What better to wash laminate flooring: choose the tools and detergents


  • 1 Which laminate flooring can be cleaned
  • 2 As you wash laminate?
    • 2.1 Before you wash ...
    • 2.2 How to clean laminate - cloth or mop?
    • 2.3 Using special equipment
  • 3 How do I remove stains?
  • 4 conclusion
Laminate - capricious coating which does not tolerate moisture overabundanceLaminate - capricious coating which does not tolerate moisture overabundance

It so happened that in different rooms we have a different laminate. After a few years of operation, I began to notice that with the same care laminate floor in one room looks like new, and the other is clearly poistrepalsya. It is obvious that the case as a coating. But not only.

If I were the first days of thought on how to clean laminate, depending on its type, this problem would not have arisen. But now I know it and I will consider in the future. And those who prefer to learn not to on their own and others' mistakes, can share their knowledge and experience.

Which laminate flooring can be cleaned

If you know how, you can wash all kinds of flooring. But some survive only touch a well-wrung cloth and others and steam cleaner for floors uneasy.

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Think about quitting should be more at the time of purchase of the laminate by selecting it in the degree of water resistance and a method of installation:

  1. Humidity resistance. The higher the grade the laminate, the higher its resistance to moisture, abrasion, and other influences. When you purchase is necessary to pay attention to the symbols on the packaging. Different manufacturers may vary, so for decoding badges in case of doubt, better to turn to the seller.

About moisture resistance often say three drops or faucet with a drop. As well as the inscription «Aqua Resist» or «Aqua-Protect». Typically, such coatings price is higher. But they can be laid in the kitchen and even in the bathroom.

Decoding of the most common symbols for laminateDecoding of the most common symbols for laminate
  1. laying instructions. When laying the "seam in seam" or adhesive between the panels are slit, in which water gets when you wash the floor. More reliable lock connection, especially if the locks are treated with wax.
Joints before laying the laminate can be treated with their hands vlagoottalkivayuschey special trainsJoints before laying the laminate can be treated with their hands vlagoottalkivayuschey special trains

Of course, any packages we are not saved, so now learn the properties of your laminate can not. Just remember that in one of the rooms took a budget option on the sale. So he was very moody.

Thus behaves waterproof laminate by incorrect care: it from moisture and swells stratifiedThus behaves waterproof laminate by incorrect care: it from moisture and swells stratified

In such cases, in order to understand whether it is possible to wash the laminate with water, I can advise to conduct an experiment. If there is a scrap - plentifully moisten it and look at the changes after some time. If scraps left - wet floor in an inconspicuous area. For example, under the bed.

The most vulnerable places - the joints between the panelsThe most vulnerable places - the joints between the panels

If the material bulges or deformed, so it can not be washed, you can just wipe with a cloth wrung out well. And especially do not use washing vacuum cleaner or a steam cleaner for laminate.

As you wash laminate?

Even if you are confident in the water resistance of its surface and in its high-quality assembly, all the same questions remain to care. After all, anyway, and this material is made of wood, which needs a special approach.

Therefore, you should consider whether it is possible to wash the laminate steam cleaner or wet vacuum, it is possible to use cleaning products and that it is better - cloth or mop?

Let's investigate. But first, a few words about what should be preceded by wet cleaning.

Before you wash ...

Moisture is a floor covering protects the laminated top layer. If it is damaged - scratched or abraded - protection falls.

A scratch it can be not only the legs of chairs or heels, but also entered a shoe with street sand, dried bread crumbs and other debris. If it is not removed, and immediately begin to rub the floor with a cloth, it will work like sandpaper.

Spread the mat at the threshold, it will delay the street sweepingsSpread the mat at the threshold, it will delay the street sweepings

So whatever you choose for wet cleaning, you must first perform the dry. Manual recommends using a conventional broom or vacuum cleaner with a soft brush to remove surface dust and abrasive particles.

Before washing the floors need sweeping ...Before washing the floors need sweeping ...
... or vacuumed... or vacuumed

How to clean laminate - cloth or mop?

Mop or cloth - no difference. The main thing that was left on the floor a lot of water. Therefore, choosing which is better to wash cloth laminate or which nozzle to use for a mop, it is necessary to give preference to those materials which absorbs water and squeezed. This may be a microfiber and sponge, and a common economic fabric.

For washing soft laminate should be used, well water absorbent materialsFor washing soft laminate should be used, well water absorbent materials

Wash water can be normal or to add it means that impart gloss coating. And some more and it creates a protective film.

  1. prepare a solution of. Means for washing the water is added according to the instruction. Typically, the role of the measuring cup serves cap.
  2. moistened cloth. After wetting it should be well overcome.
  3. wipe. I do not wash with a damp cloth and wipe it with a damp. This is enough to remove the dirt with a smooth surface.
Wash the floor using special means also cleans the surfaceWash the floor using special means also cleans the surface
  1. Wash off with clean water. The technology is the same, only a cloth moisten in clean water, often changing it. Here note, if you use special means to shine and the formation of the protective film, they can not be washed off. This is done only when using detergent compositions, leaving the floor after drying whitish stains. Therefore, always read the instructions carefully.
Lather may leave stains on the floorLather may leave stains on the floor

On detergents should focus.

