Why sweat the plastic windows - 5 main reasons and are 2 ways to solve the problem


  • 1 Key 5 Reasons
    • 1.1 On the micro-climate and ventilation
  • 2 Ways to solve the problem
    • 2.1 Method 1. reduce the humidity
    • 2.2 Method 2. Increasing the defrost and ensure good ventilation
  • 3 Output
Under certain conditions, moisture may condense on the windows.Under certain conditions, moisture may condense on the windows.

In my house, UPVC windows. In the cold season on the surface appear droplets, because of this double-glazed windows and sweat flowing. It is not a pleasant phenomenon, so I decided to find out why sweat plastic windows and how to fix this problem on its hands. I share my findings below.

Key 5 Reasons

Find out why in the flat plastic windows are sweating, it is possible only after a detailed review of the "integrity" of the concept. Double-glazed windows help to improve the thermal insulation of the room, so they are considered to be of higher quality than wood.

Due to its design, PVC windows retain heat better.Due to its design, PVC windows retain heat better.

Unlike wood, PVC construction makes the room more airtight, they are worse miss the cold air from the outside and, in fact, badly let warm inside. Therefore, the windows are very sweat a lot, if the above factors add to the poor ventilation and heating system malfunction.

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Why sweat the plastic windows in the winter? This is due to the fact that condensate is formed on the glass only when the internal temperature below +18 ° C. Typically, this situation occurs precisely in the heating season, when the air is much colder outdoors than indoors.

In addition to sealing, the quality of heat and air convection within the room, there are two common reasons due to which the plastic window sweats inside:

  • wrong indoor climate;
  • errors during production and installation of windows.
Poor sealing of slopes and improper installation of windows lead to the emergence of a strong condensation.Poor sealing of slopes and improper installation of windows lead to the emergence of a strong condensation.

On the micro-climate and ventilation

As mentioned earlier, PVC windows are fully sealed, which means that indoor air can circulate only through good ventilation. Previously, through the cracks in the wooden frames could easily pass air and humidity in the room is always naturally regulated.

Now, such a ventilation source we have, and, consequently, the humidity is increasing all the time. In smokers always present a certain amount of water vapor (humidity) and at a certain temperature, it becomes so thick that it begins to settle on the windows.

High humidity in the room often leads to the appearance of the fungus.High humidity in the room often leads to the appearance of the fungus.

Droplets appear on the coldest surface of the room, most of it is glass.

The main sources of indoor moisture that affect the fact that our windows are sweating:

Picture water source
table_pic_att14933241364 Reason 1. Water in building materials

After the repair on the wallpaper, plaster and slopes is always a certain amount of moisture. Therefore, on the walls may appear mold and fungus.

After all, even cosmetic, repair the premises must be qualitatively airing.

table_pic_att14933241375 Reason 2. Human factor
  • On average, each person simply exhaling, adds up to 90 grams of moisture per hour.
  • Washing, cleaning, cooking - 1000 g / hr;
  • Operating a washing machine - 300 g / h;
  • Adoption shower (bath) - 2600 g / h.

The hot water is used, the faster the air is saturated with water vapor.

table_pic_att14933241376 Reason 3. Pets
  • a medium-sized aquarium - 200 g / h;
  • Cat / dog - 50-80 g / h;
  • Each flower room - 10 g / h.

One of the most likely reasons why sweat the plastic windows can be called high humidity and poor ventilation.

Ways to solve the problem

What to do in such a situation? Since options, why sweat the plastic windows are several ways to solve it, and a lot of:

  • reduce humidity;
  • increase the heating PVC windows;
  • normalize ventilation.

Method 1. reduce the humidity

Offer a solution in 2 steps:

  1. Remove excess moisture the room with the help of a special device, which absorbs water vapor (sold in major DIY stores, price - is available).
In the photo - a device that eliminates the humidity in the room.In the photo - a device that eliminates the humidity in the room.
  1. Thoroughly ventilate the room.

It is the second step will constantly adjust the amount of moisture in the room. How to organize airing? There are three ways:

Picture instruction
table_pic_att14933241438 prolonged ventilation

Leave the shutter open for a whole day.

This technique allowed if the room is well heated, as prolonged ventilation is a strong loss of heat.

table_pic_att14933241459 intensive

Open all the windows wide open for 15 minutes. Moist air change to dry. In this case, a large heat loss will not.

table_pic_att149332414710 cardinal

Arrange a maximum draft: all the windows and doors wide open for 5 minutes.

Keep the windows and doors to not much clapping, because so you can break them.

Method 2. Increasing the defrost and ensure good ventilation

Other probable reasons why the sweat box in a private home may be a problem with the heating and ventilation. How to deal with them on their own:

Picture recommendations
table_pic_att149332414811 The powerful battery under the window

Install a powerful battery under the sill to heat freely came to the glass.

table_pic_att149332414812 The length of the sill

Organize a narrow windowsill, to heat the battery could well double glazed.

table_pic_att149332414913 The efficiency of extracts

If your kitchen has a cooker hood regularly use it. Including necessary to check the standard exhaust vents in the bathroom, toilet and kitchen for their permeability.


I hope I was able to answer the question, why sweat the plastic windows. There are several reasons for the appearance of condensation on the windows, but now we know how to fix them. Check out the video in this article to make clear. And if you have any questions - happy to answer them in the comments.

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