Mosquito net for gardening from China

Camping is hard to imagine without insects. Colorful butterflies, hardworking bees and ladybugs cause emotion, and wasps and mosquitoes, by contrast, can spoil the mood.

On hot days, in search of coolness in the country, we open the door wide, and in the evening we try to get rid of annoying insects. Special sprays, creams and smoke spirals do not always save from “blood-sucking”.In the arsenal of avid gardeners for a long time there is one irreplaceable thing - mosquito net on magnets.

The curtain consisting of two halves is intended for a doorway. With the help of a special adhesive tape or miniature furniture nails, even beautiful ladies will be able to install the mesh. If desired, after the end of the summer season, the curtain is also easily removed and sent to storage in the closet.

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The main advantage of the anti-mosquito grid are magnets located along the entire length of the product. When passing through the door, the halves of the curtains open and then quickly come back together. In young children and pets, this process is of genuine interest.

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In the online stores of Russia and Ukraine, classic monochrome grids on magnets are most often represented. This is a versatile option for a modest country house, and for a luxurious country cottage.

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However, many buyers want to diversify the interior with bright colors, so they are looking for colorful wonder-curtains for sale with funny drawings. Such a product will cost at least 540 rubles excluding delivery.

Anti-mosquito nets on magnets at an attractive price are in demand at the international platform Aliexpress. A kit consisting of the curtain itself and a set of studs costs about 300 rubles.

According to customer reviews, the curtain effectively protects against annoying insects, and the bright design improves mood. Free shipping and low price add popularity to the product on AliExpress. High-quality synthetic material prevents stretching the mesh, but is powerless against the sharp claws of pets.

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The disadvantages include the waiting time for the order. Because of the work of the postal services of China and Russia, the journey to the buyer is sometimes delayed for sixty days. For this reason, we advise you to shop at the end of the summer season in order to “catch” competitive prices and be fully armed by next summer. In addition, due to the low quality, individual magnets may become weaker over time.

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