Water supply of private country house of the well, the best ways and schemes

One of the most popular options for water supply in a private home - use well water. Compared with the well costs for the well device look quite moderate. And the operation is known from ancient times the construction much easier.

Over time, carry water in buckets home bored, and the idea to channel water from the well of a country house look more attractive. It remains only to find out the nuances of this process and begin to translate bold plans. Especially as some artisans managed to dig a deep well almost alone.

We invite you to read the rules and characteristics of the water supply system of the device from the well to the water taps in the house. You will learn how and what schemes are assembled water circuit. For a visual perception of the text we put photos, diagrams and videos.

The content of the article:

  • Pros and cons of "manhole" option
  • What makes a good well?
  • Variants of the organization of well water
    • Option # 1 - system with storage tank
    • Embodiment # 2 - a water pump station
  • Outdoor and indoor plumbing
  • instagram viewer
  • Plumbing systems
    • Step # 1 - set pump and storage tank
    • Step # 2 - connect pump station
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Pros and cons of "manhole" option

Before the start of this ambitious project should evaluate its pros and cons. In addition to the relatively low construction costs, it is worth noting the possibility to use a well even blackouts, just picking up a bucket of water. In addition, for the well do not need permission, you can just dig in a suitable place.

But do not leave without attention and some of the problems associated with water supply from wells. The water in the upper layer of high quality rare case that invariably affect the operation of the equipment. For technical purposes it is quite acceptable, but for drinking and cooking is usually not suitable.

To provide a home with clean water, will have to dig pretty deep well. In contrast to the well borehole needs regular cleaning, which should be carried out once or twice a year. To improve the quality of well water, it is recommended to establish a reliable system of filters.

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Well with wooden chopped mine

The oldest version of the strengthening of the mine pit walls is the construction of a log house

Chopped trunk water wells

Often Now sump frame made of beams or plates, connecting elements in paw without bypass

Concrete rings in the construction of wells

The easiest and most flexible solution to strengthen the walls of the mine water intake generation - the use of concrete or w / w rings

Well laid out with rubble stone mine

Much more difficult and longer it carried out the construction of the well stem from a brick or a stone quarry

well structure made of concrete rings

The size and shape of the concrete, and w / w elements allows the construction of the well shaft in a few days

Formwork for casting concrete rings

Concrete ring, if desired, and in order to save his own can be cast. For this we need to make the formwork of steel sheet or boards, connected with twine

Internal water supply network at home

To automate the water intake from the well or require pumping station with a submersible pump system. For the formation of water storage tank is needed or storage

Filtered fine and coarse

The inner part of the water supply system must provide filtration devices of fine and coarse cleaning. Filters provide training for drinking water and protect the unit from clogging

Well with wooden chopped mine

Well with wooden chopped mine

Chopped trunk water wells

Chopped trunk water wells

Concrete rings in the construction of wells

Concrete rings in the construction of wells

Well laid out with rubble stone mine

Well laid out with rubble stone mine

well structure made of concrete rings

well structure made of concrete rings

Formwork for casting concrete rings

Formwork for casting concrete rings

Internal water supply network at home

Internal water supply network at home

Filtered fine and coarse

Filtered fine and coarse

Contamination of flood and sewage - a familiar problem for a number of owners of the wells. To avoid this, special protective measures are needed. Another problem - the seasonal changes in groundwater levels, it can be very significant.

Sometimes appearance at the well site alters the character proleganiya groundwater beneath the surface portion so that it can receive the threat to the integrity of the foundation. To prevent such a problem, it is necessary to consult with a specialist, or discuss the situation with the neighbors, who already have a well.

What makes a good well?

To begin, choose a place for the well. It must meet several requirements:

  • located in a position where the aquifer is located as close as possible to the surface;
  • as close as possible to the house;
  • to be removed to a considerable distance from potential sources of contamination: cesspools, places Pet, etc.

If such a location is selected, you can start work. In the process of significant amounts of soil will be removed. In order not to pollute the land, should take care of a suitable site for the excavated earth. For example, it can be used to improve the homestead relief.

Concrete rings for wells

The walls of modern wells often strengthened by concrete rings, because it is the fastest and relatively inexpensive way to perform all the necessary work

For the formation of the walls of the well using a variety of materials: brick, stone, logs, etc. But the vast majority of modern wells are made of concrete rings.

It's affordable and relatively inexpensive material, is very robust and easy for installation. Of course, the gap between the rings carefully sealed and coated with waterproofing materials.

Well of concrete rings

Concrete ring for the well must be of high quality, which will ensure their continued operation and high quality of the water supplied to the house

When choosing rings for the well should consider a few important points:

  • use special concrete rings for wells that were not used;
  • remember that cheap ring, especially previously used, exhibit reduced strength and resource may have contaminants which affect the quality of well water;
  • unacceptable use of the ring with cracks or other technical disadvantages;
  • Taking delivered to the ring object to measure their height and other parameters of their own tape, especially if the well structure entrusted brigade, which is paid depending on the number rings.

