How to get rid of the smell of dampness in the apartment once and for all


  • 1 The reasons for the unpleasant flavor
  • 2 We solve the problem with dampness
    • 2.1 postdiluvian
    • 2.2 In bathroom
    • 2.3 In the basement
    • 2.4 In the closet
  • 3 Useful recipes
  • 4 instead outcome
Unbearable dampness in the house - there are ways to eliminate!Unbearable dampness in the house - there are ways to eliminate!

The smell of dampness in the apartment can not only spoil the mood, but also harm your health. In the fight against this scourge both important and complex approach, and accurate understanding of what methods can be used. In this article I give details of how to get rid of the smell in the apartment and prevent its further occurrence.

The reasons for the unpleasant flavor

Before you get rid of dampness in the house, it is necessary to understand clearly what is its source. May be several reasons:

  1. We have recently flooded the neighbors above. This is one of the most common causes of smell of dampness in the apartment, get rid of that is not so simple. A similar situation may occur, if you live on the upper floors of the house, the roof of which is long in need of repair.
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After flooding the neighbors have to work hardAfter flooding the neighbors have to work hard
  1. You live in an old five-storey apartment on the first floor? Most likely, unpleasant smell spreading from the basement of the house and gets into your apartment through cracks in the coating.
  2. Perhaps the smell of mold was the result of poor insulation of water pipes, in which condensation constantly. Carefully check all communications to the need for additional insulation.
Condensation on the pipes - a common cause moistureCondensation on the pipes - a common cause moisture
  1. The smell of dampness in the house may appear due to poor ventilation. Quite possibly it simply can not cope with the steam coming from the kitchen and bathroom. As a result - the condensate accumulates in the corners of rooms and provokes the formation of mold.
  2. In rare cases, dampness and mold may form due to the overuse of floriculture. If you are in the house formed a whole greenhouse, watering that you forget about ventilation, do not be surprised appearance of unpleasant odor.
  3. We noticed that the towel smells of dampness? The problem may occur because of the abundance of moisture in the bathroom, where you take a shower, or dry bedding.
Unpleasant smell is not so easy to wash outUnpleasant smell is not so easy to wash out

We solve the problem with dampness

The method by which you will get rid of the smell of mold depends on its cause. So the first thing you have to understand what triggered the problem. Below I detail I talk about how to combat the scourge.

Ignore the odor problem in the apartment can not beIgnore the odor problem in the apartment can not be


The most common situation - you are flooded neighbors negligent. If the flood was strong, then most likely have to resort to repair. In this case, the first thing you need to thoroughly dry the house, remove the mold marks on the walls and ceiling. During the repair, use a primer with special antibacterial additives.

In certain situations (for example in the photo) can not do without repairsIn certain situations (for example in the photo) can not do without repairs

If the flooding was not as catastrophic proportions guide to action is as follows:

  1. First, check the moisture level of the apartment. If it is increased, set to house heater or dehumidifier, they help get rid of moisture.
  2. Buy a special spray odor absorber.
  3. Dry each item of clothing, footwear and carpet. Of upholstered furniture may also come an unpleasant flavor, so it's definitely worth to do drying.
Without a good drying clothes can not remove humidityWithout a good drying clothes can not remove humidity
  1. Wipe all surfaces with vinegar - it is perfectly cope with mildew, and with an unpleasant odor.

In bathroom

The main reason for the unpleasant smell of damp in the bathroom - bad hood. Solve the problem, use one of the following ways:

  • A more powerful exhaust fan.
  • Carry out repair work and hold a new hood.
  • Put the towel rail in the bathroom.
Perhaps it is the replacement of the hood to help cope with the problemPerhaps it is the replacement of the hood to help cope with the problem

To smell of mold left your bathroom, resort to the help of chlorine - it is in itself a great help in the fight against this abomination. The price of such a facility available to everybody. Process bleach or detergent bleach all surfaces, special attention to the joints between the tiles.

Equally effectively acts and steam cleaner that can be used to clean any surface in the flat.

In the basement

Damp basement in the house - the problem is not an easy task. Prepare to be that you would have done a herculean job.

Dampness in the basement of an apartment building or in a private home may spread to the roomDampness in the basement of an apartment building or in a private home may spread to the room
  • For a start, inspect all the pipes in the basement. If they occur, they must be replaced.
  • Check the walls and ceiling. If necessary, you can hire the services of a repair company. If you have decided to do everything with your hands, use special solutions and mixtures that help prevent the ingress of moisture. Carefully follow the instructions on the package, otherwise on your plaster will be of little use.

In the closet

Get rid of damp smell in the closet is much easier than in the cellar. To do this, it will be enough:

Empty the closet of things and properly clean itEmpty the closet of things and properly clean it
  • Take out of the closet all his clothes and dry it. Heavy winter clothes hang out to the sun and hold on them there for two or three days, for the easiest things is enough for a few hours.
  • Wash cabinet vinegar solution or a small amount of bleach. Afterwards, be sure to leave the door wide open time, and all the windows in the room open.
Washed cabinet leave open for ventilationWashed cabinet leave open for ventilation
  • Clothing, which formed a mold, an urgent need to give to the dry cleaners.
  • Bed linen wash, dry and iron in the sun iron through a damp cloth.

Useful recipes

In this section, I add councils, and you will understand exactly how to get rid of excess moisture in the apartment. Prompt some very effective recipe for the detergent:

  1. As I said, bleach is the enemy №1 for the harmful fungus. Dilute 1 part of the chlorine-containing bleach in 10 parts of water and the resulting solution wipe all infected site.
Chlorine - a substance effective, but requires careful useChlorine - a substance effective, but requires careful use

Since the component is very toxic and has a sharp odor, cleaning should be performed in a respirator and gloves.

  1. Excessive moisture leads to the formation of fungus, which helps to cope with undiluted hydrogen peroxide. Lubricate it all the black spots on the walls and ceiling, then rinse and wipe dry. This recipe is not suitable for painted surfaces, because the peroxide is able to eat away the color.
Do not use peroxide for the treatment of painted surfacesDo not use peroxide for the treatment of painted surfaces
  1. Remove the smell will help ordinary vinegar. spray it on the affected area using a track sprayer. Wait just a couple of hours after the wash these areas with plain water.

In repeat the procedure after 10 days as preventive measures. Do not forget to properly ventilate the room to get rid of the characteristic flavor.

Vinegar can be an excellent tool in the fight with a nasty smellVinegar can be an excellent tool in the fight with a nasty smell
  1. You do not know what to do with mold appearing? Use baking soda! Dilute teaspoon of baking soda in 200 ml of water, to moisten the sponge soft and wipe the solution of the problem areas. Then treat the water surface.

After that, re-wipe the walls and ceiling of a soda solution. Remember the second time soda rinse can not be - it will prevent the formation of mold.

Soda - the safest way to fight against mildewSoda - the safest way to fight against mildew
  • In the corners, where there is moisture, put a small container with salt. No less well help comminuted and activated charcoal tablets, which must be changed every week.
Activated carbon, like a sponge, absorbs odorsActivated carbon, like a sponge, absorbs odors

instead outcome

I told you how to get rid of the moisture in the apartment, the most effective way. Hopefully with these tips you will be able to solve the problem as soon as possible. And, try to dry things on the balcony or on the street, and constantly ventilate the apartment had to resort to extreme measures.

Still a lot of useful information about the topic you will be able to learn from the video in this article, and for an explanation of obscure moments to write in the comments. I think that your fight with a nasty smell will be short and effective.

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