Electric screw extractor

People constantly have difficulty in choosing pasteurized and packaged juice along with freshly prepared at home. As a rule, the last option is most in demand, the morning freshness allows you to recharge your batteries with the necessary energy for the whole day. Some connoisseurs prefer to drink juice from the berries, others - from vegetables or fruits. For successful work on obtaining the coveted liquid, each consumer is supposed to have a reliable friend and helper: for example, the auger electric juicer saves considerable time and “at the exit” to get a decent product devoid of pulp.

The principle of operation of the “screw” is different from the others: any ingredients that fall inside are subject to grinding and grinding, then - spin through the mesh. Today, there are two types of groups of systems that are distinctive from "electrics":

  1. Manual
  2. Mechanical

The first type resembles the simplest meat grinder: a person is only supposed to fill the taper hole with the necessary ingredients, rotate the handle that is attached to the device. The output is a decent product with pulp. Together with the manual version of the product you can use the option of mashing, for example, from plums or apricots, and from the berries( cherry, etc.) you get pure juice.

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The second type is the “press” principle. At the moment of immersion of products into the system, the mass is pressed, and juice begins to drip from under the filter.

Electric screw machines are equipped with an independent motor. The units are divided into three subspecies:

  1. . Household systems.
  2. . Professional devices.
  3. . Industrial goods.

. In general, the use of the chosen type depends entirely on the fact what procedures the final consumer wants to perform. It is required to think carefully about the specific use of the product.

The realities of the auger systems

On the Internet, there are tons of information to help determine the true strengths of the stated devices. Consider the features that distinguish the "auger" from other options for obtaining juice, let's look at the results of the unit.

  1. Juice, as a rule, is obtained with a small admixture of pulp. We are talking about solid types and varieties of fruits or vegetables, for example, a screw juicer for grapes does not find it difficult to deal with similar issues. If you decide to make juice from ordinary berries, the liquid “at the exit” looks completely free from pulp, peel or seeds. Other products are able to leave a certain "trace" in the form of a barely perceptible slurry.
  2. Residues - oil cake - constantly dry after pressing. Screw systems are designed specifically for the user to become the owner of the maximum amount of liquid from the claimed product, the residues after work contain only skins or seeds. The efficiency of work with such systems is extremely high. Eliminated the chance to lose liters of juice( with a large load and volume).
  3. Juice making is assumed from any kind of products. For example, if you want to get tomato puree( sauce), simply load the products into the system and add to the table after a while. Save money and do not use the mush after the remnants.
  4. The auger berry juice extractor is suitable for household use: if the family likes to use fresh fruit preparations, remember the Green Star, Angel, Fohom or Oscar brands that ensure the creation of a clean and tasty juice. Prepare fresh grapes, strawberries, raspberries and other types of berries - everything will be done quickly and useful.

Benefits of the

auger equipment Similar systems have long been on the market of the Russian Federation in the role of generally accepted products, the VashTehnik portal found it right to combine reviews and create a comprehensive list that helps the visitor to learn authentic pluses of augers.

  1. Ease of assembly and disassembly;
  2. Ease of care and washing;
  3. Self-cleaning;
  4. Hardware takes up little space;
  5. Cost Effective;
  6. Durability( expensive goods).

The above items correspond to the generally accepted facts, you can safely rely on them and purchase goods.

If you want to find out before buying which auger juicer is better, it is advisable to read reviews on the Internet or ask around with friends and acquaintances. Today, goods produced in the Russian Federation are not in such demand as foreign ones. Experimental studies were conducted on one portal, the purpose of which was to establish the characteristics of native and foreign goods. The results turned out to be very predictable: BRAND, COWAY and OURSSON firms coped with the tasks in full force: the juice turned out to be crystal clear. Russian brands “Vitek” and a number of others were not noted with the stated characteristics( juice mixed with pulp).It is noteworthy that the study was conducted with the same types of fruits and berries.

About Russian devices

If you want to save money on the purchase of equipment for obtaining juice, look at the Russian auger juicers. Ariston and Vitek offer relatively inexpensive systems equipped with possible juice extraction functions at an average level. If you want to get the juice with pulp( fans), these brands will do. On the contrary, if you want to drink purified fruit fluids daily, choose the brands “Gorenje”( Slovenia), “BRAND”( China), etc.

Juice from tomatoes

Nowadays people constantly drink freshly squeezed juice from tomatoes. However, as a rule, goods of this nature are purchased in stores; it is not easy to prepare a full-fledged pure juice with your own hands.

In general, until recently, the difficulty arose extremely often, until a unique system was invented, the principle of operation lies in the fine cutting of incoming products( tomatoes) into the compartment. This is done by the number of large and small blades. A full-fledged juice, “flowing out” of the fruit, is quickly obtained, and the cake after work is used in the form of a sauce( with dilution).

A number of types of devices are known: mechanics and automation. Electric screw-type juice extractor for tomatoes( automatic control and operation) offers users autonomous work of fruit processing when the system is connected to the network. The owner only needs to load the necessary volumes of tomatoes into the compartment and “take” fresh juice in a separate vessel. Mechanical systems will require more time, moreover, it is not always possible to rely on a pure liquid without impurities.

Why do we need nozzles

Fruit processing systems can perform several functions. Unlike other work formats, screw devices are designed for squeezing juice from currants, gooseberries, blackberries, etc. It is worth noting that users will squeeze out the liquid, even from wheat germ. Extraction is performed without manual detachment of leaflets and stems.

The nozzle for the screw juice extractor serves for various formats of work. Suppose you want to get the liquid from small fruits - the first system is used. If you want to get the juice from the berries or fruit larger - the second. Today, a reliable brand is known under the name “KREFFT”, which provides positive processing in a short time. It is noteworthy that the company offers a large selection of nozzles, with the help of which the user is able to "work" even with small-sized products.

Wishes when buying

At the time of buying goods from the discharge of auger systems, by all means look at the manufacturer and price. Cheap goods do not serve long-lasting, it is necessary to allocate the required amount and go shopping.

It is advisable to read the information or feedback from people who have already encountered difficulties and repair in work with the chosen brand.

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