1 Master's assistants: soda, vinegar, lemon and ammonia
- 1.1 Method 1: "magically" - ammonia + water
- 1.2 Method 2: "proven" - soda + vinegar + soap
- 1.3 Method 3: "fast" using lemon
- 1.4 Method 4: Preventive measures
- 1.5 Method 5: heavy artillery - chemicals
- 2 Output

Has elicited a new plate mentally promised herself her husband: "All that will keep it in perfect purity" But after 3-4 months and suddenly discovered that the oven is covered with fat. Like it or not, and unpleasant work will have to do, you can not save more. Otherwise, during the baking pies or chicken accumulated fat begins to smoke and burnt. So I decided to find out and share with you how to wash the oven with no special effort and fuss.
Master's assistants: soda, vinegar, lemon and ammonia

As the saying goes, "old wives' methods, proven by several generations. I like them that are cheap, safe in all plans and any thing cleaned of grease and soot are just perfect!
Method 1: "magically" - ammonia + water

You will need two cups, ammonia 5 vials of 200 ml, a liter of boiling water, and sponge rubber gloves. Proceed as follows:
- Remove from the oven all the excess, but leave the lattice.
- Heat it to 180 degrees.
- Pour into a large cup of water and the alcohol in smaller cup.
- Open windows to allow fresh air enters freely in the room.
- Turn off the oven and put it in both cups. At the bottom of the water, and the ammonia level above.
- Wait until the stove has cooled down (about 40 minutes). But if the oven strongly dirty, it is best to leave it all overnight.
- By the time of expiry remove both cups and bars. In the bowl of ammonia, add warm water and dishwashing detergent - this solution, remove the remnants of the dissolved fat alcohol, food and dirt. They also clean the grid. Do not forget to wear gloves!
- How to ventilate the house, leaving the oven door open.

This method is very effective due to ammonia vapors. It really simplifies the whole process of this unpleasant cleaning oven of stale fat.
Method 2: "proven" - soda + vinegar + soap

The home is simply irreplaceable, this method! All the necessary ingredients are certainly there in the kitchen. Baking soda combined with vinegar and soap copes with moderate pollution.
Well, if you want to clear something more serious, you can do the action twice as described below:
- Remove all removable parts of the oven - pans, pans, grills, thermometer, etc.
- Mix 40 grams of baking soda, 7 tablespoons vinegar and water with soap. The amount of water should be such that the consistency became pasty.
- Put on gloves and apply the mixture on the inner surface, avoiding fans and heating elements. In places heavy soiling mixture may become brown and form lumps - these areas are particularly dense cover. As such, the oven is left on for at least 3 hours (the more time passes, the better it will depart fat).

- In the meantime, you can wash the plate outside, clean racks and trays. Use all the same mixture - it does not damage the enamel surface as a foamy consistency.
- How to pass the waiting time, armed with a damp sponge and remove the dried mixture with spots of dirt.
- You can be diluted with a little vinegar in the water, and once again go inside the cloth.
- Wipe clean oven typically water without any additives. Voila! Enjoy the result.

Method 3: "fast" using lemon

Lemon juice also cleans the inside of the oven from fat. Its secret lies in the acid, which in a short time corrodes Nagar:
- enough to pour in a pan of water;
- to put lemon slices;
- add a little dishwashing;
- heat the oven to 100º and leave it on for half an hour;
- After cooling the walls of the cabinet quickly ototrutsya wet sponge.
If the contamination is severe, repeat the procedure two or three times. If it is small, you can simply dilute the juice of one lemon in a small amount of water and drench this solution of the oven. After 15 minutes - remove dirt, damp cloth.

Alternative lemon - baking powder to the test, which essentially consists of the same citric acid and soda. Upon contact with water disintegrant begins to emit gas passing corroding dried mud.
To clean the oven with the help of:
- soak water inside it;
- napkin apply powder;
- Spray the surface of the water spray;
- after some time - wash the oven with water.

Method 4: Preventive measures
Agree, not easy to give fat and varnish build up for months, than to wash the oven with old dirt. For example:
- immediately after the use of the active oven, pour into a pan of water with the addition of a detergent;
- put in;
- to soften the dirt preheat oven to 100º;
- then wipe it with a sponge for washing dishes.

Also, try to defend the "stove" from fat splashes, as far as possible using the sleeve for baking or foil. With these devices dishes will be prepared much faster, and the cabinet will get dirty a lot less.
If in the near future you are planning to buy a new oven, I advise you to look at the models with pyrolysis function. In such cabinets grease and food residues are burnt at a high temperature after cooking when activated self-cleaning function.
At this time, the door is locked, and no one can not open until the process is complete. It should be a little expensive, but it does not have to wash their own hands.

Method 5: heavy artillery - chemicals
Can be purchased at any department of household chemicals special gel or spray of burnt fat. Personally, I prefer to use natural cleaners. I do not like the smell of chemicals in the house, which has to carefully erode.
But maybe someone on the contrary, this option seems more convenient. So, short of the most effective means to clean the oven:
- "Schumann" - is particularly good in this difficult matter. For sale as a spray, so apply quickly and easily. It should be within reason. Since the task to cope with a bang. The only problem - too sharp smell.

- «Oven Cleaner» company Amway. Their original product has proven itself in a dignified manner. You can find a lot of positive feedback in support of this. In particular, the means of the fat in the oven glorified economical consumption, lack of odor and efficiency.
It is sold complete with a brush - very convenient to distribute the gel on the surface and in hard to reach places. It is a pity to buy «Oven Cleaner» can not everywhere, plus a tall price.

- "Cleaner ovens and stoves" from Faberlic series of "House." It should be much cheaper than the previous one and speak flattering about him. truth consumed quickly.

In addition to these three, you can try other known means: Kommet, Mr. Muscle, Frosch, Silit Bang, Greenclean, Sanita Antizhir etc.
Instructions - how to clean the oven with a chemical spray or gel:
- To facilitate the work ahead, preheat the oven for 15-20 minutes, setting a temperature of 50º or a little more.
- Take away all the excess - pans, grills and other easily removable parts.
- Be sure to open the box and put on rubber gloves!

- Greased with gel or spray the spray all the contaminated sites and the glass of the oven. Just do not rub too soon, give the means to act. It usually takes 15-30 minutes, it depends on the degree of neglect.
Do not treat the chemistry of the fan and heating elements - so you can easily spoil "nurse." Also try not to fall on the rubber gasket in the door.
- After this "soak" the oven is easy to wash off the old grease and food residues. Enough to rub the sponge and wash off all the dirt. True to remove the smell of chemicals is required several times a good walk cloth, constantly soaking it in clean water.
Use the vial-spray for washing hard to reach places.

- Return all the items laid out earlier in its place.
- Wipe the outside of the door.
- Ventilate the kitchen. You can even leave the oven open to better chemistry eroded. Can not use the oven for a few hours, and it is better to leave alone until the next morning.
If the hand was not a cleaning agent, and in the store to go is not an option, try to dissolve a homemade paste:
- Mix in equal proportions Pemolyuks;
- gel for washing dishes;
- citric acid;
- Lubricate the inside of the cabinet of the resulting gruel;
- Leave for half an hour;
- then simply wash off with a sponge and warm water.
After a successful fight against carbon deposits using a chemical remains in the oven smell that can ruin a meal. Remove it can be by boiling water with activated charcoal or wiping the walls of the cabinet lemon juice.

Now you have everything you need to clean a dirty oven: recipes, instructions, effective chemicals and illustrative examples. You can use any of the 5 ways - each one in his own good.
I recommend to view the video in this article, to secure the information. I would be grateful for your comments with proven techniques!
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