Cleaning house: Tips housewife cleaners at home with their own hands, photo and video

Frankly, a few years ago I was a maid in the house for me and took the punishment that exists mostly in the emergency mode. Now, despite the fact that I have a small child, I love to clean and do it with pleasure. And today I want to tell you how your own hands to maintain cleanliness and order without further ado.

General rules for easy cleaning

Cleaning should not cause an adverse reaction if the clean up with pleasure, that all goes quickly and easily
Cleaning should not cause an adverse reaction if the clean up with pleasure, that all goes quickly and easily

So, a few simple tips for cleaningThat really work:

  1. Remember, there is no perfectly clean house! Give up perfectionism - it spoils both the process and the result.
  2. Try to do cleaning at the same timeIn the same day - for example, every Tuesday and every Friday. So you will be able to develop a habit and routine occupations cease to cause discomfort.
It is very convenient to schedule cleaning every day, like in this photo
It is very convenient to schedule cleaning every day, like in this photo
instagram viewer
  1. The maximum use helpful tools cleaning and effective cleaners.
  2. Reach to cleaning apartments all households. Depending on the age, you can assign each a specific scope of work.
Engage to harvest the whole family: home cleaning will take place fun and fast
Engage to harvest the whole family: home cleaning will take place fun and fast
  1. Get in a comfortable clothes and be careful not to ignore the rubber gloves - your hands will tell you "Thank you!"
  2. Turn on your favorite music. Let the cleaning turns into a fun activity.
Favorite music will cheer up during restore order in the house
Favorite music will cheer up during restore order in the house

What is needed for cleaning?

Cleaning products

To begin, I tell you a secret that has come with experience. Specialized tools for a particular surface or device - only marketing.

Of course, if you love all these jars and want to play a little in the perfect hostess - try. But in fact it can be used for cleaning two or three universal tools that easily cope with all kinds of contaminants.

Remove the rubber gloves so as not to irritate the skin of the hand
Remove the rubber gloves so as not to irritate the skin of the hand
  • As a detergent, a disinfectant and degreaser for different types of surfaces you can use the tools of well-known brands, Mr. Muscle, Mr. Proper, Comet, varieties and others.
  • For wood flooring you need to use special tools for cleaning, so read the instructions carefully when buying.
Among a variety of household chemicals need to select a number of effective and reliable means
Among a variety of household chemicals need to select a number of effective and reliable means

Those who try to avoid household chemicals (health or belief), it is possible to prepare the means for cleaning the house with his own hands. To do this, perfectly suited:

  • soda;
  • vinegar;
  • lemon;
  • ammonia.

The price of these products a cheap, but the effect is striking. Diluted in different proportions, these products are able to cope with any pollution: clean grease from kitchen utensils and surfaces that add shine plumbing and glass, refresh the laminate and so on.

To make the tool for cleaning your hands, use a well-known natural remedies
To make the tool for cleaning your hands, use a well-known natural remedies


So cleaning is easier, you can purchase a few handy tools.

Picture Description
A vacuum cleaner - indispensable in a regular house cleaning and cleaning of upholstered furniture.
bucket - ideal capacity for water and detergent solutions.
Telescopic mop for washing windows help wash windows inside and out.
Microfiber napkins an excellent job with the dust, and are also suitable for cleaning mirrors.
Soft and hard sponge suitable for washing and cleaning various surfaces and appliances.
Mop Microfiber great washes floors of linoleum, laminate and tile.
Panicle You need to remove dust.
Toothbrush It helps to cope with complex contamination in inaccessible places.
Shopping cart or trolley for household chemicals and tools will solve the storage problem of funds for cleaning.

variety of cleaning

To distinguish between two types of cleaning - General and the ordinary (regular) cleaning.

Normal cleaning

With routine cleaning every woman faces several times a week. Of course, depending on the condition of a room, its sequence, duration and intensity can be varied.

But more often than regular cleaning is best doneSo:

  1. The first clean up in the hallway: Extra garments in the wardrobe, scarves and gloves - in boxes, shoes - on the counter, old bills and receipts of bowls - in the trash.
The order in the hall - the first thing that catches the eye visitors
The order in the hall - the first thing that catches the eye visitors
  1. In bathroom Treat with liquid detergent all ceramic surface and leave for a few minutes. Then remove the extra items, send the dirty things in the washing machine, hang fresh towels.
  2. Fill the bed, Free work surfaces, remove the scattered clothes.
Seasoned bed and lack of scattered things - the basis of the order in any room
Seasoned bed and lack of scattered things - the basis of the order in any room
  1. Vacuum the floor and wipe the dust.
  2. Go back to the bathroom and wash away the applied agent. Do not forget to wipe dry the floor!
  3. Refresh mirror and glass surfaces a special cleaning agent.
Cleaning in the kitchen should be a daily
Cleaning in the kitchen should be a daily
  1. Kitchen - the final stage. Send dirty dishes in the sink, remove all the excess from the table and work surfaces, wipe the plate and sill.
  2. Wash the floor in the kitchen.

Little secret from the creators FlyLady system: if every day for 15 minutes to pay attention to restore order in a particular area (cleaning cabinets, cleaning equipment, and so on. d.) a month in the house will become noticeably cleaner.

General procedure

As a rule, general cleaning of the apartment is carried out infrequently - once a year, on the eve of the holidays or major events. It covers all areas and is conducted very carefully.

You do not know where to start spring cleaning? Make a plan!
You do not know where to start spring cleaning? Make a plan!

general cleaning plan, as opposed to regular restore order, must include the following items:

Picture Description of action
  1. Wash windows and window sills.
  2. Wash curtains and drapes.
  3. Bring order to things: cleaning closets with clothes, books, documents with tables.
  4. Clean upholstered furniture and carpets.
  5. Wash the battery doors, chandeliers.
  6. Wash furniture accessories.
  1. Wash the windows.
  2. Wash the refrigerator.
  3. Conduct an audit of food stocks.
  4. Clean appliances.

Clean pillows, blankets and bedspreads. It is best to dry cleaning (at least once a year, after the winter season).

  1. Conduct an audit of cosmetics.
  2. Clean plumbing.
  3. Wash the visible parts of pipes.
Storage rooms and a mezzanine:
  1. Conduct an audit of stored items.
  2. Pack / unpack seasonal things.

Do not try to finish spring cleaning in one day. This is a long process, which does not tolerate haste. Follow the plan and make the most useful tips to facilitate the tasks!


Now you know that even the worst-cleaning can be simple and not so unpleasant occupation. I hope my advice will be useful for cleaning, and you will use them in your everyday life.

The video in this article you will find a lot more useful information, and if you still have questions - welcome to the comments, I'm happy to answer them.

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