Review of Italian washing machines

Have decided to buy a washing machine for Italian assembly? Then in the article you will find a lot of useful material. Italian models are characterized by high-quality assembly, reliability. Therefore, let us consider what brands of Italian machines exist, what are their features and advantages.

Washing machines produced in Italy belong to the middle segment in terms of cost and quality. These brands are well known throughout Russia: Indesit, Ariston, Ardo, Zanussi, Candy.

Review of Italian washing machines

Content of the material:

  • 1Features of Italian washing machines
    • 1.1Brand Indesit (Indesit)
    • 1.2Brand Ariston (Ariston)
    • 1.3Brand Ardo (Ardo)
    • 1.4Brand Zanussi (Zanussi)
    • 1.5Brand Candy (Kandy)

Features of Italian washing machines

In Italy, some brands of SMA are manufactured, the home of which are other countries. We will tell only about the truly Italian washing machines, popular with our population.

Brand Indesit (Indesit)

Brand Indesit (Indesit)The most famous models are Indesit Wisn 82 and Indesit Witl 106. To date, these stilalki are collected in Russia, so finding the original assembly is not easy. This brand belongs to the low price segment.

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Popularity Indesit added a new development - the option Eco Time, which reduces the cost of electricity and water consumption by 20%.

The advantage is the choice of programs for washing different types of linen: jeans, wool, down jacket, even sports shoes in some models. Depending on the year of production, the washing machines are equipped with an electronic control with a display. The control panel is simple and convenient. CM Indesit can be both with vertical and front loading. When making a choice, pay attention to what materials the tank of the machine is made of, and whether there are any balancers. In the absence of the latter, the CM strongly shakes during spinning, which leads to a rapid wear of the parts. Plus, it is possible to find spare parts for the machine Indesit in Russia in excess.

Brand Ariston (Ariston)

Brand Ariston (Ariston)The Ariston brand is produced jointly with Indesit, one company. Italian washing machines Ariston (Hotpoint-Ariston) belong to the class A. This is the most economical class for electricity consumption. Ariston models have attractive design and rich functionality, at a relatively low price, which is in demand among consumers. So, you can easily wash children's clothes, eliminate severe pollution using the Super Wash program. High rinse quality does not require additional modes.

It is worth taking note! Most CM brands Ariston strongly vibrate and shake when squeezed. Therefore, the spinning of the laundry is very noisy.

Based on the size of the bathroom, you can choose a machine with front or vertical loading.

Brand Ardo (Ardo)

Brand ArdoWashing machine Italian assembly Ardo was created by Antonio Merloni in the early 30's. At a low cost, cars have a universal design and many useful features. So, when the electricity is turned off during the wash, the AGR saves the set parameters. After applying the voltage, you do not have to set the mode again, the process will continue in the specified direction.

The tubs of the Ardo styara are made of stainless steel or enameled metal. This is confirmed by their quality and durability.

The drum capacity reaches 9 kilograms, the laundry undergoes high-quality washing and rinsing. In addition, there is a drying regime, convenient for residents of apartments. Of the minuses, there is no option of protection from children. In some models, the assembly is not accurate, so the buttons do not always respond to pressing. New CM Ardo can store the smell of plastic for some time.

Brand Zanussi (Zanussi)

Brand Zanussi (Zanussi)Machines Zanussi are good quality at an affordable price. The brand was founded in 1916 by Antonio Zanussi.

Due to their size, narrow Italian washing machines are placed in any set and belong to the embedded class technology. In addition, they consume minimal energy (class A) in comparison with other models.

Purchasing SM Zanussi, the user is not limited in the choice. You will find machines with front and vertical loading. Drums from stainless steel can hold from 3 to 9 kilograms of laundry. The spinning is performed at a maximum speed of 1400 revolutions. Choosing the model Zanussi, you get a good washing and rinsing. Stiralka is quite stable and easy to manage. The disadvantage of buying a car Zanussi can be called expensive details. Therefore, repair the model is unprofitable, because for this cost you can buy a new SM.

Brand Candy (Kandy)

Brand Candy (Kandy)Trademark Kandy has been on the market for 11 years already. Its creators were among the first to produce a semi-automatic machine. The brand of washing machines Candy from the entire segment of Italian brands can be called the most budget. The advantages of the models include the possibility of embedding in a headset. You can also choose the type of laundry: front and vertical. The capacity of the drum varies from, to 9 kilograms.

The Candy dumbbells provide for a wide range of washing programs, as well as an option for protection from children.

The downside of the trademark is the rapid breakage of the styralki, which happens almost immediately, as the warranty period ends. The washing program can only be selected manually, and the laundry is rinsed poorly. If you want to buy a washing machine made in Italy, pay attention to the label where the country is indicated. You can ask the documents for the car from the seller. They must indicate the country of assembly.

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