How to wash the dishes - 5 rules of perfect cleaning


  • 1 Washing equipment ideal: 5 Common rules
  • 2 Features cleansing utensils
    • 2.1 What material the dishes?
    • 2.2 Alternative cleaning agents: 4 options
    • 2.3 Express dishwashing
  • 3 findings
To wash the dishes to a perfect shine, you need to know some of the nuances.To wash the dishes to a perfect shine, you need to know some of the nuances.

At first glance, it seems that in the process of washing dishes there is absolutely nothing complicated - to deal with that even a child. In fact, it is important to choose the right detergent, and more observe a certain sequence. Today I'll show you how to do the dishes with your hands to shine with cleanliness.

Washing equipment ideal: 5 Common rules

To wash the dishes is simple, if you follow five basic rules. Consider all the details in the table below:

Picture rules
table_pic_att14960723121 Rule 1. Remove food residues.

Before you wash the dishes, you need to remove the large food remnants. Clean off any convenient their subject.

If something is firmly adhered to the surface plate Soak in water for 5 minutes before washing.

table_pic_att14960723142 Rule 2. Keep order dishwashing.

Sort out the dirty utensils: plates, cups and cutlery are convenient to wash separately.

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I recommend starting with the washing of glasses and cups on saucers and bowls and finish forks and spoons.

table_pic_att14960723163 Rule 3. Flush the surface of the dish.

Plates, for example, need to be washed, not only from the front. Lather all surfaces, and then walk around with a sponge on a plate on all sides.

table_pic_att14960723214 Rule 4. Purify large bowl.

The process of washing large utensils by hand takes a lot of time, so I recommend to start cleaning them at the last turn.

If the pan has a lot of fat or remnants of burnt food - pre-soak it for 10 minutes.

table_pic_att14960723225 Rule 5. Drying efficiency.

Clean plates must be dried. There are two ways:

  1. Leave the dishes to dry at room temperature independently.
  2. Wipe dry each piece of kitchen towel (example pictured).

Features cleansing utensils

We figured out how to do the dishes efficiently. But we must also take into account some important nuances.

What material the dishes?

Kitchen utensils are made of different materials: glass, cast iron, aluminum, etc... They all have specific properties, so you need to choose the right cleaning tools.

Instructions on how to wash the dishes from a variety of materials:

Picture materials
table_pic_att14960723236 Crystal.

Crystal tableware can be rinsed with cool water and wipe with a soft foam sponge.

Rub the crystal products with steel wool and apply household chemicals is not recommended.

table_pic_att14960723237 Enamel.

Enamelware easy to crack by strong friction. In no case do not scrape the enamel. Better use of soaking and a soft sponge.

table_pic_att14960723258 Cast iron.

Cast iron product can be washed both cold and warm water. Cast iron is absolutely not fussy to detergents and easily withstands high friction.

After washing, be sure to iron ignited with the addition of vegetable oil.

table_pic_att14960723269 Aluminum.

Very soft material. It is best cleaned using folk remedies. After cleaning the aluminum sure to dry it thoroughly.

table_pic_att149607232710 Glass.

Glass plates and cups can be washed with soapy sponge with cool water. Heat resistant glass - in hot.

Price utensils of heat-resistant glass is much higher than peers, but this fact is completely compensated by its strength.

Alternative cleaning agents: 4 options

We are accustomed to daily use household chemicals to maintain cleanliness in the home. But there are situations where such "helpers" not at hand.

What do the dishes if there is no means for cleaning:

Picture recommendations
table_pic_att149607232811 Means 1. Mustard powder.

Mustard - a great alternative to expensive household chemicals:

  1. Rub the contaminated surface of the powder and let sit for 10 minutes.
  2. Remains of the rinse water.
table_pic_att149607233112 Means 2. Laundry soap.

Without any detergent contamination can be cleaned with ordinary soap.

To remove soap residue, it may take a lot of water.

table_pic_att149607233213 Means 3. Soda.

Due to its abrasive properties of soda can even eliminate the thick layer of burnt food and grease.

Do not use baking soda to clean aluminum and enamelled utensils.

table_pic_att149607233214 Means 4. Ammonia.

If you drop a sponge slightly of ammonia, you can easily remove not only the inveterate stains, but also ingrained soot from all surfaces.

Express dishwashing

I wonder how quickly and efficiently wash dishes? Here it is possible to use two options:

  1. Hot water. Quickly clear all trays and pans as possible if Soak them for 10 minutes in hot water and then washed with detergent for greasy dishes.
  2. Dishwasher. If you have a dishwasher - you are lucky. While the device will perform its functions, you can safely engage in the necessary cases.
Dishwasher can greatly facilitate the domestic chores.Dishwasher can greatly facilitate the domestic chores.

How not to wash dishes at all? Do not spoil it! And, you can use a disposable plastic or paper containers.


If you take into account the general rules for washing dishes and the material from which it is made, you qualitatively and quickly clean dirty dishes to shine. Even some of the recommendations presented in the video in this article. And you have my secrets, what and how to wash the dishes? I invite you to the discussion in the comments.

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