How to clean the carpet with a long nap in 3 stages


  • 1 Stage 1. Training
  • 2 Stage 2. Cleaning - 10 Proven Means
    • 2.1 Cleaning with folk remedies - 4 methods
    • 2.2 Household cleaning - top 5 products
  • 3 Stage 3. Stain removal - 5 products for different surfaces
  • 4 Summary
Long-nap carpets are easy to clean, if you know how to do it.Long-nap carpets are easy to clean, if you know how to do it.

Recently I bought a white fluffy carpet, which I had long dreamed of. However, the carpet was loved not only by me, but also by the cat, of course, to my child. A month later, from the whiteness there was no trace. I began to look for ways to clean the carpet with a long nap. I found my ideal technique, now I am in a hurry to share secrets with you.

Stage 1. Training

To get started is to prepare the carpet itself for cleaning. The procedure is simple - you need to remove all the excess dirt, for example, use a vacuum cleaner for carpets with a long pile. You can also use a broom and steam cleaner.

Vacuum thoroughly to make work easier.Vacuum thoroughly to make work easier.

After preparing the surface, I advise you to stock up on all the necessary materials for cleaning.

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We will need:

  • table and teaspoons;
  • a bowl;
  • glass;
  • bucket;
  • bottle with a spray;
  • large grater;
  • hard brush;
  • kitchen sponge;
  • clean cloth (rag);
  • broom;
  • beater;
  • a vacuum cleaner.
Stock up on everything you need in advance to get things moving fast.Stock up on everything you need in advance to get things moving fast.

Stage 2. Cleaning - 10 Proven Means

There are many ways to clean carpets, both with the help of available tools, and with the help of household chemicals. Some are suitable for removing stains, others eliminate dust. But there is a universal remedy that is able to clean a carpet with a long nap - this is soda:

A photo Procedure
table_pic_att15023106653 Step 1

Dissolve a tablespoon of soda in a liter of water.

The water must be cool, otherwise the soda will lose its beneficial properties.

table_pic_att15023106674 Step 2

Pour the liquid in a spray bottle and shake well.

table_pic_att15023106695 Step 3

Spray the mixture evenly over the carpet and let it sit for 30 minutes.

table_pic_att15023106706 Step 4

Carefully clean the carpet with a stiff brush or knock it outside.

Cleaning with folk remedies - 4 methods

When buying a fluffy carpet, especially light, we rarely think that the care and cleaning of the pile will require increased attention. You can't get away from dust... Cleaning the coating in dry cleaning every time is not the most attractive idea.

I propose to try proven techniques based on the use of scrap materials that will save your money and time:

Picture Recommendations
table_pic_att15023106717 Method 1. Soda + Vinegar

This is the simplest way to clean carpets with low levels of pollution:

  1. In a liter of water, dissolve a teaspoon of 9% vinegar and a teaspoon of soda.
  2. Use a brush to apply the product to the carpet.

Treat the surface in one direction.

  1. Leave the carpet to dry out.
table_pic_att15023106738 Method 2 Ammonia + washing powder

The method is perfect to get rid of old dust:

  1. In 5 liters of water, dissolve 3 tablespoons of washing powder and 1 liquid ammonia.

Use powder without bleach.

  1. Use a soft brush or sponge to clean the surface of the carpet.
  2. Use a damp cloth to remove any residual detergent.
table_pic_att15023106749 Method 3. Salt

This is an excellent way to freshen up the nap and return its brightness:

  1. Lightly moisten the nap.
  2. Sprinkle it with salt.
  3. After 30 minutes, sweep the salt with a broom dipped in a mild soap solution.
table_pic_att150231067510 Method 4. Laundry soap + turpentine
  1. Rub a piece of laundry soap and dissolve it in a liter of warm water.
  2. Add a tablespoon of turpentine.
  3. After half an hour, remove the product with a soft brush.

Repeat the procedure several times so that there is no soap left in the pile.

