Bird droppings as fertilizer for vegetables( tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes): application features

Tell me how to use bird droppings to fertilize vegetables( tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes)?Can I add it to the hole when planting?

The timely introduction of nutrients is the key to a rich and high-quality crop of vegetables. The lack of mineral elements can considerably spoil not only the appearance of crops, but also significantly reduce the yield. One of the main types of vegetable fertilizer for feeding tomatoes, cucumbers and potatoes is bird droppings.

The use of organic matter, in particular the waste of birds, for top dressing of garden crops makes it possible to compensate for the deficit of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium necessary for the full development of plants and the formation of ovaries. Litter acts as a complex fertilizer, it does not require large financial costs for the purchase.

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Bird droppings for fertilizing vegetables used:

  • as a liquid infusion;
  • in dry form.
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Fresh bird droppings cannot be added to the wells when planting, as it can burn the root system, but can be evenly scattered on the site after the autumn harvest. In this case it is better to dig up the plot in spring, so that the fertilizer has time to be distributed in the soil.

Preparation and use of infusion

For liquid dressings of tomatoes, cucumbers and potatoes during the growing season, initially a concentrated solution of bird droppings should be prepared. To do this, fill the plastic container( barrel or bucket) with half of the droppings and fill with water. Put the billet for 2-3 days in a sunny place to ferment. Ready infusion should have the color of weakly brewed tea.

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To prepare the working solution, the concentrate should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 and watered with them:

  • cucumbers - before starting flowering( stimulates the formation of ovaries and reduces the number of flowers);
  • tomatoes - during the growing season with a break of 10 days between dressings( activates the growth of bushes and fruits).

For fertilizer potatoes, experienced gardeners recommend mixing bird droppings with potassium chloride - for 10 parts of litter and 1 part of potassium.

The maximum number of root dressings for infusion of bird droppings is 3 times for the entire season. More frequent use provokes active growth of deciduous mass to the detriment of fruiting.

Using dry poultry manure

From the dried poultry excrement, you can immediately prepare a working solution for root dressings of tomatoes, cucumbers and potatoes. It should reduce the concentration of the litter, diluting it with 20 parts of water. Under one bush of vegetable culture you need to pour no more than 1 liter of infusion.

In principle, dry droppings can be applied to the wells, but in this case it is very difficult to find suitable proportions.

Bird droppings are also well suited for composting. In the compost heap, it is recommended to alternate it with layers of straw( or sawdust).At the same time for 1 part of the litter you need to add 3 parts of straw. Ready compost spread out in the aisle of potatoes, tomatoes or cucumbers.

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