Another important point - the debit of the well, ie, the amount of water that can be obtained in a short period of time. To determine this index of water is pumped and then measure its volume.

To do well from concrete rings, digging the mine, which is gradually lowered rings, placing them on each other. correct installation check a plumb. It should also ensure that the mine was quite spacious and flat.

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The construction of the well with their hands

Step 1: Concrete pit with a technical purpose water can dig and build their own hands

Handwritten digging a well shaft

Step 2: easy to develop soil: sandy loam, sand, gravel and pebble deposits, loam shovel destroyed without problems

Installation of concrete rings in shaft

Step 3: The concrete ring subcategory to generate the edge, it is inverted and face down with some force into the shaft

Tripod for lifting soil and rings

Step 4: To facilitate the solid muscular effort, it is desirable to build a tripod with a block at the top. With it easier to extract the bucket with the ground and lower rings

Verifying the installation of rings

Step 5: After the installation of each ring its position should be checked building level and plumb

Strengthening of connections of concrete rings

Step 6: Installed in the shaft concrete rings necessary bonding between a metal straps and seal joints

Pumping water from the production of a water carrier at a burial

Step 7: After reaching the aquifer work should continue with the pumping of water from the bottom

Entering the water pipe into the well

Step 8: After completing the construction of the mine of concrete rings, proceed to connect water supply, commissioning of which must be lower than the seasonal freezing of the soil

The construction of the well with their hands

The construction of the well with their hands

Handwritten digging a well shaft

Handwritten digging a well shaft

Installation of concrete rings in shaft

Installation of concrete rings in shaft

Tripod for lifting soil and rings

Tripod for lifting soil and rings

Verifying the installation of rings

Verifying the installation of rings

Strengthening of connections of concrete rings

Strengthening of connections of concrete rings

Pumping water from the production of a water carrier at a burial

Pumping water from the production of a water carrier at a burial

Entering the water pipe into the well

Entering the water pipe into the well

already there is a well on the site? This does not mean that you can immediately buy pumps. First, you must check for compliance with the design requirements for the supply of private homes of the well, the depth, debit, etc.

In any case it is necessary to carry out cleaning before installing the system. If you want to deepen an existing well, the water is pumped out, the mine deepens and strengthens its walls concrete smaller rings.

Variants of the organization of well water

There are two common home water supply scheme from the well, via the storage tank or the pump station. In the first case, a special container, which by means of a suitable pump supplied water.

From the storage tank the water enters the water system of the house. In the second case, a pumping station with a tank-pressure accumulator and an automatic control system. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages, the choice should be made depending on the situation.

Option # 1 - system with storage tank

Storage tank should be installed as high as possible. Usually choose a suitable location on the top floor, or place it in the attic. If the attic is not heated, it is necessary to insulate the storage tank, or water in the winter it may just freeze.

The higher the pot, the greater will be the pressure in the water supply network at home. In addition to the tank will need pump - submersible or surface.

Scheme water storage tank

The diagram clearly shows an embodiment of a system arrangement of independent water private home with a storage tank, and a submersible pump

However, it should be remembered that such a system usually provides a minimum acceptable pressure readings. Each meter water column heights will give approximately 0.1 atm. pressure in the system.

Pump with which the tank is filled with water, can be incorporated manually or automate its operation. In any case it is necessary to provide for the installation of special tube, which protects the tank from overfilling.

Submersible pump for well

Submersible pump house provides a sufficient amount of water and thus operates almost silently. When using surface models need protection from excessive noise

a storage tank system is good because the house had stockpiled large amounts of water, which can be used normally, even if the supply of power to the pump for some reason terminated.

In addition, the cost of such water supply is not so small. But the main disadvantage of such a system - the relatively low pressure in the water. And the owners of the house is not possible to change this figure arbitrarily.

Embodiment # 2 - a water pump station

The pump station is a device in which a combined pump, accumulator and automatic switchControlling the operation of the pump.

If supply water to the water immediately after its intake pump, the equipment will be activated every time the house someone uses water. Of course, in such circumstances, any pumps soon breaks down.

When using a pumping device station is included only in order to fill the accumulator tank, when the amount of water in it reaches a minimum level. Once the tank is full, switch automatically turns off the pump. Again he turned on only after the tank is emptied, etc.

Pumping station can assemble their own, but are commercially available ready-made units with different characteristics and at very affordable prices. They complement both submersible and surface pumps of different capacity.

It should be remembered that in case of failure of the submersible pump, it would first have to get a fairly significant depth. But with superficial models there is another problem - they are very noisy.