Many flooring manufacturers produce related goods to them. Including a special chemistry, and even care tools. These include such well known companies as Egger, Tarkett, Quick-Step, EPI, Parafloor, Alloc, Pergo.

Set for care of a laminate of the Quick-StepSet for care of a laminate of the Quick-Step

They can be bought in specialty stores, and used for other purposes without fear of damaging the coating.

There are commercially available and non-proprietary detergents designed specifically for the care of the laminate. Among them:

  • Emsal Laminate. Production - Germany. Liquid soap-based, eliminating contamination of fresh and old, imparts luster and floors creates temporary protection from dirt.
  • Mellerud. Swedish effective tool to remove dirt and grease, as well as many other kinds of pollution.
  • Mister proper. Through advertising, known even to those who have never washed the floors and does not intend to do so. But a really good tool, suitable for different coatings did not leave any trace.
Photo of some funds for cleaning laminate flooringPhoto of some funds for cleaning laminate flooring

They are also not able to harm the floors, if strictly follow recommendations for application. But cheap formulations of unknown origin, or other purposes (e.g., liquid dishwashing or laundry detergents), capable. And if you decide to use them, you must first test on an inconspicuous area of ​​the floor.

But it is better not to risk it. If special equipment at hand is not, instead you can use an ordinary household vinegar - one tablespoon at half a bucket of water. Such a solution and will wash well and give luster.

Vinegar solution well washes and disinfects floorsVinegar solution well washes and disinfects floors

Using special equipment

To answer the question whether it is possible to wash the laminate or steam mop steam cleaner, you need to know all about the quality of the coating. If it is not water-resistant and laid without sealing joints - definitely not.

Steam mop for laminate should be used sparingly and with cautionSteam mop for laminate should be used sparingly and with caution

But even the most high quality laminate with waxed locks to clean these devices need to meet certain precautions. Because the hot steam is supplied under pressure, and it can hurt. I would recommend to heed the following tips:

  • Instead of accompanying the use of steam cleaners napkins folded in two old towel;
  • Do not apply steam continuously. And if there is a possibility of power supply settings, choose the minimum;
  • Try not to use too much steam generators.

If there is a choice: washing vacuum cleaner or a steam cleaner, it is better to give preference to a vacuum cleaner. But this, which has good suction power and immediately removes sprayed liquid, without letting it affect the surface.

Cleaning laminate wet vacuum will pass quickly and efficientlyCleaning laminate wet vacuum will pass quickly and efficiently

The instructions for such devices manufacturers usually indicate the area of ​​application. If in doubt again, I can advise to conduct its own test on a separate panel or in an inconspicuous place.

By the way, my cheap laminate began to lose kind of right after purchase Karcher steam cleaner. A cover he did not hurt in the other room.

Hot steam readily penetrates the joints and harm the coatingHot steam readily penetrates the joints and harm the coating

So we come back to the fact that the cleaning method should be chosen based on the type and quality of the laminate.

How do I remove stains?

Wash the floor from ordinary household dirt simple. But what to do if spots which cleaners can be applied? It depends on the type of pollution:

  • Traces of the marker pen, nail polish is removed with acetone, mineral spirits or a liquid for washing the windows on alcoholic basis. Agent is applied to the stain swab and immediately wipe with a soft light fabric.
Window cleaners to cope with most of the spots on the laminateWindow cleaners to cope with most of the spots on the laminate
  • Black traces of shoes can erase eraser or school wash solution of baking soda.
  • The solidified wax, grease or gum gently scraped spatula. Before that, they can put a bag of ice. If the cleaning process has not turned out to do without scratches, they should cover up a special putty or wax for wood flooring, matched in tone.
Scratches on the laminate can be repaired special puttyScratches on the laminate can be repaired special putty
  • Spots of blood is also best removed spray for washing windows. After treatment, the blood stain spray to erase with a soft cloth.

But it is better not to use in such cases - it ammiakosoderzhaschie compositions. Since they blots, perhaps cope, but the protective film is also soluble.

And most importantly: if you spilled something on the floor, whether it be water, tea, juice, wine or other liquid, it should immediately wipe until it has penetrated into the joints.

Spilled water from the laminate remove as quickly as possibleSpilled water from the laminate remove as quickly as possible


As you can see, nothing complicated in the care of the laminate is not. You just need to take into account its features and try harder not to wet coating, if it is not water-resistant. It is best to use a cloth or mop and special means. If the floor material is durable and laid locking way, it can be connected to the cleaning and special equipment.

Learn more about all of this - in the video in this article. And if you have something to disagree or have questions, you are welcome in the comments or in the forum.

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