How to remove the smell from the carpet: 5 reasons of flavor and 5 recipes for its removal


  • 1 Sources of odors and means to address them
    • 1.1 The occurrence of odor: 5 Reasons
    • 1.2 We carry out carpet cleaning: 5 recipes
  • 2 additional recommendations
  • 3 Finally
To understand what to do with an unpleasant aroma emanating from the carpet, you need to identify the cause of its occurrenceTo understand what to do with an unpleasant aroma emanating from the carpet, you need to identify the cause of its occurrence

If you have pets or you just purchased a new carpet, a problem with an unpleasant "aroma" of flooring you are familiar firsthand. I can assure you, this is easily fixed, important to know which tools can be used. Today I will share with you the tricks, how to remove the unpleasant smell from the carpet in the home.

Sources of odors and means to address them

To select the cleaner cover, you must identify the source of the unpleasant odor.

The occurrence of odor: 5 Reasons

Before turning to the funds, which will be the answer to the question "how to get rid of the smell in the carpet?", To identify the causes that can cause unpleasant odor. They are few, and in this list you'll find a familiar situation for themselves.

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The main reasons for the formation of odors are: the new cover, ammonia discharge, tobacco and moldThe main reasons for the formation of odors are: the new cover, ammonia discharge, tobacco and mold

So, the major sources of nasty odors include the following:

Picture The causes of odor
table_pic_att14939150292 Reason 1. The aroma of the new carpet.

With it the easiest way to manage, because after a short period of time the smell of a new oriental carpet just disappears (I do not take into account the cheap products of unknown origin).

table_pic_att14939150333 Reason 2. Ammonia emissions.

Pets (mostly dogs and cats) unseasoned to the tray - another popular cause of unpleasant odor.

table_pic_att14939150344 Reason 3. Tobacco.

If you smoke in the apartment, then be prepared for the inevitable appearance of the unpleasant aroma of tobacco on the floor covering, and other surfaces in the house.

table_pic_att14939150355 Reason 4. Wash.

How would it not sound paradoxical, but the situation when after washing the carpet stinks quite common. This can happen if you spread a carpet until it is completely dry.

table_pic_att14939150376 Reason 5. Mold.

Elevated levels of moisture or occurrence of mold on the walls and floor will invariably result in the formation of off-flavors in the product.

Get rid of the smell of dampness in the carpet is quite difficult, but still possible.

We carry out carpet cleaning: 5 recipes

How to remove the smell from the carpet? Of course, this can be done using special cleaning agents or cleaning, but the price of such assets / services is quite high.

I suggest to try at least equally effective, but definitely cheaper options:

Illustration instruction
table_pic_att14939150407 Method 1. Liquid soap

Get rid of the weak odor of the carpet will help ordinary liquid soap.

Dilute tablespoon agent per liter of water, the resulting solution grease carpet.

Wait a few minutes and blot the treated area with a napkin.

table_pic_att14939150428 Method 2. Soda

Print the smell out of the carpet at home will help remedy that exists for any kitchen.

Dilute soda water to form a thick paste.

Apply the mixture on the surface, and after 15 minutes, remove it with a dry towel. This option will help to clean the carpet by the smell of urine.

table_pic_att14939150459 Method 3. Hydrogen peroxide and dishwashing detergent

It helps remove the smell of vomit uncomplicated product developed with hydrogen peroxide and normal dishwashing detergent.

Mix the ingredients in equal proportions and spread them a little water.

To get rid of odor vomiting on the carpet, apply the resulting paste to the surface, scrub brush and rinse it with running water.

table_pic_att149391504610 Method 4. Iodine

To get rid of the smell of ammonia in the dark Palacio, dissolve in 10 liters of water 20 drops of iodine.

Then you just need to treat the surface of the solution and wait until it dries.

table_pic_att149391504611 Method 5. Potassium permanganate and vinegar

Chemical odors will help remove cooked with his own hands a weak solution of vinegar and potassium permanganate (pale pink).

Pour it into a spray bottle and spray the surface of the carpet. Allow the liquid to dry, then vacuum the product.

additional recommendations

How to remove the smell from the carpet, I told you. Now I want to share additional recommendations that will make it easier to clean the floor covering.

  • Choosing the right tools. For carpet cleaning may be used broom and brush. Yet the vacuum cleaner is the most effective tool.
High-quality vacuum cleaner eliminates the carpet from dirt and dust better than a brush and broomHigh-quality vacuum cleaner eliminates the carpet from dirt and dust better than a brush and broom
  • Determine the type of coating. Choosing Carpet cleaners, always pay attention to the material from which they are made. For instance, products from wool hardly endure wet cleaning and the cleaning effect of the vacuum cleaner.
  • dry them quickly. To your coverage dried up as soon as possible, you can resort to using a conventional dryer.
  • Do not forget about ventilation. You need to periodically hang the carpet in the sun, so you will be able to prevent the formation of mold on it.
Regular carpet drying in the sun as in the photo on it will prevent mold and mildewRegular carpet drying in the sun as in the photo on it will prevent mold and mildew


Now you understand how to get the smell of the carpet without the need for expensive dry cleaning or household chemicals. You just have to choose the most appropriate method and try it in practice.

Do not forget to share your results in the comments. Also be sure to check out the video in this article - there you will find many more tips.

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