What is the most economical heater

One of the most economical are the infrared heaters. But if the needs of every summer resident fit? Inclined to answer in the negative. The cases are different, at home keep the temperature - is one thing, but to warm the frozen man who came from the street - different. In addition to dry clothes - it is first necessary if the rain had passed. What is the most economical heater - try to look at the eyes of the consumer choice problem.

Economical heater for the home and office

Infrared heater ceiling type Peony Keramik weighs 5kg and is able to power 1300 W to heat the room of 28 square meters. The device is suspended at a height of 3.5 meters. Details count, based on the initial parameters:

  1. Opening angle emitter - 120 degrees.
  2. Transverse heating 90 degrees sector.
  3. Overall depth - 3.5 meters.
  4. emitter length of 1.7 meters.
  5. The question price - 5300 rubles.

Possibly, to achieve emission of the floor space area it will cover a length of 14 meters and a width of 2 meters. This follows from the parameters of right-angled triangle with an angle of 60 degrees at the top and smaller cathetus equal height. It looks like the diagram ray pattern in each direction, as viewed on the side of the picture entirely. Obtained illuminated strip on the floor, rounded shape. The more it resembles a highly elongated ellipse. Fact consider equipping the premises.

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Economical heater Peony

Peony Ceramic infrared heaters are poorly suited to the walls of the wide aperture. This also applies to small spaces, where part of the radiation gets to the bottom of the walls, and spacious, where radiation to the distal portion of the floor will come at too sharp an angle and has a chance to be reflected in space. However, these nuances Peony Ceramic infrared heaters are used at the discretion of. The main thing is to understand what you're doing.

Infrared heaters ceiling types allow to save energy in this way:

  • The operating principle of convection heating:
  1. Air masses rise up from the heater.
  2. Warm ceiling.
  3. Rush down.
  • The principle of operation of ceiling infrared heater:
  1. Peony heats emitting Ceramic plate.
  2. Radiation raises the temperature of the floor.
  3. Convective heat the process air, a large fraction of the heat is produced legs.

It turns out, economical Peony Ceramic heater will reduce energy costs by illuminating only the chosen master surface, and the ceiling is cold. Reduction of companies managing electricity bills up to 50%. This refers to the heating of the target, excluding other operating equipment in the building.

Peony Ceramic economical

But the temperature of the radiating plates is low. It is 240º C (almost iron). This gives the inertia of the device. The work comes instantly, moving to the desired mode in seconds. But the time for raising the temperature of the floor is required enough. The approximate, within a quarter of an hour. Now suppose that a man walked into the cold room. It is necessary to warm his hands, and urgently, as poor lighting do not allow this. We will understand, the most economical heater will be in this case.

Eco heater to keep warm from the cold

Consider the problem. Tired, cold, you need to warm your hands. It takes 15 minutes, then the long-term calculations and modes of operation are cast aside. Warmed - removed the device.

The most economical heater in this case is called vetroduvka. This structure consisting of a pair of three coils and the fan. For a few moments the unit will perform the assigned tasks.

Vetroduvku called the fire, but the security issue is not urgent. Man came, he needs to urgently get warm. For safety during subsequent rewarming. Turn on the power to the fullest, after only half a minute, a sense of relief. There are many advantages of the device:

  • About air heavily burned compared with oil heater. Suppose, went inside, and you can not touch the instrument. Another thing vetroduvka. Due to the turbulence of hot air brush covers on all sides, bringing relief from cold.
  • The heating process is considered to be forced convection occurring faster than heat transfer to the water. For comparison, a jam in preparing Aerogrill 30% faster burning due to the flow of air reaching the temperature of 260 ° C. In the above case, the situation is similar. hot jet temperature withstood by hand in water but not the burn occurs and the constancy of heat will result in the rapid disposal of frost. Hand, if desired, approaches or moves away from the grid protective device, the flexibly adjusting itself under the conditions (in this case, in fact, unlike aerogrill where the food is in place).

The most economical heater for cottages

  • The device completed the task, it is time to remove the economical heater away in a cupboard. For 300 rubles saved from the hands of tenacious frost. And considering that to do that would have only when the need arises, there is a real money saving. Single use come very cheap.

They warmed his hands, and it turned out that the heater does not will dry gloves, wet with melted snow under infrared rays. To understand the choice of the most economical heater to give more.

Eco heater to dry clothes

Praise heaters and infrared heaters, but whether they are able to dry gloves, soaked in the room. Vetroduvka not help. Many fires occurred because of the falling items to the output device and the grating deck hot air under pressure.

Do not operate the domestic heating, put the top article of clothing:

  • vetroduvka ignite rags as good a match;
  • convector fails;
  • infrared heater on the ceiling;
  • Micatermic heater and a fireplace of any type are expensive;
  • Ceramic heater - the same vetroduvka.

Economical vetroduvka clothes

The most economical way - to keep in reserve for this purpose cheap oil heater. Over one thousand rubles buy Irit IR - 07 - 1006.

The most efficient heaters to give oil. And steal - do not mind, and the house does not burn down, and help warm up so clothes dry. Where to rest them. Other benefits of the oil heater:

  • equipped with a thermostat;
  • the animal is not upset;
  • It is cheap;
  • thieves do not need (weighs well, a massive police notice, sell high will not work).

Eco heater to create a style

People like castles in the mountains, so not everyone can afford. Although the apartment issue with properly, will likely have enough money. And what is an indispensable attribute of any mountain in the castle - certainly fireplace.

Build it in a block of flats is unrealistic, in particular - it's expensive. Need to coordinate the project, construction materials to choose wisely and build a structure is not easy, and responsible organization are hard to find.

Another thing is to buy a ready-efficient heater fireplace. The device can be operated by electricity or by gas. As you wish. Guests will appreciate the real or simulated flame. Similarity may be fire steam ultrasonic generator illuminated filament. And imitation fire looks very convincing.

unit cost of 10,000 rubles. It is with an imitation and gas, where the real heat on the ceramic grid, and cheaper to find possible. But for the security and reliability is better to attend to the withdrawal of the products of combustion outside the enclosed space.

For bathroom

The generally accepted solution is considered a plinth with a degree of protection IP44 housing. Withstands light stream of water without damage. Do not forget to connect the device via a differential circuit breaker.

Economical heaters are different. Despite that we are going to save - whether heat, mood, money, image. The answer for each condition will be different. The question of choosing the most economical heater must be put right, and there is a guarantee of a suitable alternative. The bed take electrical heating pad 40 W, and the walls are decorated with decorative panels with electric cable inside.

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What is the most economical heater

What is the most economical heaterHeaters

One of the most economical are the infrared heaters. But if the needs of every summer resident fit? Inclined to answer in the negative. The cases are different, at home keep the temperature - is on...

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