Cleaning after fire 2 reliable method


  • 1 Method 1. We use our own strength
    • 1.1 Step 1. Garbage collection
    • 1.2 Step 2. dry processing
    • 1.3 Step 3. wet processing
    • 1.4 Step 4. Clearing the air
  • 2 Method 2. Expert help
  • 3 results
Fire - a dangerous event, after which a long time is the smell of burnt decoration and furniture.Fire - a dangerous event, after which a long time is the smell of burnt decoration and furniture.

Once I had to deal with a fire in the apartment. Extinguish the fire it was fast enough, but it did not save home from traces of burning. At first glance it may seem that cleaning up after a fire - an impossible task. But it is not so! I know two ways to get rid of odors, which tell you.

Method 1. We use our own strength

Even if there was a fire, which affected many things, sooner or later will have to eliminate the consequences. Tips to tune in to the case and to turn off all unnecessary emotions. So cleaning the apartment after the fire will take place much more easily and more efficiently.

First of all I would like to offer the cleaning option that can be done with their own hands. You need to look for such instruments:

instagram viewer
  • Many of rags and sponges;
  • Gloves and a respirator;
Cleaning of the apartment after the fire should be carried out in a respirator that will protect you from inhaling the acrid smell of burnt things.Cleaning of the apartment after the fire should be carried out in a respirator that will protect you from inhaling the acrid smell of burnt things.
  • Tray for paint and roller;
  • Unnecessary plastic bowls;
  • Trowel and a few rough brushes;
  • Broom or broom;
  • Powerful vacuum cleaner.

Step 1. Garbage collection

Unfortunately, some of the affected furniture should be thrown out. Wooden and plastic interior items often heat resistant, so much burn and char.

Garbage, you can also call the scorched wallpaper, ceiling and trim moldings. Collect all this stuff in a bag and take out the building to the street.

The book is almost impossible to get rid of the smell of burning is likely to be more part of them would have to leave.The book is almost impossible to get rid of the smell of burning is likely to be more part of them would have to leave.

Inspect the furniture. If you did not find traces of erosion and want to keep it - it shall carry on ventilation. From staying in the open air with time the pungent aroma persists.

Check the carpets, curtains and blinds. If they are not affected by the fire, wash the black may be a few rigorous washings. Another way - dry cleaning.

Step 2. dry processing

Cleaning up after the fire should be accompanied by a dry treatment of the apartment. As a rule, on the floor except for the garbage rarely found traces of fire. All fumes and smoke rose to the ceiling and there are deposited.

Therefore, to remove the grime from the ceiling and walls need to cover the floor and oilcloth cover joints skirting wide tape.

Full dry cleaning It consists of several stages:

  1. remove as much as possible leftover paint and wallpaper from the surfaces;
  2. Brush or broom gently sweep up burn marks on the floor;
  3. With a vacuum cleaner blow ceiling soot in parallel with the upper joints and cracks;
Remove dust from the soot from the ceiling will help a powerful vacuum cleaner.Remove dust from the soot from the ceiling will help a powerful vacuum cleaner.
  1. Top-down process the Burned Zone a sponge soaked in a special facility with soot and grime.
In the photo - abrasive sponge - the latest means of soot.In the photo - abrasive sponge - the latest means of soot.

Step 3. wet processing

Cleaning after dry cleaning is not over - proceed to wash surfaces. For this we need a plastic container and household chemicals. Get rid of the soot can be using dishwashing liquid and baking soda.

Prepare a solution of soda: a pair of glasses of very hot water two tablespoons.Prepare a solution of soda: a pair of glasses of very hot water two tablespoons.

To dissolve soot, it is necessary to wash off it is not pressed, moving from the ceiling to the floor. As the water pollution - change solution. When a large part will be washed off, rub the surface with a stiff brush.

Apartment after the fire must pass wet cleaning. Secure effect should be primed surfaces.

Priming the walls completely neutralize the remaining soot.Priming the walls completely neutralize the remaining soot.

Step 4. Clearing the air

House cleaning after a fire in addition to removing soot and surface treatment should include air purification. It is better to use the Ozonator. Ozone disinfects the air is good and is perfect for processing facilities after fires.

It is necessary to wash the carbon black with metal and other surfaces, and then proceed to the purification of air.It is necessary to wash the carbon black with metal and other surfaces, and then proceed to the purification of air.

Another way to remove the unpleasant smell of carbon - preparing a solution by hand. You will need:

  • baking soda - 1 tbsp. l. with a slide;
  • 10% ammonia;
  • hydrochloric acid;
  • durable glass containers.

To cleaning after a fire in such a way was a success, you need to perform operations in sequence. instruction presented in the table below:

Picture stages
Step 1.

Pour into a container soda.

Step 2.

Pour on top of ammonia.

Step 3.

Thoroughly mix the components.

In order to prevent a reaction, for mixing, use old wooden or plastic spatula.

Step 4.

While stirring, slowly add the hydrochloric acid to the resulting mixture.

When connecting all the ingredients from the container flocks of thick white smoke - ammonium chloride. It was he disinfects and removes odors.

Step 5.

Leave the mixture for a day in the burned room. Then thoroughly ventilate.

Method 2. Expert help

So you do not hesitate for a long time, how and what to wash the soot after a fire, you can seek the services of a cleaning company. Professionals to quickly and accurately cope with a number of tasks, but their price is rather big services. Cleaning companies engaged in:

  • garbage collection;
  • purifying the combustion surfaces from the traces;
  • treatment with disinfectants;
  • by drying and ozone treatment facilities;
  • where appropriate, packaging and delivery of textile in dry cleaning.
Cleaning companies save time and effort in cleaning the apartment.Cleaning companies save time and effort in cleaning the apartment.


Now you know how and what to wash the soot to restore the purity of the apartment. Use by cleaning services or to cope on their own - you decide. In any case, after the fire, cleaning should be carried out without fail.

Video in this article demonstrates how to clean the apartment after the fire, clearly. If you want anything clarified - ask questions in the comments.

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