Pumping station for the well

, The order of connection which is shown in the scheme to ensure the water supply of private homes from the well during the year, it is better to choose a pump station

this pumping station it is best to put as far away from home. Or need to be concerned about the additional soundproofing rooms, when the equipment will be installed in the house.

The pumping station - the device is not too much, a lot of space so the unit will not take. But accumulator capacity too small, so power outages of water almost immediately cease to flow into the system, you will have to use a bucket on a rope.

Choosing the right pump station should pay attention to the capacity of the equipment, the height of the water supply, the performance of the unit, as well as the amount of membrane tank - accumulator. Additionally, make sure that the unit is equipped with protection systems from overheating and dry running.

The choice of the pumping station

When selecting a suitable pumping station should consider its capacity and efficiency, as well as the storage capacity of the tank, the material from which it is made, and a control system

In commercially available devices with manual, automatic and even a remote control, with their own wishes need to be defined in advance in this regard.

For permanent use, usually choosing a fully automated system, but to testify, which is used only in the summer, it is quite suitable inexpensive equipment with manual control.

The power and performance of the pumping station are determined by the need for water. So, for a small garden would be enough for the device with a capacity of 600-1000 l / h, but for a private house, in which constantly family of four lives, it makes sense to choose a more powerful device - 3000-6000 l / h.

The greater the volume accumulator, the less discomfort will cause a power outage because the system will have more of the water. But this station and will cost more, and set it to be a bit more complicated.

At the price effect and the material from which the tank is made. Plastic is cheaper, and iron, wherein an increased service life, more expensive. The presence of the protective systems are also significantly affects the price, but to abandon them and to risk expensive equipment unreasonable.

Valuable advice on the choice of the pumping station for arranging suburban area, you will find another popular article our website.

Outdoor and indoor plumbing

If the choice is between a storage tank and pumping station is made, it is time to proceed with the necessary set of works. Regardless of the chosen system needed to perform the installation of the plumbing system, namely its outer and inner parts.

Outside should dig the trench in such a way to lay pipe below the freezing ground in this particular area. In this respect the slope of 3 cm per meter line.

Insulation of water pipes

For warming water pipe located above ground level, it can be used as a conventional rock wool, and modern insulation materials

Pipe in the area above the horizon frost before entering the house be sure to warm. In those cases where the pipe is laid above the horizon seasonal freezing, the problem is solved by a heating cable. In the trench under the pipeline which is to place electrical cable pump. If it is not long enough, the cable can "build".

But charging this operation is best experienced electrician, as in the case of failure will have to carry out large-scale earthworks, or even completely replace the spoiled part of the equipment.

For outdoor water supply well suited Plastic tubes. The trench is supplied to the well, a hole is made, through which it is introduced into the pipe wall. A branch pipe inside the well by means of increasing the fittings, which together provide the necessary stability for water-section current.

If included in the circuit plumbing submersible pump, It is attached to the edge of the pipe and lowered into the well. If will pump water pumping station, equipped with the edge of the pipe filter and check valve.

The distance between the well bottom and the lowest point of the pumping system must be at least one meter to the work machine turbid grains do not fall into it.

The opening around the entrance of pipe carefully sealed with cement mortar. To prevent sand and in mud, the lower end of the pipe give a conventional filter mesh.

The trench for the conduit

For laying the outer portion plumbing should dig a trench of sufficient depth to prevent freezing of pipes in winter

At the bottom of the well drive a long pin. To him attach the tube to securely lock it in position. The other end of the pipe is connected to the accumulator or storage tank, depending on the type of system chosen.

Once the trench is dug around the well should perform lock assembly clay with the following parameters: depth - 40-50 cm, radius - approximately 150 cm. Castle protect well against penetration of snowmelt and groundwater.

In the house water is introduced so that this place was hidden under the floor. To do this partly to dig the foundation to make a hole in it.

Installation of internal water supply can be made of metal pipes, but the owners of country houses are almost always choose the modern plastic construction. They weigh lighter and easier to install them.

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Plastic pipes and fittings for water

The easiest way to construction of internal water supply network is the use of plastic pipes and fittings

Water supply system made of plastic elements

Using a plastic parts factory production, you can collect the water system of any complexity, to connect to the network valves and control valves

Cutting plastic pipes with their own hands

For cutting plastic pipes require a size you can use regular scissors for metal. The main thing that was not on the cut burrs

Soldering plastic pipes for water supply

For connection of plastic pipes, tees, crosses, and other wiring parts used special device - soldering, hereinafter referred to utjuzhkom people. He heats the polymer through the nozzle elements

Plastic pipes and fittings for water

Plastic pipes and fittings for water

Water supply system made of plastic elements

Water supply system made of plastic elements

Cutting plastic pipes with their own hands

Cutting plastic pipes with their own hands

Soldering plastic pipes for water supply

Soldering plastic pipes for water supply

Requires the soldering iron to PVC pipes, through which the pipe ends are heated and securely connected. Such soldering can independently perform even a novice master, but you should get acquainted with the common errors when soldering the PVC pipes to provide a truly reliable connection.

