How to clean a gas stove knobs of fat: 4 and 4 prescription safety precautions


  • 1 Types of plates handles and especially their cleaning
    • 1.1 removable model
    • 1.2 Fixed models
  • 2 Cleaners: 4 prescription
  • 3 Precautions: 4 recommendations
  • 4 results

Greasy switches burners spoil the appearance of even the most modern boards. At the time, I had much to suffer, trying to clear them from the fat and plaque unpleasant spray. I picked up a very effective cleaning methods that I want to share with you today, by trial and error.

Return handles plate snow-white appearance, as in the photo, can simply meansReturn handles plate snow-white appearance, as in the photo, can simply means

Types of plates handles and especially their cleaning

All knobs from the stove can be divided into two groups:

  • removable;
  • non-removable.
Removable controllers much easier to clean than non-removableRemovable controllers much easier to clean than non-removable

Pens, the first group is easier to wash. But how do you know what type of controls installed it on your plate and how to remove the handle from a gas stove in case of need? It's simple - enough to gently pull the knob itself.

removable model

How to wash removable regulators?

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Picture instruction
table_pic_att14960720432 Step 1. Grate soap.

Chips add to bowl with hot water. Add a solution of dishwashing detergent or laundry detergent.

table_pic_att14960720443 Step 2. Remove the controls.

Place the pen in the soapy water and leave them for 15 minutes otkisat.

table_pic_att14960720454 Step 3. Treat the toothbrush handle.

With its help you remove the nasty plaque and get rid of fat, and the handle just shine on the purity.

At the end will only have to install controls in place.

Fixed models

Clear non-removable knob a bit more difficult, but possible. I offer to arm with cotton sticks, toothpicks, cotton swabs and toothbrushes:

Picture instruction
table_pic_att14960720455 Step 1. Wet knob.

For the treatment of surfaces using detergent
with the addition of chlorine.

table_pic_att14960720476 Step 2. Treat hard to reach places.

Just for this purpose will be made useful floss and toothbrush.

table_pic_att14960720507 Step 3. Remove dirt residues and flush handles.

To do this, first use cotton swabs, changing them when they are dirty, and after - a clean, damp sponge.

Cleaners: 4 prescription

In addition to household chemicals, the cost of which is growing every day, you can use the cleaners made with their hands out of scrap components. I suggest recipes the most effective ones:

Picture instruction
table_pic_att14960720518 Means 1. Ammonia or ammonia-anisic drops

Unlike ammonia drops have not so pungent odor and easier to work with them. Simply soak a cotton swab in the medium and treat them dirt.

If you still want to use ammonia, simply dilute it with water at a ratio of 1 to 1.

table_pic_att14960720519 Means 2. Lemon juice and soda

The juice of half a lemon moisten a cotton swab and rub their switches. An hour later, wet the toothbrush and dip it in baking soda, brush pens to shine.

This option is suitable only for light pollution.

following recipe can be used for stubborn stains:

  • two teaspoons of baking soda with lemon juice extinguish;
  • yet formed mass of sizzling, apply it to the regulators;
  • after an hour, remove the remaining fat stiff sponge.
table_pic_att149607205210 Means 3. vinegar essence

This component will help to quickly clean the handles if they are removable:

  • Dissolve 2 spoons essences in a liter of water.
  • Dip the pen in liquid.
  • Capacity with a solution put on a slow fire and boil for 7 minutes.
  • Drain and rinse regulators in pure water.
table_pic_att149607205311 Means 4. Wet wipes

This option is suitable only if the pollution is not strong and fresh.

Included in the majority of tissues, citric acid and castor oil is not only effectively remove stains, but also more gentle effect on the skin.

Wrap a napkin on my finger and carefully treat the surface of the regulators.

Precautions: 4 recommendations

How to clean up the handle from a gas stove, you have already learned, it's time to remind you of the precautions to be followed during the cleaning process:

Picture Recommendation
table_pic_att149607205312 Recommendation 1. Keep hands.

Any work related to cleaning of regulators, should be done with gloves to protect your skin from the cleansers.

table_pic_att149607205413 Recommendation 2. turn off the power.

If you are going to wash the electric stove, it must be pre-unplugged.

table_pic_att149607205414 Recommendation 3. Study the instructions to the drug.

Having resorted to the help of household chemicals, carefully study the label and listed on their recommendations.

It is not necessary to mix several cleaning products - this can lead to unwanted chemical reactions.

table_pic_att149607205515 Recommendation 4. Do not forget about ventilation.

Working with a potent means, take care of a good ventilation of the kitchen.


I told him how to clean the stove knobs and which detergent compositions can be used in the process. You just have to choose the most suitable option for you and apply it in practice.

Even more useful information you get by viewing the video in this article. If you know other effective cleaning methods, share them in the comments.

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