How to feed the dill, if it grows poorly

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video As a rule, this question does not even arise: what to feed dill? The culture grows poorly with various unfavorable factors, of which fertilizing is in last place. The crop is harvested after about a month after scattering seeds, the removal of elements from the area is small — during this time, there is no shortage of nutrients in fertile soil, fertilized since autumn or when sown. The answer to the question: “why is the dill not growing in the garden” - ignoring the cultural characteristics described below.

Choosing a Place

Dill - light-loving culture. Growing up in the shade leads to pale, flimsy, sprawling plants. Therefore, when sowing in the winter on the windowsill, it is advisable to illuminate. With a long light day blooms faster. Another possible reason why dill grows poorly is too acidic soil. But liming under this culture leads to the reddening of plants, calcium-containing substances are introduced under the precursors.

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A friable, fertile soil is desirable. The plant is undemanding to the ground, it grows poorly except on sand or clay. Cold resistant. The critical period for moisture is the emergence of shoots. If there is not enough water at this time, watering is needed.

Nuances to consider when sowing

A special feature of dill, like other umbrella ones, is the presence of essential oils in the seeds. They serve as inhibitors: do not give quickly germinate. Their presence is due to the delay between sowing and emergence of shoots. At the same time there is moisture and nutrients. But weed seeds do not have such a delay. ..

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How to quickly grow dill? The answer is simple - to speed up germination, for this you need to wash the inhibitors from the seeds. There are several excellent ways to speed up the emergence of dill seeds:

  • Bubbling. This is the way of aeration of seeds in water. Agricultural production uses air or oxygen. At home, you can keep the seeds for 2–3 hours in the water with the aquarium aerator on.
  • Soak in vodka for 15 minutes, followed by rinsing and drying to flowability.
  • Pre-soak and germinate seeds, an excellent result, but troublesome.

Germinated seeds can be sown only in moist soil!

Dill sown in dry soil quietly waiting for the rain, and then rises. And germinated and sown in dry land are dying. ..

Sow sprouted seeds carefully to avoid breaking off the sprouts.

Sown before winter, spring, summer. It is more convenient to do this in several stages - for fresh greenery for the whole season. In autumn sowing, the inhibitors will be washed out of the seeds during the wintering period, the crop will grow as soon as the air temperature allows, and they can even not be covered with soil.

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When sowing in rows do not groove, but the strip. Chopper conduct a line in the width of the cutting tool. We scatter the seeds across the entire strip, and then we close them up with a rake. Depth - 2-3 cm. From the emerged shoots we pull out the plants entirely as needed. Thus, we combine weeding and getting green. And since the plants are sown by stripe, pulling out does not harm the roots of neighboring plants.

In a different way, recently bred fennel varieties are grown. Its peculiarity is the additional growth of stems from the leaf bosoms, which leads to enlarged and thickened plants, large bush sizes, increased yield and lengthening of the vegetation period. Such fennel seeds grown from seedlings.

Another way how to grow dill in the summer is to scatter the seeds in the vacant areas of the garden or between rarely growing other crops. At the same time you should not count on lush dense plants, but we get a harvest without allocating additional space for dill.

When harvesting seeds for subsequent dispersal, in terms of area, sowing, you can not even thresh them from umbrellas. We tear ripened inflorescences together with a top and, having connected, we store till time of use. When it is needed - we take the received button and beat, wave, pull it over the places chosen by the garden.

It is possible to purchase seeds not in specialized stores, but in pharmacies, where it is sold as medicine. It turns out cheaper, but without quality assurance. We look at the release date and buy last year’s, although the 2-3 year olds usually have a great similarity.

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Fertilizing dill crops

We add nitrogen in the form of mullein or weed tincture. To obtain it, we throw the weeds into a barrel with water, a real liquid, we water the garden. It is convenient and efficient to dissolve a small amount of nitrate or complex fertilizer in irrigation water.

There are situations when there are not enough other batteries. For example, potassium deficiency is common in peatlands and copper from trace elements. But dill is an undemanding crop, fresh for a long time not stored, and it is nitrogen that affects the growth of the vegetative mass. We feed with any nitrogen fertilizer: saltpeter( there are 4 of them), urea, ammonia water and anhydrous ammonia. Ammonia and ammonia water are rarely used in small farms due to the difficulty of working with them.

It is convenient to apply complex fertilizers where other nutrients are present: potassium nitrate, ammophos, diammophos, nitrophosphate, ammonium orthophosphate and others. But do not make higher doses in the hope of rapid growth of greenery: this increases the content of nitrates, which are harmful to health.

We hope the tips in the article will help you learn how to grow a good dill and the garden will give you a generous harvest.

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