The wash linoleum - 8 purchased and home cleaning products and tools to choose from


  • 1 Most industrial and domestic floor cleaning methods
    • 1.1 3 industrial cleaners
    • 1.2 5 recipes as wash linoleum without Industrial Chemistry
  • 2 We select the optimum mop
  • 3 findings
Not to harm the linoleum, it is necessary to choose the right cleaning fluid and even mopNot to harm the linoleum, it is necessary to choose the right cleaning fluid and even mop

Linoleum - a coating which can be damaged by aggressive cleaning agents and correctly matched equipment (brushes, mops). Together, let us examine what cleaning fluid is better to buy and what to wash linoleum - to the floor glistened. I also describe the best homemade recipes that will help get rid of different types of pollution.

Most industrial and domestic floor cleaning methods

Linoleum disinfection and cleaning can be used as purchased, and home remedies. We will examine the best ways to clean this floor covering, by means of which will be easy to keep clean.

Forget aggressive cleaning methods - better to choose a 'soft' emulsion and a brush or spongeForget aggressive cleaning methods - better to choose a 'soft' emulsion and a brush or sponge

3 industrial cleaners

For quality of cleaning is better to use special tools, they make it much easier wet cleaning.

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If aggressive substance, it is better to dilute it with plain water. And not to spoil the appearance and color of the material, check how it affects bought liquid, causing it to 10-15 minutes on an invisible section.

Among the industrial resources better to choose is not universal, and it is intended for linoleumAmong the industrial resources better to choose is not universal, and it is intended for linoleum

The better to wash the floors of linoleum - consider the store of goods:

Picture purchased funds
RM 754 from Karcher

If you do clean your hands, then you will need about 30 ml of liquid for 3 liters of water.

Wipe mop / cloth soaked in the solution, the whole surface, and means leave for 5 minutes. After the coating is needed again rinsed clean with warm water.


This cleanser is suitable for regular use. A bucket of water takes about 150-250 ml.

Conveniently, after the wet cleaning with HG further washed with clean water is not necessary.


If you are looking for something to wash linoleum flooring from dirt and protect it from stubborn stains, use MELLERUD. It is suitable for frequent cleaning.

Before washing, it is important to carefully sweep the floor. A bucket of water you need to take 125 ml of detergent, it is better if the water is warm.

To care for linoleum does not harm the skin of your hands, wear rubber gloves during each cleaning. Especially if you are using schelochesoderzhaschie means.

5 recipes as wash linoleum without Industrial Chemistry

I want to tell you about a few ways to clean at home. To do this, you need ingredients that everyone has in the house. General cleaning price get low, and you can get rid of even stubborn or greasy stains.

Photos: homemade recipes to help cope even with stubborn stainsPhotos: homemade recipes to help cope even with stubborn stains

How to wash linoleum from dirt in the home:

Picture And guide means
Recipe 1. Laundry soap

In a bucket of warm water (about 10 liters) of a solution of 100-150 grams of conventional soap. It is best to use warm water.

Wipe the first spot with a cloth soaked with soapy water, and then wipe the surface dry.

Recipe 2. Dishwashing liquid

It should be used, if the floor were greasy stains, this method is particularly useful in the kitchen.

The bucket of warm water sufficient to add 2-3 drops of liquid for washing, and walk mop dipped in this solution. After washing the floors need to be further purified ordinary water.

Recipe 3. Petrol

This aggressive method with the only point, if, for example, to draw a floor marker.

With a cloth soaked in gasoline, remove the stain and then wipe it with warm water usual. Also, gasoline helps to get rid of stubborn dirt.

Recipe 4. Mastic

To cover longer looked like new, immediately after laying rub its mastic. It also can be used to update the old linoleum.

Recipe 5. Milk

Still it is possible to prepare an emulsion to make the linoleum gloss - just mix milk and water in a ratio of 1 to 1. Then wash the floor, moistening the sponge in this solution.

After the usual wet cleaning, you can rub the floor with linseed oil. This creates a protective film, and the coating will absorb less dirt and greaseAfter the usual wet cleaning, you can rub the floor with linseed oil. This creates a protective film, and the coating will absorb less dirt and grease

We select the optimum mop

Linoleum is very easy to scratch. Therefore, the mop should not be scratching elements. This applies not only sponges, but also of fixing elements:

  1. If you selected a broom with a non-slip coating, You can buy a mop with a pile of plastic. It will help get rid of even stubborn dirt and does not harm the surface. It is also convenient to use today's popular foam swab.
Sponge becomes soft after soaking, so gently and thoroughly cleans the floor.Sponge becomes soft after soaking, so gently and thoroughly cleans the floor.
  1. If you use a steam cleaner. You must select a mode in which to cover will not affect a very high temperature. Some models of steam cleaners is filling in the form of a mop, which is convenient wipe floors.
Karcher sc3000 qualitatively purify vapor coating, while not harm himKarcher sc3000 qualitatively purify vapor coating, while not harm him


I told him about the store bought and home remedies that will help keep clean linoleum, and share tips on care of it. Now it's your turn to open their cleaning of the coating in the comments. A visual tips for linoleum care - in the video in this article.

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