooves. Such hooks are located only on the tail part and on the tips of the wings.

Among other things, the body of these birds in large quantities contains melanin, which stains the skeleton and skin in a dark blue palette. Because of this peculiarity of the body, the soft areas of the cover have turned out to be a rich shade of turquoise, and the beak and scallops are solid blue.

Reference:for such color characteristics of the breed is also called black silk. At the top of the chickens there is a compact "lotion" made of feathers, strongly resembling a combed back bangs.

And some representatives of the breed are awarded at all, so-called beards and whiskers. Such distinctive nuances of appearance made the chickens look like poodles with "berets" on the crown. Below you can see the photo of this breed.

These birds have a compact and flat back. The shins are small and densely covered with feathers. Eyes are almost black. As for the color of feathers, they are almost always black. But there is a golden color, gray, red, white and blue. The weight of one such bird is about, kilogram.

Another difference of silk representatives- The number of fingers on the paws. Regular chicken has four fingers, and exotic breed has five, and they are also covered with a feather.


The nature of the chickens of this breed

These birds are surprisingly friendly and calm. And of all kinds of poultry, these representatives of the breed willingly go with people to contact.

Silk chicken can often be found in contact zoos, and in the "homeland" in China they are generally kept as pets, since they allow themselves to be kneeled and love tender strokes. And most importantly, they are not capricious to habitat conditions.

These birds are well developed instinct of incubation of offspring. They are affable and affectionate. But the main disadvantage of the breed can be called an insignificant degree of productivity and expensive incubation "material" for cultivation.


Care and maintenance rules: tips and videos

This cute version of chicken does not imply any special content requirements. It is quite possible at home to acquire this exclusive pet, almost no different from the usual chicken.

For reference:the breeding of this breed in the household is no different from the maintenance of ordinary Russian birds.

Standard care requirements:

  • feeding is important in a timely andonly high-quality products;
  • these birds are verydemanding cleanlinessand sanitary standards of cells;
  • The silk oriental variety is resistant to low temperatures, however, it is important for winterheat and lightthat hens continue to carry eggs;
  • it is important to walk for walksown corralto protect the birds from predators.

The absence of walking to silk chicken does not hurt.Eastern hens are deprived of the ability to fly, so in cages it is not necessary to equip the roosts. And do not forget that this bird needs full sunny conditions, that is, enough light in the poultry house.

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Description of the productive features

In China, the meat of silk chickens is highly valued, as it is surprisingly tasty and has dietary properties.

The Chinese have long studied all the useful qualities of the meat of this bird, namely, it contains calcium, various amino acids, phosphorus, nicotinic acid and many vitamins.

Interesting:in Chinese medicine, the meat of silk chickens is actively used to treat headaches, tuberculosis and other diseases, since the product contains a large number of special substances.

Chinese feathered Chinese are appreciated for feathers and feathers. A total of pairs of haircuts of one bird gives fluff, weighing up to 150 grams. And in general, the domesticated bird of this breed is able to bring its owner a sea of ​​joy, it is interesting to watch, especially for clumsy movement.


Characteristics and differences of the cock from the chicken

This breed has several subspecies, differing in color from the plumage: red, yellow, blue, black and so on.

The weight of the roosters is one and a half kilograms, andchicken can weigh up to a kilogram.With regard to egg production, one individual is capable of giving one hundred eggs a year, each weighing 35 grams. The shell is colored brown, and the eggs themselves have an increased nutritional complex.


Growing conditions

Chicks of the Chinese silky variety are sensitive to appreciable temperature fluctuations, therefore care of them should be competent. The main rule for young animals is a rich nutritional menu, a balanced regime and the provision of optimal temperature parameters in the hen house.

Interesting:these hens are bought as hens, because they can not only incubate their eggs, but also eggs of pheasants, partridges and other feathered representatives.

Chicks from the incubator

If you plan to grow a breed by means of an incubator, then consider the following points:

  • the chickens of these birds are muchsmaller in size, than in traditional chickens, therefore they are sensitive to changes in temperature;
  • immediately after hatching, the chicks must remain in the room for a long time, wherethe temperature should be +30 degrees;
  • a week later, the figures are decreasingthree degrees, but not more;
  • monthly chicks develop well at the temperature18 degrees.