Household cleaning - top 5 products

Many are afraid to clean the long-pile carpet at home, for fear of getting everything dirty or ruining the palace by getting to the dirt hiding in the depths of the pile. Do not panic! You can use special tools created for the care and cleaning of such coatings.

Take into service 5 tools that are available in many stores:

Picture Description
table_pic_att150231067811 Shampoo 5+ Carpets

Price: from 120 rubles

Properties: carpet cleaner made from natural and artificial materials. Removes stains, kills germs, refreshes color, neutralizes odors, reduces electrification.

table_pic_att150231067912 Drop vox

Price: from 60 rubles

Properties: effective modern tool for cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture at home. It reliably removes dirt, while maintaining color and texture of the coating.

Well foams, has a pleasant smell, does not require rinsing with water.

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Price: from 70 rubles

Properties: the drug restores the original color and brightness of carpet products, is endowed with antistatic effect and dirt-repellent properties.

It gives carpets a fresh look, has a pleasant smell - flavors the room. Does not harm lint, even if used several times in a row.

table_pic_att150231068013 Vanish

Price: from 400 rubles

Properties: Means for manual cleaning of carpets designed to remove stains and general cleaning of carpets, carpet, upholstered furniture, car interiors.

Its active ingredients penetrate deep into the fibers and quickly remove all the dirt and dust, pushing them out of the pile to the surface.

Eliminates unpleasant smells from pets, tobacco, food, and leaves behind a fresh clean. Cope even with stubborn dirt, trapped on long-pile carpets.

table_pic_att150231068214 Udalix Ultra

Price: from 70 rubles

Properties: This universal multi-purpose tool for cleaning the whole house. It is successfully used for cleaning carpets, carpets, products with short and medium pile length.

Stage 3. Stain removal - 5 products for different surfaces

Not only dust sometimes gets to the pile. Something is spilled or... well, anything can happen. What to do than to wash the carpet, when there was no stain remover on hand:

Picture Instruction
table_pic_att150231068415 Spots from water soluble substances

Vinegar will easily remove substances such as alcohol, berries, urine, milk and its derivatives, sauces, jellies, lemonade, juice and even latex paint:

  1. Mix 1/3 tsp of vinegar with 1 liter of water at room temperature.
  2. Pour the liquid into the spray bottle.
  3. Spray the mixture evenly on the stain.
  4. Wipe the area with a paper towel or dry cloth.

Instead of vinegar, you can use detergents for dishes.

table_pic_att150231068416 Stains from substances of biological origin

Ammonia or ammonia removes traces of blood, feces and vomiting, as well as coffee, tea, wine, mustard, chocolate.

  1. Mix 1 teaspoon ammonia with a glass of water.
  2. Using a spray bottle, evenly spray the liquid on the stain.
  3. After 10-15 minutes, blot the area with a sponge and wipe dry.

Ammonia is not recommended to apply to the surface of the carpet of natural wool.

table_pic_att150231068517 Stains from oil-based substances

Fat, wax, oil - high temperature can be used to remove traces from them:

  1. Put a paper towel or piece of paper on the stain.
  2. Heat the stain with an iron until it completely sticks to the paper.
  3. Remove residue with warm water.
table_pic_att150231068618 Glue stains

The structure of the glue will easily destroy the ethyl alcohol:

  1. Dampen cotton pad in alcohol.
  2. Press the swab against the stain for 5 minutes.
  3. Carefully remove any glue residue.
  4. Blot the area with a damp sponge, then dry.
table_pic_att150231068719 Tar stain

When plant secretions hit the pile site - resin, juice, etc., there is no better remedy than ice.

  1. Freeze pollution.
  2. Skip the frozen resin with a sharp object.
  3. Remove residual dirt with soapy water.


Do not rush to sound the alarm and spend a lot of money on cleaning the carpet. I am sure that from now on you can easily handle any dirt with your own hands. All your questions and additions will be glad to see in the comments.

An expert answered the question how to care for a carpet with a long nap. You can familiarize yourself with his opinion by viewing the video in this article.

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