Proper planting, care and pruning of jasmine - the key to abundant flowering




  • Amendingfrom the gardener. Planting and care of the jasmine shrub has features, subject to which the plant will please with abundant flowering, as seen in the photo, and delicate aroma.

    Why do you need to prune an

    bush? Jasmine is grown for intense aroma in the garden and beautiful delicate flowers. Pruning jasmine in the spring has several goals:

    • to improve the look of the plant;
    • to improve and rejuvenate the bush;
    • extend the flowering period;
    • increase the number of inflorescences and their size.

    Removing long branches of jasmine helps shape the symmetry or give the desired shape. Heavily overgrown bushes thin out to get young strong shoots. Cut off the ends of branches about 40 cm long, or remove completely at ground level. Shoots over 10 years old must be cut.

    After pruning the jasmine, sections are necessarily sealed with a garden pitch to keep the bush healthy.

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    Growing plants in the garden involves regular maintenance, jasmine is released from old inflorescences and unwanted shoots regularly. After winter, frozen branches, roots on the surface of the earth are cut off.

    Formative pruning of jasmine in the spring will prepare the plant for the flowering period and increase the number of young shoots, which will give it pomp and hide bare trunks. In the spring, before the plant “wakes up” with a secateur, the old branches are cut flush with the ground or shortened by a third of their length.

    Pruning jasmine in the spring will shape the plant, remove weak and shorten branches that are too long, and produce new shoots that will increase the bush's pomp.

    Over time, the “older” the plant becomes, the more “wild” shoots appear that bear no load but are actively fed from the roots. This greatly affects the aesthetics and health of the plant. In spring or autumn, remove unnecessary twigs, thin out the inner space of the bush.

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    need? Features of jasmine trimming:

    1. Jasmine is first cut at 3 years after landing on a permanent place.
    2. Spring work begins before the appearance of the kidneys.
    3. Two-year shoots do not touch, they are responsible for the development of the root system, the formation of the crown and the release of flower beds.
    4. For a beautiful and high-quality crown, the height of the bush is about 2 meters.
    5. Dry, diseased, crooked shoots and branches older than three years without flowering buds are the first to be removed during pruning.
    6. The bushes of seven-year and older need pruning for rejuvenation. Leave a healthy and strong trunks( 1/3) up to half a meter, the rest are removed at the root, seizing up with a garden pitch. This ensures the entry of sunlight and stimulates the growth of new branches. The following year, one-third of the left old trunks are cut, by the end of the third year, pruning of old branches should be completed.
    7. Scions outgoing from the ground to the side of the bush are cut, they are not suitable for plant formation.

    Planting in the ground

    To decorate the site, select a variety that meets the purpose:

    • hedge;
    • lawn decoration;
    • decoration arbors.

    The height of jasmine varies from 1 to 3 meters. Creepers grow like a vine. The plant itself feels great on a trellis or a trellised terrace.


    Planting jasmine in open ground is recommended in spring when the weather is well established or in September, so that the bush, while receiving appropriate care, can take root for the next wintering season.

    The plant will experience less stress if it is done in the evening, in rain or cloudy weather.

    It is noted that planting jasmine in the spring is more preferable, the probability of frost is reduced and there is enough time for rooting. It is important to transfer the seedling to the ground before the first leaves bloom, otherwise it is vulnerable and may die.

    Choosing a place

    The soil in the place of planting shrubs needs a well-drained, moist and moderately fertile. Jasmine needs sunlight at least 4 hours a day, with long light bloom will be abundant and long. Shrubs planted in the shade worse develop a crown, flowers are rare and small.

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    Each plant needs at least 3 meters of space for the healthy development of the root system and the formation of the crown for upright growth. When creating a living fence, bushes are placed every 50 cm.

    The life cycle of jasmine is at least 10 years old, so carefully choose the place where the bush will be planted.

    Preparation of the pit

    Before planting jasmine in spring or autumn, prepare the pit. The depth of the pothole is up to 70 cm, the width is up to 60 cm. A layer of sand and rubble drainage is laid down on a loose bottom( 20 cm).To sustain a pit in such a state it takes several days for the sun to warm up.

    When planting jasmine roots fall asleep with soil which includes:

    • peat;
    • ash;
    • humus;
    • black soil;
    • sand.

    When choosing a jasmine variety, consider its flowering period. Some bushes are buried in bloom from June to August, others from April to June.

    The process of planting the seedling

    The responsible moment on which the future state of jasmine depends must be carefully prepared:

    1. Prepared earthen mixture is poured into a dug pit to form a mound.
    2. Inspect the seedling root system. Dry, damaged processes are removed with shears.
    3. Rooted over the surface of the earth and deepened. The root neck is at ground level, it is unacceptable to lower it into the ground for more than 3 cm.
    4. Spread the ground and compact the pit.
    5. Watered at the rate of 2 buckets of water per bush.
    6. Sprinkle with mulch to retain moisture and prevent weed growth. Use needles, peat or sawdust.

    Shrub care

    Jasmine blooming in the garden is the gardener's pride, for whom care and cultivation are not just words. The bush is unpretentious, but this does not mean that it does not need care.

    It is necessary to fertilize a plant before it is ready to grow( in spring).Use mineral fertilizers. The composition of 10 liters of water:

    • superphosphate 30 g;
    • urea 15 g;
    • potassium sulfide 15 g.
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    This refreshing cocktail will last for 2 shrubs. Do not neglect the slurry, which contains the necessary trace elements and substances. Pre-mix in the ratio of 1:10( manure / water) need to stand for a couple of days and water the bushes.

    Recharge jasmine ash with ash, which is obtained from campfires with branches of fruit trees. The shrub needs regular watering during the flowering period.


    Jasmine can be grown from seeds, cuttings and cuttings.

    If you want to get a beautiful jasmine shrub with white flowers as early as possible, choose simple solutions: cuttings and cuttings.

    It is inefficient to plant jasmine seeds in the ground, if you want to get a sea of ​​fragrant flowers on the bush. Flowering is possible only after 7 years. It is easier to use the technique of layering, in which they receive a full-fledged instance with a high degree of probability.

    Reproduction of jasmine cuttings in the spring is the most popular way to teach a new plant that does not require human energy. Cut off side shoots with inflorescences, shorten to 5 cm, but make sure that there are at least two internodes and two pairs of leaves on the branch.

    For planting and subsequent care, you can get roots on the cuttings of garden jasmine by keeping it in settled water for about 2 weeks or in a sand-peat mixture. In the ground, the cuttings are buried at an angle, then covered with plastic containers or polyethylene in order to maintain a constant humidity and temperature.

    For the development of the root system regularly water and loosen the earth. At the end of the summer will be ready a new copy of jasmine, which is planted in the fall to a permanent place.

    Before you propagate the jasmine shrub, look at photos of different varieties. Perhaps it makes sense to plant and care on the site of other species, which will differ in the size of flowers, color and height of the bush.

    Video on the reproduction of jasmine layering

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