Here are some useful rules:

  • soldering work should be done in a clean room;
  • connection points, as well as the pipe as a whole should be thoroughly cleaned of all contaminants;
  • any moisture from outer and inner pipe part must be thoroughly removed;
  • It should not be long to keep the tube on the soldering iron to avoid overheating;
  • the pipe should be warmed immediately connect and hold the correct position for a few seconds to prevent deformation at the junction;
  • oplyvy and possible excess material is best removed after cooling pipes.

Under these rules get really reliable and durable connection. If the soldering is executed poorly, soon such a connection may leak, leading to the need for large-scale repair work.

Plumbing systems

Some useful general rules will help to build water garden or a cottage in the well:

  • should be related to performance of the pump and the multiplicity gidroobmena the well to the pump equipment did not work in vain, if the water in the well does not have time to gain;
  • as a protective measure should be equipped with automatic pump unit which disconnects the equipment if the system will stop the water flow;
  • when embedding a water pipe entering the wall of the well should give particular attention to safety sealing using multilayer insulation, which includes not only the grout, but also the silicone layer and waterglass;
  • so that in case of equipment failure the water would not go away from the system back into the well, install a special non-return valve;
  • in addition to the strainer at an end of water pipe, is lowered into the well, it is recommended to use additional mechanical cleaning of the filter, which is installed downstream of the pump;
  • Filters should be selected and placed in such a way that it was easy to make them maintenance, such as replacing the cartridges;
  • in the event of an accident is absolutely necessary to provide for the installation of the faucet, which will completely remove water from the system, if the equipment suddenly breaks down.

The easiest way to install the system with storage tank and pump, which is operated manually. When installing and connecting the pumping station should carefully examine the recommendations of the manufacturer and accurately meet them.

Step # 1 - set pump and storage tank

Process mounting system with storage tank relatively simple. You must install the tank, this is commonly used container made of stainless steel or plastic. The more water it can hold, the better, but it should be remembered that this is an additional burden on the floors and foundations.

To relate the carrying capacity of building constructions with the increased load may require engineering calculations. As mentioned earlier, it is recommended to insulate the tank.

Installation of the storage tank

Storage tank may have a different size and configuration. If the capacity is installed in unheated rooms, it must be warm

The second important element of the system - the pump. If the water extraction is performed with a depth of less than 9 meters, it is possible to use a surface self-priming pump. Such models are cheaper and easier to use, but they need to work correctly insulated premises: cellar, laundry room, etc.

Sometimes the utility structure put next to the well. If the depth of the water intake is more than 9 meters deep need a special pump. The wells can be used as vibration and centrifugal models.

Step # 2 - connect pump station

For the pumping station it is also possible to arrange a back room near the well and place it in the house. If you decide to install it below ground level, it is necessary to dig a groove so that all the equipment was located below the frost line. Chamber pump equipment carefully insulated.

first set diaphragm tank and the pump is then connected to the system controlling the relay. It is connected to the water system with a special tap-adapter.

Connection procedure is usually indicated on the cover of the device or in its instructions. Already installed the factory settings are not always suitable for a specific situation, so will almost certainly have to configure the relay in a new way.

Connecting pump station

Pumping station can be placed directly in the ground. This space is necessary to insulate and provide it at not less than 2 degrees Celsius

For pumping station should provide a separate power supply line with an automatic emergency shutdown. After that, the system turned on and check its operation.

Particular attention should be paid to the junction of the elements of the system with water pipes, to eliminate possible leaks immediately.

Installation of pump station

Installation pumping equipment necessary to provide the installation of filters for coarse and fine purification mechanisms that protect against contamination and increase the quality of the water

If the installation of autonomous water supply from own well executed correctly, it will function well for many years. It is only necessary to regularly perform the necessary maintenance: well cleaning, filter replacement, check the automatic control system settings, etc.

A significant part of all the work of skilled craftsmen can perform on their own, but for complex operations such as soldering PVC pipes or electrical connection, it makes sense to hire a specialist.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

The following footage is detailed advice on self-assembly and installation of the pump station:

For a comfortable and stable independent water supply is the most commonly used pump stations. They are reliable and easy to maintain.

a storage tank system is a variant of the water supply with minimum cost and more suitable for temporary, rather than permanent use.

Want to share personal experiences in the water supply device in the suburban area? There were questions during the familiarization with the information provided by us? Leave, please comment.

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