Feeding young animals

In the daily menu of the future adult, it is important to include useful elements like boiled yolk, low-fat cottage cheese or sour cream, carrots in boiled form, mango or corn. Do not forget about ready-made vitamin stores. The hatched chickens are fed every two hours.

Tip:on 60% the ration of young animals should consist of grain and vegetable forages. It is recommended to give cooked vegetables to the chicks frequently.

As soon as the kids reached the monthly age, they can feed them three times a day, while the grain is actively added to the diet. It is also recommended to feed young animals with clover, mint pumpkin, millet and other food products. The water in the drinking bowl should always be clean.

Features of breeding

The price of these decorative representatives of the feathered family is an order of magnitude higher than the cost of traditional chickens.

For example, one egg of a silk "Chinese" will cost you five dollars, and for a chicken and do have to pay about seven dollars.The price of an adult chicken is about $ 50.

You can buy such an interesting breed only in specialized pet stores, on professional farms or official markets for agricultural land.
When buying silk chicks should be as much as possible to help them adapt to the new territory. But the main way of growing after all is hatching of eggs by an adult bird.

Important:The Chinese breed is not adapted for rainy weather and is sensitive to humidity in the hen house, so make sure that the chickens do not get wet.

Diseases of silk chickens

Eastern chickens, like traditional rural birds, are also susceptible to many diseases. Chickens are often attacked by such insect parasites as fleas, ticks and puffers. And because of the lack of control over the humidity in the hen house, the young ones quickly become furious and in most cases die.

With regard to adult diseases,then often meet the following ailments:

  • poisoningorganism;
  • virusespulmonary system;
  • inflammatory processesin the digestive system;
  • rickets;
  • infectiousintestinal viruses;
  • emergenceworms;
  • coccidiosis.

Prevention of diseases

To avoid all of the above diseases, it is important to observe the following points.

  • First, the pens for chickens should always beclean, systematic cleaning is important.
  • Secondly,foodmust be fresh, with the mandatory addition of vitamins in the diet, which are the source of health.
  • Thirdly, regularlychange the waterin the water bottle.
  • Fourth, provide chickens sufficientwalking, and in severe frosts do not forget to insulate the chicken coop.

And finally, as soon as you notice signs of weakness or illness, immediately isolate the sick individual from the rest of the birds. It is recommended to seek the help of a veterinarian, and for the remaining birds, perform prophylaxis.

In fact, silk "Chinese" with proper care are almost not sick, despite the severe Russian climate.

Advantages of the Chinese breed

The considered chickens are not only very attractive, but also highly valued in the rural industry.

  • Meatrooster and chicken are tender and dietary, rich in vitamins.
  • Silkfluff, as well as wool of sheep, is used in rural industry.
  • Eggssilk "Chinese" are large enough, despite the size of layers.
  • Chickens are calm, do not fly and with joycontact people.
  • Silk chickennot whimsicalto the conditions of detention and quietly multiply in the Russian climate.

Disadvantages of the breed

The disadvantages include the low level of productivity and the high cost of purchasing the incubation "offspring" or chickens.

Reviews of owners about the breed

The bulk of people are "bought" for the appearance of silk "Chinese" and their friendly character. Practice shows that this breed was loved in our country not for the high value of meat or eggs, but for its attractiveness and amusement.

Despite such exoticism, these feathers easily get used to new owners, perfectly adapt in harsh conditions of existence and are considered as non-selective pets.

For the Russian area, the decorative type of silk "Chinese" is relevant, at home (in China), such chickens are grown on an industrial scale. In Russia peoplelittle engaged in the cultivation of this breed.

Most likely, this is due to the decorative orientation of these chickens. As a rule, the number in the henhouse does not exceed more than a dozen.

But all the responses of the owners are exceptionally positive, as the meat of these birds and their eggs are suitable for consumption. The owners note that the chickens are neat, and even in the "dirty" seasons they manage to keep the fluffy plumage clean.

Watch a video about Chinese silk natives:

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