How to remove the smell of urine from the mattress: 7 proven ways


  • 1 Features of cleaning depending on the type of mattress and age of pollution
    • 1.1 We clean a fresh spot
    • 1.2 We remove the old spot
  • 2 Conclusion
The smell of urine can be removed from the mattress and from the sofaThe smell of urine can be removed from the mattress and from the sofa

As a rule, pet owners face situations where an animal leaves puddles where it is not needed. Well, when a small child appears in the family - puddles are unlikely to be avoided. I'll tell you today, than to remove the smell of urine from the mattress.

Features of cleaning depending on the type of mattress and age of pollution

Before you wash your urine, you need to decide on the type of mattress you want to wash:

  • spring frame;
  • with independent springs;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • coconut.

Each of them requires special treatment. For example, mattresses with a frame made of metal springs are not recommended to pour water abundantly on it, which could later damage the base.

A spot of urine can be removed with your own hands, but it is necessary to take into account how fresh it is. Remember, old dried spots are much more difficult.

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The type of mattress determines how dirt can be removed from it.The type of mattress determines how dirt can be removed from it.

Old urine crystallizes in layers of tissue and mattress filler, so deep cleaning is important, affecting not only the surface tissue, but also deeper layers.

We clean a fresh spot

The main rule in such cases - as soon as possible to remove the liquid from a soft surface. For this you need:

  • using a tissue napkin or paper towel, blot the trail from the liquid until no wet marks remain;
  • further use cleaning products.
Getting rid of the trail immediately after the incident, you prevent difficulties with its removal in the futureGetting rid of the trail immediately after the incident, you prevent difficulties with its removal in the future

To remove fresh stains from the mattress, you can use the following tools:

  • household or children's lump soap;
  • vinegar;
  • soda;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

The instructions in the table contain detailed recommendations on how to remove stains if they are fresh:

A photo Description
table_pic_att15028010213 Method 1: soap solution
  • In warm water we dissolve a little of household or baby soap, wetting a sponge or brush in a liquid, without pressing, we pass through the problem area.
  • You can take a whole bar of soap and apply a thin soap layer on the trail, leaving it for a few minutes.
  • Wash off with blotting motions using a dry cloth or towel to remove excess moisture.
table_pic_att15028010224 Method 2: Vinegar

Vinegar copes with the removal of stains and odor and decomposes the crystals of organic excretions:

  • Table vinegar diluted with water and using a spray applied to the stain.
  • Leave for an hour and remove the excess with a damp cloth.
table_pic_att15028010245 Method 3: Soda

Getting rid of unwanted contamination with ordinary baking soda:

  • To do this, distribute dry powder over the required area and leave it for several hours.
  • You can make soda paste by mixing the powder with water and apply to the problem area.
  • You can get rid of dried lumps of powder with a vacuum cleaner.
table_pic_att15028010266 Method 4: Hydrogen Peroxide

With the help of hydrogen peroxide, water and detergent, you can remove not only an unpleasant smell, but also a trace of urine:

  • Dissolve a little peroxide in 200 ml of water and drip dishwashing liquid, mix and pour it into a container with a spray.
  • We pass through the problem area and leave to dry. Perhaps a reaction will occur, then a little foam will appear and a characteristic hissing sound.
  • After 2 hours, remove the excess with a damp, clean cloth.

Act carefully - do not rub and do not rub the problem area, this will not only spoil the upholstery and cause the formation of pellets, but also push the organic liquid into the mattress.

We remove the old spot

How to remove the smell of urine from the mattress, if the stain could not be fixed immediately? Here you have to use more aggressive means:

A photo Description
table_pic_att15028010327 Method 1: Citric Acid

To get rid of baby urine on the mattress, you can, using citric acid. Need to:

  • Spoon of citric acid dissolved in 200 ml of warm water and apply on the problem area.
  • After 2–3 hours, blot the area with a wet cloth and leave to dry naturally.
table_pic_att15028010408 Method 2: Stain Remover for Organic Pollution

Such tools are specifically designed for the removal of stains of this kind and contain active reagents that eliminate feline, baby, and any other urine.

As a rule, the price of an effective stain remover is higher than the more affordable counterparts, so when choosing, focus not only on the composition, but also the price factor.

table_pic_att15028010419 Method 3: Ammonia

A mixture of soda, ammonia, peroxide and water is a universal stain remover that can cope even with old urine stains of an adult:

  • On 4 parts of water, add 1 part of ammonia, peroxide and soda, stir and apply the composition to the pollution for 10–20 minutes.
  • After that, thoroughly soak the area with a wet cloth and leave to dry.


Get rid of the smell of urine on the mattress is quite realistic, if you act quickly. But even ingrained contamination can be removed by improvised means, giving the mattress a pristine look.

The video in this article describes in detail the process of removing contaminants of this kind from any surfaces. And in the comments I'm waiting for your questions and comments.

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