TV power consumption

In television, there is now a boom in the fall in energy consumption, but if the situation is clear with washing machines and refrigerators, measuring the energy consumption class of a plasma panel is a mystery to reviewers. Let's try to solve it. Washing machines have a dry weight of laundry, refrigerators have a volume. For the specified characteristics are determined by the parameters. Power consumption of the TV can also be marked with a beautiful sticker. Washing machine, refrigerator and TV are the three main things in every home.

Energy consumption of TVs according to EU standards

Since 2010, energy consumption classes have been introduced for household appliances: A +, A ++ and A +++, and TVs do not fall short of the norm. I wonder how the benchmark is chosen for comparison. The power consumption of the lamp TV was sometimes 300 watts, is it enough or little enough? Other nuances are interesting. For example, the LG Big-in washing machine accommodates 18 kg of linen, but with class A +++ it is able to spend more per cycle than a little one with power consumption B. This comes from different loads. The same applies to large and small refrigerators.

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The situation becomes interesting in the field of television: until January 1, 2014, the concept of a TV with the A + energy class did not exist in nature. This is not typical for household appliances, confidently looking at A +++.The European Union document reads the following phrases:

  1. From January 1, 2017, a sticker is put into circulation, providing for the existence of TVs with the energy class A ++ in the world.
  2. As of January 1, 2020, a sticker was introduced that provides TVs with the energy consumption class A +++.

From these words it is clear that the commission, firstly, has considerable analytical data and certain forecasts for the development of the situation, and secondly, it works so that the next 15 years will not return to the topic.

So, according to forecasts, A ++ class energy consumption TVs will appear by 2017, and the stickers are ready. The difference in terms of design is small. Consider what stickers decorated televisions before January 1, 2014, then summarize three new types of stickers.

Sticker for marking the energy class of the TV

The Commission has created new stickers based on the old ones. We proceeded from the uniformity of the pattern for any class of household appliances. In appearance, it differs little from what is seen on refrigerators, washing machines and other products. The sticker that existed before January 1, 2014 disappeared in other products three years earlier, in 2011. It represents the classic line of energy classes from A to G.

12x6 cm label. Inside the image are framed in cyan color. Used traditional for the products of the European Union color CMYK.If interested, a calculator to translate into the usual color system is presented on the website /tools/ color.asp. When converting, some of the shades will be lost. The top of the sticker inside the frame is occupied by a cap from the EU sign, looks like a blue rectangle with a circle of small yellow stars. Just to the right is the beautiful cyan inscription Energ, then the language endings follow. For example, in English - Energy.

Below are the stripes that form the scale of the energy consumption classes of TVs. Similar to other household appliances until 2011:

  • Seven stripes, marked from A to G, form a sheer rock along the left edge of the sticker, with the right edge angled like a lateral face of a pyramid, the ends are pointed.
  • Each upper band is slightly longer than the lower one, the color changes from red to green across the spectrum, following from class G to class A. On TVs, the power consumption F is taken as the standard against which the other gradations are measured.
  • The strip thickness is 3.8 mm, the distance between them is 0.75 mm. Opposite the arrow is put, as a reflection of these. Black, 8 mm thick. Near the arrow indicates the actual energy consumption class of the TV.The location is chosen opposite the value to which the device belongs. For the energy class of the TV set A, this is the top, for G, on the contrary, the bottom.

Until January 1, 2014, only the letters mentioned were present. Recently, economical devices began to appear, stickers take this into account. Each time you add a plus sign to the scale, the lower class is discarded. The resulting ranges are:

  1. F - A +.
  2. E - A ++.
  3. D - A +++.

The last sticker has a range that other household appliances will become available no earlier than 2020.

Additional sticker elements denoting the energy consumption class of the TV

Under the colorful scale there are inscriptions Energy and similar, in addition, four mnemonic images:

  1. In a small square there is a button with a vertical dash( power button).If the TV has a control function that puts the device into standby mode with a consumption of not more than 0.01 kW / h, a check mark is placed under the stylized image in the box.
  2. Slightly to the right is a square of similar magnitude, where the wattage of the TV is indicated.
  3. The last square in the series is twice as large as the previous ones; it indicates the annual consumption of the device in kWh. This is the main figure for which the sticker was created. The specific percentage, rounded down, is shown on the scale.
  4. Finally, below is the size of the display diagonal, expressed in centimeters and inches. This takes into account the interests of measurement systems from different countries.

Modest parameters, and the result is amazing! By 2020, the European Union plans to save 43 billion kWh annually at the expense of television sets. For Russian rubles, this will amount to 150 billion, which is equivalent to a pension of 20 million pensioners. We are impressed with the number, and the readers appreciated the prospects?

Calculation of the energy consumption class of the TV

Consider how the power consumption of a plasma TV is related, for example, to a class. First, each class corresponds to the values ​​of the EEI coefficient:

  1. A +++ EEI & lt;0.10.
  2. A ++ 0.10 ≤ EEI & lt;0.16.
  3. A + 0.16 ≤ EEI & lt;0.23.
  4. A 0.23 ≤ EEI & lt;0.30.
  5. B 0.30 ≤ EEI & lt;0.42.
  6. С 0.42 ≤ EEI & lt;0.60.
  7. D 0.60 ≤ EEI & lt;0,80.
  8. E 0.80 ≤ EEI & lt;0.90.
  9. F 0.90 ≤ EEI & lt;1.00.
  10. G 1.00 ≤ EEI.

Index is calculated. To do this, the actual specific power consumption of the TV( per square decimeter of the screen) is divided into a reference value found by the formula:

Pref = Pbasic + A × 4.3224 W / dm2, where

the first factor is taken from the table below and A is the areascreen, expressed in decimeters.

Table. The value of Pbasic depending on the type of TV:

From the formula it is clear that the power consumption of the LCD TV and the power consumption of the laser TV do not differ. The main thing is electronic stuffing. It turns out that different technologies are directly confronted. Let the best man win.

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